
Discord ID: 228754920050786315

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2017-04-18 04:00:00 UTC

in a metaphoric way

2017-04-18 04:00:19 UTC

No, there are thousands of people with me.

2017-04-18 04:00:26 UTC

jake honestly go to sleep

2017-04-18 04:00:52 UTC

No. You can't sleep now. Let's talk about my play, ok?

2017-04-18 04:01:39 UTC

So I think we all agree transtrenders are assholes and need a good womp to the noggin with a wooden bat?

2017-04-18 04:02:00 UTC

@Dramis Covetous, I can tell you exactly what I think.
Transgender people aren't bad.
Gender dysphoria is bad, **because** it's a disorder. Mental disorders are serious.
Sex change is okay. I have nothing against trans folk.
Are we good?

2017-04-18 04:02:07 UTC

omg im so sad

2017-04-18 04:02:18 UTC

i dont have $12 for bunny ears in a game

2017-04-18 04:02:22 UTC

and they're gonna be gone for 4 more years

2017-04-18 04:02:23 UTC

Totally pheliksa

2017-04-18 04:02:28 UTC

I understand your stance

2017-04-18 04:02:32 UTC

It makes total sense

2017-04-18 04:02:37 UTC

and you're right.

2017-04-18 04:03:16 UTC

I think we all hate the fakers who are just pretending to be trans.

2017-04-18 04:03:19 UTC

It is a mental disease. It is bad. and we should encourage people with it to seek help so they live more productive lives.

2017-04-18 04:03:24 UTC

@Dramis Covetous, I lol'd. Wheelchair comparison is great.

2017-04-18 04:03:25 UTC

everyone hates people who cant be themeselves

2017-04-18 04:03:52 UTC

*or, dont be themselves

2017-04-18 04:03:57 UTC

*forgive my wording

2017-04-18 04:04:20 UTC

I don't hate you. I have already made it quite clear that I love you and want to marry you.

2017-04-18 04:04:54 UTC

I can understand why teens are pretending to be trans, or non-binary for that matter.

2017-04-18 04:05:06 UTC

hello server

2017-04-18 04:05:09 UTC

did i mention im a girl?

2017-04-18 04:05:10 UTC

who needs $12

2017-04-18 04:05:14 UTC

btw im a girl

2017-04-18 04:05:24 UTC


2017-04-18 04:05:26 UTC

a lot of teens dont have the attention that they crave, so they resort to the internet

2017-04-18 04:05:37 UTC

anyone gonna see brad jones new movie?

2017-04-18 04:05:37 UTC

did i mention im a girl?

2017-04-18 04:05:39 UTC

$12 btw

2017-04-18 04:05:40 UTC

jesus bro

2017-04-18 04:05:55 UTC

I have an analogy that can help people understand what being trans is like.

Imagine you have a sliver in your finger, it's painful and infected. But you can't get it out. You can't remove it yourself, and it is on your mind and you can feel it at all times. It isn't something that comes and goes. It's there constantly. And you have to live with it.

That's what it feels like to be trans, explained in a way everyone can relate to.

2017-04-18 04:05:56 UTC

I was continuing the pleasant conversation we were having about music.

2017-04-18 04:05:59 UTC

hey guys did i mention

2017-04-18 04:06:02 UTC

i need twelve dollars.

2017-04-18 04:06:36 UTC

i have negative twelve

2017-04-18 04:06:51 UTC

i can somewhat relate to that analogy !

2017-04-18 04:07:14 UTC

It's a handy way to explain it that people can understand.

2017-04-18 04:07:25 UTC

And yet your own responses seem riddled with fear. Unsure of how you can relate to my view.

2017-04-18 04:07:54 UTC

tbh when I was younger my friends' dad worked at a hospital and one day he brought home a wheelchair. So we found an old wig, a dress, makeup, and a blanket. I dressed as an old woman and he pushed me around. He left me on the side of the road and we waited for someone to pull over to ask if I needed help. Whenever someone did he would walk out of the bushes explaining he was looking for some money he dropped and that he was pushing me to the gas station to get me some ice cream.

2017-04-18 04:08:05 UTC

We made 80 bucks that day.

2017-04-18 04:08:08 UTC

hey guys its daniel here

2017-04-18 04:08:12 UTC

Would have made more if that cop hadn't rolled up.

2017-04-18 04:08:21 UTC

just letting you all know i need twelve dollars

2017-04-18 04:08:24 UTC

you are evil, @Dramis Covetous

2017-04-18 04:08:25 UTC


2017-04-18 04:08:37 UTC

i like it

2017-04-18 04:08:46 UTC

I am a genius.

2017-04-18 04:08:57 UTC

No, I am good. But there is evil in the world. The golden rule is treat everyone the way you would want to be treated.

