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2019-09-22 20:45:55 UTC

That's what I want

2019-09-22 20:46:13 UTC

but, provided that people agree on the value of something, isn't money able to be traded FOR food

2019-09-22 20:46:31 UTC

Or barter

2019-09-22 20:46:35 UTC


2019-09-22 20:46:42 UTC

Bartering was how the world worked for millenia

2019-09-22 20:46:47 UTC

And it worked better

2019-09-22 20:47:06 UTC

money IS barter, just easier to transport and easier to appropriate value on items

2019-09-22 20:47:18 UTC

Not really

2019-09-22 20:47:43 UTC

Bartering is one good or service for another. Exchange of money for goods or services is different

2019-09-22 20:47:49 UTC

But it won't matter anyway

2019-09-22 20:47:55 UTC

Like I said

2019-09-22 20:47:57 UTC

I've heard a lot about "the competitivism in the capitalism system is working on renewable energy making" to acctually believe it

2019-09-22 20:48:17 UTC

If the environment is as bad as it is, then soon enough money will only be good for burning for fire and warmth

2019-09-22 20:48:24 UTC

3 exceptions? Really? You said yourself the "Powerful are always invincible against the legal system." You're telling me that people who know full well they can buy their way out of problems. Wouldn't take advantage of that? Corporations don't give a fuck if you live or die humans are expendable resources to them. Corporations support divisive globalist agenda.

I'm sorry but I have a problem with a system that places money over human lives. I have a problem with a system that relies on putting children in dangerous conditions for pennies a day. I have a problem with that. I have a problem with what is basically a secretive cabal running shit from the shadows and then riding in like heros every time something goes wrong.

2019-09-22 20:48:46 UTC

I have a problem with people who act as though they're above the law because they have money

2019-09-22 20:49:12 UTC

@Foxhound are... have... have you been reading Marx?

2019-09-22 20:49:15 UTC

but like I said before, EVERY government/economic system has people who end up above the law because of either their wealth, or their power in govermnet

2019-09-22 20:49:20 UTC

No. I haven't.

2019-09-22 20:49:23 UTC

Marx is an idiot.

2019-09-22 20:49:52 UTC

Idk man, you're talkin' like quite the dirty commie xD

2019-09-22 20:50:29 UTC

Just to be clear, I'm being funny

2019-09-22 20:50:43 UTC

"I'm sorry but I have a problem with a system that places money over human lives"
I haven't seen any evidence to believe that socialism thinks any differently. History CERTAINLY hasn't shown that to be the case either.

2019-09-22 20:51:04 UTC

I mean. When people that are studying to work on life saving medicine have to chose between eating or having heat. Somethings wrong

2019-09-22 20:51:06 UTC

" I have a problem with a system that relies on putting children in dangerous conditions for pennies a day."
You know we have child labor laws, right?

2019-09-22 20:51:11 UTC

>Inferring I'm a socialist

2019-09-22 20:51:23 UTC

perhaps you should just lay your cards on the table so I can actually respond then

2019-09-22 20:51:34 UTC

You know we import a ridiculous number of goods from countries that don't, right?

2019-09-22 20:51:40 UTC

@CatLoverKid >you know we have child labor laws, right?

And WHOMST was responsible for that?

2019-09-22 20:51:42 UTC

He warned us

2019-09-22 20:52:01 UTC


2019-09-22 20:52:05 UTC


2019-09-22 20:52:26 UTC

My dude do you genuinely believe that I support COMPLETE AND TOTAL Capitalism? What we have right now is a pretty good system

2019-09-22 20:52:39 UTC

sans maybe some inability to curb monopoly

2019-09-22 20:52:53 UTC

@CatLoverKid dude, I literally have to join the military just to get out of debt and go to college

2019-09-22 20:52:58 UTC

You call that a good system?

2019-09-22 20:52:59 UTC


2019-09-22 20:53:02 UTC

Pic related:

2019-09-22 20:53:08 UTC

Idk if you saw it before, but I'm over 100k in debt

2019-09-22 20:53:13 UTC

2019-09-22 20:53:19 UTC

and I'm really enjoying that decision right now

2019-09-22 20:53:25 UTC

because tomorrow I start a job that will pay it off

2019-09-22 20:53:47 UTC

@CatLoverKid you shouldn't have had to have gone into that kind of debt just to get a good paying job

2019-09-22 20:53:50 UTC

That's absurd

2019-09-22 20:54:13 UTC

what why? I'm not entitled to a job. Nobody is entitled to give me one lol

2019-09-22 20:54:46 UTC

I also didn't NEED to work where I do now. I could have shot lower

2019-09-22 20:54:51 UTC

Lmfao "Pretty good system"

While dozens of veterans are homeless in the streets.
While dozens of people can't afford food without relying on the state.
While dozens of people are choosing to die, rather than putting their families in debt to get life saving medication.
While people studying to be nurses and doctors can't afford to do anything because they are carrying tremendous debt.
While people suffering from mental disorders are treated like animals.

"Good system"

2019-09-22 20:54:52 UTC

No, perhaps not, but you're entitled to fair working conditions and the ability to live comfortably without the looming threat of being in debt for the rest of your life potentially

2019-09-22 20:54:53 UTC

but I WANT the money, so I took risk

2019-09-22 20:55:36 UTC

I disagree that you:
1) need to go into debt to dodge those things
2) should be impervious from risk in order to pursue wealth

2019-09-22 20:56:08 UTC

@Foxhound this is why I consider you my friend, because even though we are clearly on opposite sides of the political spectrum, it's amazing how much we agree on and I just genuinely enjoy both talking to you and the irony of a "commie" being friends with a fascist xD

2019-09-22 20:56:21 UTC

You shouldn't need to go into debt to pay for schooling in life saving fields.

