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2020-02-10 17:18:37 UTC

@EYEFORKNOWLEDGE156 Yeah, I'll continue to do a mix. I'm just wondering which ones people like the most.

2020-02-10 19:07:32 UTC

@Endeavour your political journey might be a bit eye opening for people who are seeking to shift away from their siding. Mostly because you say things in a way that provoke thought, and the questions you might have had that drew you to your conclusion might be mirroring similarly to what others have questioned themselves.

2020-02-10 20:08:34 UTC

@trux-fortuita I already did a video on that. I used it as an example.

2020-02-10 20:20:27 UTC

@Endeavour I'd like to see more cultural commentary videos.

2020-02-10 21:29:35 UTC

@Endeavouri like All the topics but I think I like your personal experience videos because
1.) You don't have alot if them
2.)the right needs to make more emotional or aesthetic appeal. Because facts and logic don't change people's values and it helps our image

2020-02-11 02:26:01 UTC

@Endeavour I would love to see a video on if religious orthodoxy is a good thing or not. Iโ€™ve come to the conclusion myself but Iโ€™m curious on what everyoneโ€™s thoughts are.

2020-02-11 14:17:04 UTC

@Endeavour I would like to hear your take on religions in videogames, both the ones that actually exist and those just made for the game in question. This topic could be approached from a number of different angles.
Similarly, your view of the political rightwing in videogames would be interesting. A calm comparisson to real life and some background footage for reference and entertainment, i can see this work well. It could introduce new people to nrx ideas.
You probably wouldnt have a problem coming up with games that could be looked at but Im going to suggest The Elder Scrolls, The Witcher, Assassins Creed or Halo anyway.
This would need a fair bit of editing to bring out its full potential though

2020-02-11 15:10:35 UTC

covering Halo would be intersting

2020-02-11 15:13:27 UTC

@Fighting Gold I don't really play video games anymore and I can't really think of religious themes in any games that I've played that are interesting. The only game I can think of that has reactionary themes that I've played is Red Dead Redemption. I also really loved the game Grim Fandango. The story, the setting, and the characters were fantastic, but I don't know where it really stands political. I'll have to play it again.

2020-02-11 15:13:30 UTC

halo was a based protestant uprising against a corrupted clergy

2020-02-11 15:13:54 UTC

@Endeavour metal gear revengence?

2020-02-11 15:14:11 UTC

kojima is just too pretentuis

2020-02-11 15:14:56 UTC

isnt senator armstrong just a caricature of a neocon

2020-02-11 15:15:18 UTC

not really

2020-02-11 15:15:30 UTC

or at least its intelligent

2020-02-11 15:16:06 UTC

you do realise he is meant to be a joke or at least a parody of neocon
and yet despite this people take him literally like liberty prime from fallout 3

2020-02-11 15:16:10 UTC

thats ok then, was just giving my 2 cents

2020-02-11 15:16:26 UTC

@Skellington I played Metal Gear Solid 1-4 about 10 years ago. I loved them, but I'd have to play them again to comment on them.

2020-02-11 15:16:44 UTC

@Endeavour nah im talking about metal gear revengence

2020-02-11 15:17:00 UTC

@Skellington Haven't played that one.

2020-02-11 15:17:34 UTC

@Endeavour its good, and hilarious. the characters are absolutely insane and the combat is fun

2020-02-11 15:18:26 UTC

it has alot of political themes as well

2020-02-11 15:18:43 UTC

and they are not pozzed at least

2020-02-11 15:19:35 UTC

also great music

2020-02-11 15:19:38 UTC

just great music

2020-02-11 15:20:19 UTC
2020-02-11 15:23:00 UTC

its not very long either

2020-02-11 15:23:04 UTC

as long as your skilled

2020-02-11 15:35:06 UTC

I enjoyed the Uncharted games. I'd say the 2nd one had the best gameplay, but the 3rd one had my favourite story. I liked the theme of Father/Son like friendship between Drake and Sully.

2020-02-11 15:35:52 UTC

Sorry, I forgot. The pirate themed one was the fourth.

2020-02-11 15:38:00 UTC

I thought the collapse of the pirate society in Uncharted 4 was interesting. How it was meant to be a libertarian paradise, but it failed.

2020-02-11 15:38:28 UTC

the uncharted games are great

2020-02-11 15:38:42 UTC

the characters and dialogue are top notch, so are the action setpieces

2020-02-11 15:38:48 UTC

gameplay is serviceable

2020-02-11 15:40:29 UTC

i never played the 4th game

2020-02-11 15:40:36 UTC

because i dont have a ps4

2020-02-11 15:41:16 UTC

I was considering doing a video on why the masculine archetype of Indiana Jones or Nathan Drake is so appealing to men.

2020-02-11 15:41:45 UTC

I liked the Uncharted games so much because they reminded me of Indiana Jones.

2020-02-11 15:42:01 UTC

i think its funny that Nathan drake is a gender swapped Laura croft who is a gender swapped Indiana jones

2020-02-11 15:42:33 UTC

but yea that would be a decent video

2020-02-11 15:43:11 UTC

I've only played one of the tomb raider games. I enjoyed it.

