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2018-10-09 16:28:38 UTC

I'm left handed...Is that close enough?

2018-10-09 16:28:49 UTC

If there was alt righters here I'd be Richard Spencer with fist imprints on my face

2018-10-09 16:29:13 UTC

Sure, what bothers you the most ๐Ÿ˜œ

2018-10-09 16:30:10 UTC

well you either buy the special left handed notebooks or suffer with right handed ones....

2018-10-09 16:51:44 UTC

@I Know a Fat Guy that just makes you a stranger. Lol

2018-10-09 16:51:59 UTC

and stranger danger?

2018-10-09 16:52:22 UTC


2018-10-09 16:56:31 UTC

you know I love how great the news is. There was a earthquake thousands dead....yeah and seemingly 0 coverage. No wonder people fucking hate the press.

2018-10-09 17:09:25 UTC

That is awful. I didnโ€™t realize the death toll had gotten that high.

2018-10-09 17:11:20 UTC

its only going to go up. 5k missing

2018-10-09 17:11:51 UTC


2018-10-09 17:12:27 UTC

A hurricane is coming up through the south. I donโ€™t think itโ€™ll do much damage.

2018-10-09 17:12:35 UTC

cat 1

2018-10-09 17:13:07 UTC

shouldn't be a big deal but the rain

2018-10-09 17:15:30 UTC

Yeah. The rain may be an issue. Any news on Venezuela? I think Nikki Haley stepped down for some reason.

2018-10-09 17:16:31 UTC

oh yeah....tons

2018-10-09 17:17:20 UTC

Nikki no idea why she is stepping down who knows with Venz it comes down to where you left off?

2018-10-09 17:19:20 UTC

I left off at the resistance guy โ€œdyingโ€ in jail. I think

2018-10-09 17:20:48 UTC

How far to the left is the Mexican president

2018-10-09 17:20:55 UTC

was it that guy or the previous guy? Maduro has a real knack for inprisoning opposition

2018-10-09 17:21:29 UTC

he was pretty far during the campaign. He is back more center now he is in office

2018-10-09 17:23:16 UTC

I pretty sure he stepped back from the "emigration to the US is a human right"

2018-10-09 17:27:13 UTC

I canโ€™t keep up with the Venezuelan insanity. Itโ€™s so bad and I wish I could help.

Did he really move more center? Mexico could use someone who is more a mix of libertarian and right wing now.

2018-10-09 17:28:39 UTC

well there is economic news there. Their crypto idea flopped. Oil production dropped below 1mil barrel a day level....inflation yadda yadda yadda

2018-10-09 17:29:34 UTC

Itโ€™s both funny and sad that wow money is more valuable.

2018-10-09 17:29:58 UTC

thats how fiat currency works

2018-10-09 17:31:41 UTC

Itโ€™s not *real* socialism of course. Lol

2018-10-09 17:32:42 UTC

actually the best example of real socialism is the Borg from star trek....(Pre-queen)

2018-10-09 17:33:27 UTC

I havenโ€™t watched much Star Trek. Are they hive minded.

2018-10-09 17:33:36 UTC

yes hive mind

2018-10-09 17:34:13 UTC

I've read the complete works of Marx......I'm surprised he is taken as seriously as he is

2018-10-09 17:35:03 UTC

You know that game theory guy matpat? He says that the Star Trek federation is fascist.

2018-10-09 17:35:25 UTC

I need to read the communist manifesto too.

2018-10-09 17:35:41 UTC

Is it just a bunch of nice sounding platitudes?

2018-10-09 17:36:01 UTC

well....its not really that good of book

2018-10-09 17:36:43 UTC

more of this world we are building is great. (Capitalism) but everything should be shared.......And never explains how.....

2018-10-09 17:37:37 UTC

Oh. Sargon said that socialism is a moral principle portrayed as an economic policy.

2018-10-09 17:38:49 UTC

the 2 biggests issues with Marx.......1. He never explains how the economics of his system would work(You think that would be important coming from a "economist")......2. how do you get there....

2018-10-09 17:39:21 UTC

Sargon is basically right although I'm sure he would say he is simplifying it a lot

2018-10-09 17:39:44 UTC

Yeah. I know itโ€™s an oversimplification.

2018-10-09 17:42:41 UTC

Sometimes I canโ€™t tell what Sargon really thinks.

2018-10-09 17:43:59 UTC

Sargon ehhhh. I go back and forth on him....not sure where he really stands on some issues but then again I watch him for more for a take on whats going on in UK and Europe

2018-10-09 17:45:48 UTC


2018-10-09 17:46:13 UTC

Have you ever watched thunderfoot?

2018-10-09 17:46:20 UTC

yes some

2018-10-09 17:46:48 UTC

I don't really understand He and sargons beef

2018-10-09 17:48:44 UTC

I donโ€™t like him that much, but thunderfoot is how I really started understanding the problems with the far left. At first, I couldnโ€™t wrap my head around how a left wing atheist would criticize feminism. I came for the science and left wondering what in the world was going on.

2018-10-09 17:48:57 UTC

Thunderfoot is petty. Thatโ€™s his beef.