2017-04-18 04:09:42 UTC

I've got an impression that in the US teens are rarely told no, so they start imagining whatever shit they like and then have a temper tantrum when someone tells them โ€˜no you can't be a transblack demisexual panromantic otherkinโ€™.

2017-04-18 04:10:28 UTC

Tbh I have an idea where the human species is going

2017-04-18 04:10:35 UTC

Since we are just repeating patterns.

2017-04-18 04:10:40 UTC

i actually think its the opposite

2017-04-18 04:10:57 UTC

american children are being told no more, and to retaliate they try and show their individuality

2017-04-18 04:11:43 UTC

It isn't so much they are being told no more.

2017-04-18 04:11:51 UTC

It is just the next cognitive shift.

2017-04-18 04:12:05 UTC

We were due for one.

2017-04-18 04:12:18 UTC

i wish i wasnt alive for it tbh

2017-04-18 04:12:20 UTC

@dogl, but why show individuality with this and not with, IDK, art?

2017-04-18 04:12:32 UTC


2017-04-18 04:12:34 UTC


2017-04-18 04:12:41 UTC

Because flesh canvas

2017-04-18 04:12:49 UTC

@pastiche , because art is "hard" and takes time to get good at

2017-04-18 04:13:03 UTC

Oh, BTW, about art.

2017-04-18 04:13:10 UTC

oooh i love talking about art

2017-04-18 04:13:17 UTC

^that sounded really backhanded

2017-04-18 04:13:27 UTC


2017-04-18 04:13:31 UTC

you good doge

2017-04-18 04:13:35 UTC

That doesn't even make sense. The rain turned into snow!! WHY!? It was just so warm out!

2017-04-18 04:14:00 UTC

Hah, it's still almost winter where I live.

2017-04-18 04:14:10 UTC

Because mother nature is on her period and father time never came back from buying those cigarettes.

2017-04-18 04:14:13 UTC

its spring here but its raining like fuck

2017-04-18 04:14:28 UTC

So you are ignoring my question by rambling on about random things? Not cool, man... Not cool.

2017-04-18 04:14:43 UTC

if you plan on moving to california please dont its a shithole

2017-04-18 04:14:44 UTC

Last week we had a day where in the morning it was warm enough that you could wear shorts and a tank top and still feel overheated, and by the evening it was a full blown ice storm.

2017-04-18 04:15:11 UTC

I course I do, and then my army will take over your planet that was originally ours.

2017-04-18 04:15:30 UTC

That is impossible Jake

2017-04-18 04:15:36 UTC

Because you see!

2017-04-18 04:15:53 UTC

@Dramis Covetous dont feed the bot

2017-04-18 04:15:59 UTC

Nothing is impossible. Now backtrace me its a matter of life an death.

2017-04-18 04:16:05 UTC

you fed the bot

2017-04-18 04:16:17 UTC

Making the script for my do5 assasination

2017-04-18 04:16:29 UTC


2017-04-18 04:16:34 UTC


2017-04-18 04:16:41 UTC


2017-04-18 04:16:50 UTC

๐Ÿ˜Ž ๐Ÿ”ซ

2017-04-18 04:16:56 UTC

I welcome death

2017-04-18 04:17:06 UTC

No. You did. Already. Again.

2017-04-18 04:17:31 UTC

did i just get pranked

2017-04-18 04:17:51 UTC


2017-04-18 04:17:57 UTC

can't wait 4 4/20

2017-04-18 04:17:59 UTC


2017-04-18 04:18:11 UTC

So, about art and how it's hard.
You all know that little kids just can't stand it when you tall them that what they've drawn (sung or written) isn't really that good, right?
You really need to critique kids' work more as they grow up. I'm sick of grown-ass teens that have a meltdown when you say them that their shitty drawing isn't good. How the fuck are you supposed to progress if all you hear is praise?

2017-04-18 04:18:12 UTC


2017-04-18 04:18:18 UTC


2017-04-18 04:19:12 UTC

@pastiche i believe the reason for that is that parents are growing to be more protective of their children, teaching them to be soft and weakinging their ability to take criticism

2017-04-18 04:19:35 UTC

@pastiche Here is the solution to helping kids grow up with an understanding of hard work and taking satisfaction in a job well done and understanding their audience

2017-04-18 04:19:50 UTC

hell i know im really bad at taking criticism towards my art, but its only because people criticise the things i hadnt thought about and it hurts way more than my own harsh criticisms

2017-04-18 04:19:55 UTC

You be a fucking parent and educate your kid on the fruits of their labors and how dedication = results

2017-04-18 04:20:36 UTC

Something as simple as they want a dog so you show them how to build a fence and help them do it

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