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2019-10-05 01:56:27 UTC

๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜ฆ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

2019-10-05 01:56:36 UTC

When I say i'm dixie, I say I'm southern. End

2019-10-05 01:56:37 UTC

Slavery was an afterthought for the north

2019-10-05 01:56:37 UTC

States rights my big.

2019-10-05 01:56:52 UTC

@Foxhound yo lets bool on these fools and show them how NY be

2019-10-05 01:56:56 UTC

It was more about anti federalism

2019-10-05 01:56:58 UTC


2019-10-05 01:56:58 UTC


2019-10-05 01:57:21 UTC

Come to my woods, you ain't leaving

2019-10-05 01:57:21 UTC

Only booling y'all gonna do is at the bottom of the east river or whatever the fuck y'all call it. ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

2019-10-05 01:57:36 UTC


2019-10-05 01:57:41 UTC

Imma spit beat juice in your eye cuz a country boy can survive

2019-10-05 01:57:43 UTC

Dw I got plenty of forests to dump you in

2019-10-05 01:57:52 UTC

I'm originally from Pennsylvania

2019-10-05 01:57:53 UTC

I'll pick a nice tree.

2019-10-05 01:57:57 UTC

Nothing but woods

2019-10-05 01:58:04 UTC


2019-10-05 01:58:09 UTC


2019-10-05 01:58:20 UTC

Mainly swamps n trees

2019-10-05 01:58:41 UTC

I don't hate yankees. Just stay away from my property and with your fucking industries

2019-10-05 01:58:43 UTC

Don't gotta bury people in the woods where I'm from, dump em in the bay and let em float over to mexico

2019-10-05 01:58:45 UTC

I got the appalacians and just seas of trees

2019-10-05 01:58:51 UTC

Concrete jungle bruv

2019-10-05 01:58:59 UTC

Hippity hoppity back off my boperty

2019-10-05 01:59:04 UTC

Oh you think you hard nibba?

2019-10-05 01:59:05 UTC

Our industries fueled our country niggy

2019-10-05 01:59:14 UTC


2019-10-05 01:59:19 UTC


2019-10-05 01:59:21 UTC

Fuck off netherlands colony

2019-10-05 01:59:23 UTC

The entire north you fuck

2019-10-05 01:59:24 UTC

And destroyed the rest

2019-10-05 01:59:27 UTC


2019-10-05 01:59:34 UTC


2019-10-05 01:59:34 UTC

We wuz industrialist n'd shiet.

2019-10-05 01:59:41 UTC

Oy fucking vey

2019-10-05 01:59:44 UTC

Buncha cotton picking fucks

2019-10-05 01:59:52 UTC

This is why the boog won't happen lmao

2019-10-05 01:59:56 UTC

Aight so I have a few confed dollars? Whats their buying power?

2019-10-05 02:00:04 UTC


2019-10-05 02:00:07 UTC

Ain't gonna happen anyway lmao, people love to say they gonna do shit.

2019-10-05 02:00:11 UTC

Fuck your industries

2019-10-05 02:00:18 UTC

Just like kato, fuck you, you won't do shit.

2019-10-05 02:00:20 UTC

Brazil nut

2019-10-05 02:00:22 UTC

Be quiet

2019-10-05 02:00:32 UTC


2019-10-05 02:00:32 UTC


2019-10-05 02:00:36 UTC

Who the fuck is Kato?

2019-10-05 02:00:39 UTC

@thedarkness05 ya know what's sad

2019-10-05 02:00:53 UTC

@Foxhound nother boog page

2019-10-05 02:00:54 UTC

Even as a collector's item they're worthless

2019-10-05 02:00:56 UTC


2019-10-05 02:00:56 UTC

Oooooo he don't know who kato is, HE A FED

2019-10-05 02:00:57 UTC

Thought you hate industrialism

2019-10-05 02:00:57 UTC


2019-10-05 02:01:04 UTC


2019-10-05 02:01:07 UTC

Sit down

2019-10-05 02:01:11 UTC

The adults are talking.

2019-10-05 02:01:26 UTC

@Hellhound6 lmao, looks like my $9 note is worthless then

2019-10-05 02:01:32 UTC

The industrial revolution and it's disatrious effects on humankind.

2019-10-05 02:01:42 UTC

Love my dude Ted

2019-10-05 02:01:47 UTC

Great guy, free my nigga.

2019-10-05 02:01:50 UTC

Why the fuck would you even want a 9$ note?

2019-10-05 02:01:58 UTC


2019-10-05 02:02:06 UTC

Idk civil war and all that

2019-10-05 02:02:13 UTC

They had $500 notes in federal money

2019-10-05 02:02:17 UTC


2019-10-05 02:02:17 UTC

It was prolly a whole salary

2019-10-05 02:02:30 UTC

I'm gonna mount a flashlight and a bayonet on my gun. Really bubba this thing

2019-10-05 02:02:40 UTC

Strip clubs still give out $2 bills

2019-10-05 02:02:43 UTC

Just sayin

2019-10-05 02:02:50 UTC

Finna get that paper B

2019-10-05 02:02:55 UTC

Not that I'd know from experience

2019-10-05 02:03:03 UTC

@thedarkness05 can't really defend a side tbh if you think deeply

2019-10-05 02:03:15 UTC


2019-10-05 02:03:18 UTC

Wrong tag

2019-10-05 02:03:25 UTC

Dude I don't give a shit, I had family on both sides

2019-10-05 02:03:36 UTC

2019-10-05 02:03:46 UTC

Dad's a Yankee n mom is from the south

2019-10-05 02:03:50 UTC

Its a VA note

2019-10-05 02:04:23 UTC

Grandpa told me we've got both Lee's and Grant in our family

2019-10-05 02:04:25 UTC

I suppose your dipshit South rising Again shit is the same as My Seig Heil shit.

2019-10-05 02:04:27 UTC

Can't really confirm

2019-10-05 02:04:35 UTC

@Foxhound basically

2019-10-05 02:04:38 UTC

It's a meme

2019-10-05 02:05:01 UTC

Well except for I hope Sieg Heil shit does happen again, but hey history repeats itself.

2019-10-05 02:05:07 UTC

Eventually the south will rise again

2019-10-05 02:05:14 UTC


2019-10-05 02:05:24 UTC

*pokes SC with a stick* do the thing

2019-10-05 02:05:34 UTC


2019-10-05 02:05:42 UTC

Both got cons

2019-10-05 02:05:47 UTC

*Pokes Cuomo with a stick* get out of office you cunt

2019-10-05 02:05:57 UTC


2019-10-05 02:05:58 UTC

And quit banning my shit

2019-10-05 02:06:14 UTC

Also I don't hate NY or the north, just kinda you know dislike some of the culture up there.

2019-10-05 02:06:16 UTC

Love the south but can't defend all the illiteracy shit

2019-10-05 02:06:21 UTC

@Foxhound @thedarkness05 know where I can find some illegal aliens

2019-10-05 02:06:26 UTC

And slave shit too

2019-10-05 02:06:32 UTC

But I don't think cuomo getting out of office would change much

2019-10-05 02:06:34 UTC

Down the street from me @Hellhound6

2019-10-05 02:06:36 UTC

Like bruh, I've met him and person and its just so much worse. You can feel his greasyness just being near him

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