2018-10-09 17:49:35 UTC

I watch him de-bunking science stuff. Like the self filling water bottle or the tesla stuff

2018-10-09 17:50:16 UTC

The first video I watched was criticizing the solar freakin roadway. Lol

2018-10-09 17:51:38 UTC

oh yeah the LA paint the streets white plan is failing

2018-10-09 17:52:15 UTC

I watched a few more science ones and then I watched one that criticized Anita sarkesian. I literally stayed up all night watching stuff about gamergate.

2018-10-09 17:52:17 UTC

Paint the streets white?

2018-10-09 17:52:26 UTC

oh you don't know?

2018-10-09 17:52:33 UTC


2018-10-09 17:53:25 UTC

as it turns out road weardown and paint goes away

2018-10-09 17:55:17 UTC

last time I was in LA I went down one of the streets and half the paint was worn away

2018-10-09 17:55:25 UTC

That literally does nothing to reduce emissions.

2018-10-09 17:55:51 UTC

well its LA

2018-10-09 17:57:45 UTC

I care about addressing climate change - heck I even want to buy an electric car - however there are tons of weird bad ideas that people come up with to address it. There are also dozens of authoritarianistic ideas too. Not something I want either

2018-10-09 17:58:23 UTC

A study showed the average tesla owner makes about 600K a year

2018-10-09 17:59:15 UTC

tesla has gotten over 4.5 billion dollars in government subsidies. So we have been paying for rich to have electic cars

2018-10-09 18:00:07 UTC

but the climate change thing. We need to have adult conversations about it.....

2018-10-09 18:00:15 UTC

Yeah. I canโ€™t afford a tesla. I argue with some tesla cult members sometimes. They seriously think that tesla currently has a car for the masses.

2018-10-09 18:01:12 UTC

I agree. Conversations are necessary. I donโ€™t like the censorious behavior of environmental groups. Iโ€™m not pure enough for them.

2018-10-09 18:01:21 UTC

the base price for a model 3 for the masses is about 70K only the highly subsidized model 3 stripped down can get to 30K

2018-10-09 18:01:53 UTC

no one is pure enough for the eco-extremists

2018-10-09 18:02:53 UTC

The model 3 base price is ~49k according to their website.

2018-10-09 18:03:18 UTC

I tryied a few years ago to get with the Sea Shepard people(Whale Wars) too bad one of them caught be eating a hamburger so they knew I wasn't a vegan. (Which I was lying about)

2018-10-09 18:03:33 UTC

A used tesla costs as much as a new car. There are several evs that are way cheaper.

2018-10-09 18:03:49 UTC

Lol. Thatโ€™s hilarious

2018-10-09 18:04:04 UTC

I think hybrids are a better solution. Fuel efficient....

2018-10-09 18:05:02 UTC

Plug in hybrids may be better for the short term, but I believe that full evs will get cheaper in the near future. Tesla is an outlier.

2018-10-09 18:05:18 UTC

I think tesla will go under

2018-10-09 18:06:21 UTC

they don't make a profit in fact been getting worse

2018-10-09 18:06:35 UTC

I donโ€™t know what will happen. I hope they make it, but Iโ€™m still indifferent.

If you want to troll some tesla cult members let me know. I can show you a place.

2018-10-09 18:07:07 UTC

naaa they are easy to find

2018-10-09 18:07:21 UTC

They are everywhere. Lol

2018-10-09 18:08:15 UTC

I spend more time trolling "socialist"

2018-10-09 18:09:17 UTC

I read a green energy news website. Sometimes they publish articles that question tesla, not necessarily critical, and the comments section lights up. Lol

If you support nuclear, they go nuts too.

2018-10-09 18:09:40 UTC

ever notice no one talks about hydro?

2018-10-09 18:10:47 UTC

When they say renewable, they mean wind and solar. Question how much either can be used and youโ€™re anti science.

2018-10-09 18:11:40 UTC

No lie

2018-10-09 18:12:22 UTC

its a cult

2018-10-09 18:13:27 UTC

It is. Thereโ€™s one old guy I argue with who is really steeped in it. He practically gets triggered if you say nuclear may be necessary.

2018-10-09 18:15:58 UTC

They are all far left too. I made a comment one time where I said โ€˜western medicineโ€™ and this guy had some issue with that because science can be practiced by anyone. ๐Ÿคฎ

2018-10-09 18:17:20 UTC

I argued him down into accepting that western values are superior. Lol

2018-10-09 18:18:24 UTC

Its hard sometimes to figuare out who is worth debating with. Cause I only like argueing with people that it is possible to change their mind

2018-10-09 18:20:35 UTC

There are some on this site that are left wing, but might change their minds. The environment is probably the key issue they vote on. (This site also deletes comments questioning climate change)

2018-10-09 18:24:37 UTC

I gave up argueing with those people I just profit off them now

2018-10-09 18:28:18 UTC

Profit off environmentalists?

2018-10-09 18:29:31 UTC

oh yeah

2018-10-09 18:29:57 UTC

they push some program....I know will fail then I can short the stock

2018-10-09 18:30:17 UTC

Hahahahaha. Thatโ€™s so funny.

2018-10-09 18:31:49 UTC

Iโ€™m legitimately worried that environmentalists will become the next sjws.

2018-10-09 18:32:09 UTC

aren't they already?

2018-10-09 18:32:30 UTC

Yeah. To an extent, but Iโ€™m worried it will get worse.

2018-10-09 18:32:44 UTC

its just not in the news. Maybe with the IPCC report

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