2020-02-11 15:45:17 UTC

i never played any of them

2020-02-11 15:55:35 UTC

all the tomb raider reboot games are good in my opinion

2020-02-11 17:43:31 UTC

@Skellington I've never actually saw the Armstrong clip. that was based

2020-02-11 17:44:45 UTC

@vexmasina44 he's Tea Party Nietzsche

2020-02-11 18:06:31 UTC

I haven't played the game, so I wouldn't know if he's right, but the game's based if what he says is true

2020-02-11 18:07:46 UTC

only played the first tomb raider reboot. I liked it

2020-02-11 18:21:00 UTC

@Pseudo-Analysist yes lol the game predated Trump

2020-02-11 18:22:48 UTC

Trump gamer confirmed

2020-02-11 18:37:42 UTC

@Pseudo-Analysist I may have seen that video before. Might watch it when I have the time

2020-02-11 19:08:44 UTC

Metal Gear Solid 1-4 and Peacewalker are some of the best games ever, they are basically perfect. I am almost finished 4.

2020-02-11 19:59:41 UTC
2020-02-16 16:41:29 UTC

@Endeavour what do you think of Oswald Spenglerโ€™s theory of cyclical history? Do you think itโ€™s mostly true, partially true or not right at all?

2020-02-16 18:24:22 UTC

@EYEFORKNOWLEDGE156 I haven't read Spengler, but I know all about the cyclical history theory. I am less sympathetic to it than I used to be. While I think the theory of civilizational decline is generally accurate, there doesn't exist a model to accurately describe it since it takes place over such long periods of time and circumstances change over that time. While I find the theory compelling, I don't like subscribing to this theory too much because it creates a deterministic vision for the future. I don't think we are destined to crash. For all we know, this could be the dark age and we could get better from here.

2020-02-16 23:08:11 UTC

@Endeavour It isn't a perfect theory but I think it's pretty accurate I would highly recommend reading his book Decline of the West and looking into his theories

2020-02-17 00:48:07 UTC

Actually history is a tricycle

2020-02-17 00:48:49 UTC

I don't like cyclical/deterministic models

2020-02-17 00:50:30 UTC

Spengler is worthwhile for pointing out various factors but attempting to fit it into a model takes away from his analysis

2020-02-17 00:51:07 UTC

I prefer thinking about things as open ended dialectics

2020-02-17 00:51:51 UTC

And would say similiarities to other ages are because history rhymes but doesn't actually repeat

2020-02-17 00:57:36 UTC

this is a good video on Spengler

2020-02-17 00:58:00 UTC

I did a superchat towards the end that questioned the legitimacy of Spengler's model going forward

2020-02-17 00:58:12 UTC

he talked about how global civilization might break the paradigm

2020-02-17 01:00:49 UTC

@Charlemagne yes Ebert seems a little blue pilled

2020-02-17 01:02:22 UTC

Ebert is actually kinda lefty

2020-02-17 01:03:07 UTC

but respects rightwingers cause there are a couple of post-modernist rightists

2020-02-17 01:10:35 UTC

imo what makes Spengler's theory unique and interesting is not strictly to do with the cyclical nature of it, its the leaning towards a more mystical nature, of viewing civilisations as living organisms with life cycles imbedded in their nature, having a rise and decline already predetermined by the original mythos of the civilization

2020-02-17 01:10:46 UTC

and yea Ebert is a lefty of sorts

2020-02-17 01:11:27 UTC

he agrees with Spengler on quite a few points

2020-02-17 01:11:54 UTC

you see his left side come out when he speaks of nationalism and any form of racialism

2020-02-17 01:16:05 UTC

his videos on guenon and Heidegger as decent as well, not the best but decent and he has some interesting takes

2020-02-17 04:34:04 UTC

@Endeavour whats up my nigga. can you change permissions so that the filthy proletariat cant sever mute other people in vc chat

2020-02-17 04:34:22 UTC

som lel xd mad lads found out you could and have just been deafening people

2020-02-17 04:37:41 UTC

@Charlemagne can you change the permissions

2020-02-17 04:37:55 UTC


2020-02-17 04:41:03 UTC


2020-02-17 04:41:05 UTC

one sec

2020-02-17 04:41:55 UTC

looks like they can't do it

2020-02-17 04:42:03 UTC

what's wrong?

2020-02-17 04:42:12 UTC

2020-02-17 04:42:16 UTC

server deafen

2020-02-17 04:42:18 UTC


2020-02-17 04:42:25 UTC

I can deafen him from the whole server

2020-02-17 04:42:50 UTC

the everyone role or the proletariat role has the perms to do so

2020-02-17 04:42:57 UTC

that makes no sense

2020-02-17 04:43:02 UTC

someone has been deafening us

2020-02-17 04:43:26 UTC


2020-02-17 04:43:34 UTC

of fucking course it was

2020-02-17 04:43:34 UTC

*I should've known*

2020-02-17 04:43:54 UTC

im joking

2020-02-17 04:44:26 UTC

we were deafening eachother at first as a joke but then it got out of hand

2020-02-17 19:41:42 UTC

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