2019-09-22 20:56:31 UTC

Idk you, but if i get cancer, i really dont want to sell my house to pay for the treatment

2019-09-22 20:56:52 UTC

Sorry but my aunt who is now 47 is still paying student debt while she actively saves lives and is threatened with losing her house.

2019-09-22 20:56:58 UTC

now THAT'S an interesting thought... I think I'm gonna need to think about the debt for life-saving fields thing

2019-09-22 20:57:04 UTC

Sir Moseley would be proud.

2019-09-22 20:57:17 UTC

@CatLoverKid you literally have a fascist and a... I guess I'm a libertarian socialist???... agreeing with each other and telling you the same shit. You've achieved a feat of incredible height. Perhaps you should think about that

2019-09-22 20:57:48 UTC

I also think I've come a LONG way in my success in life through this system, entirely on my own effort

2019-09-22 20:57:51 UTC

Risk = potential reward. That's a common theme in universal society.

2019-09-22 20:58:05 UTC

no risk and no reward?

2019-09-22 20:58:22 UTC

@AKAlexei and an american republicanist

2019-09-22 20:59:18 UTC

Which is admirable. But look at how much it's cost you. What if you lose that job? What if you're laid off or fired? What if it turns out to be a total shitshow profession that makes you wanna off yourself every time you open your eyes in the morning and trust me that last one doesn't sound like much but it WILL take its toll over time

2019-09-22 20:59:35 UTC

If that job of yours suddenly disappears, then what?

2019-09-22 20:59:40 UTC

You could be in deep shit

2019-09-22 21:00:03 UTC

Scenario; you lose your job, your income, you can't pay your student debt, and then you start losing everything

2019-09-22 21:00:07 UTC

if I lose this job or it's not as good as I hoped, then I pivot and look elsewhere. If I have medical issues then that's just my lot in life

2019-09-22 21:00:09 UTC

Happens constantly in the US

2019-09-22 21:00:22 UTC

I can also start my own company

2019-09-22 21:00:30 UTC

@CatLoverKid to say what you just said about medical issues says a lot about your medical history

2019-09-22 21:00:32 UTC

And what of the people that fail because this system has forced them into corners? What of them? What of the 22 year old medical student that ate a bullet because he couldn't afford the loans and saw no hope? What about the people forgotten by the system? What about the veterans abandoned by the system? What about the thousands of homeless people with no hope? What of them?

And when the planet finally collapses under our feet because we have raped Gaia into oblivion? Perhaps your beloved "System" will save you then.

2019-09-22 21:00:56 UTC

@CatLoverKid not a guarantee you'll succeed

2019-09-22 21:01:11 UTC

not helping veterans is a failure by the state I agree that we need to do more to help them

2019-09-22 21:01:42 UTC

What about the 22 y/o who has literally lost 95% of his personal possessions and now has to join the Marines in order to ever have a chance at a future beyond working a minimum wage job because no one will hire him he could only ever dream of possessing enough capital to start a business on his own?

2019-09-22 21:02:27 UTC

There's lots of other routes they could have taken than the marines, but it's a perfectly fine route to take

2019-09-22 21:03:09 UTC

Yeah not really, those routes were closed to me the day we were slapped with a tax bill the size of Ron Jeremy's dick and were struggling to even buy food

2019-09-22 21:03:38 UTC

And who was responsible for that? Oh that's right, the current administration that is helping to continue the current system

2019-09-22 21:03:38 UTC

you didn't want to go to trade school? or community college?

2019-09-22 21:03:44 UTC

or any other route to acquiring a trade?

2019-09-22 21:03:45 UTC

@CatLoverKid tried both

2019-09-22 21:03:49 UTC

I mean. Considering 20% of small buisiness fail year one. 50 % fail in year five. That ain't a great option in general or for someone down on their luck

2019-09-22 21:03:50 UTC

why did those fail?

2019-09-22 21:04:10 UTC

Couldn't afford trade school, and was legally barred from taking out more loans even for community college prices

2019-09-22 21:04:44 UTC

you didn't apply for student aid or ANY loans????

2019-09-22 21:04:48 UTC

that seems unlikely

2019-09-22 21:04:51 UTC

And what do the 21 year old that attended college against all odds, ended up finishing but is drowning in bills? That degree sure did a whole lot.

2019-09-22 21:04:51 UTC

I did

2019-09-22 21:05:00 UTC

I said that I'm legally barred from taking out anymore loans

2019-09-22 21:05:04 UTC

You arent guaranteed approval on student loans or aide

2019-09-22 21:05:12 UTC

No you're not

2019-09-22 21:05:15 UTC

That's the loe

2019-09-22 21:05:17 UTC


2019-09-22 21:05:34 UTC

They claim that you're guaranteed the loans

2019-09-22 21:05:39 UTC

And you're really not

2019-09-22 21:05:54 UTC

Deaths head is right

2019-09-22 21:05:54 UTC

And before you start the "oh yes you are" kid. My mother works for a college. She sees the bullshit first hand.

2019-09-22 21:05:56 UTC

damn, I think that's not fair.

2019-09-22 21:06:07 UTC

I think that fed gov't should provide unsub loans

2019-09-22 21:06:11 UTC

didn't know that

2019-09-22 21:06:13 UTC

But in your own words no risk = no reward

2019-09-22 21:06:15 UTC

Precisely what we're telling you. And the system in place is what causes that

2019-09-22 21:06:17 UTC


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