
Discord ID: 189467888657235970

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2017-12-06 00:23:03 UTC

What the fuck do they put into the water there

2017-12-06 00:26:44 UTC

well I had some Canadian friends come to Australia and they say that the water is much worse here

2017-12-06 00:26:57 UTC

So I'd say it's some cocaine or untested drugs there

2017-12-06 00:30:43 UTC

Nvm, they're govt. subsidised, obviously there is a minimum mandated cuck slot.

2017-12-06 00:30:44 UTC

God, Robocopy is so nice for doing file backups on Windows

2017-12-06 00:30:47 UTC

Drag and Drop a shit

2017-12-06 00:40:05 UTC


2017-12-06 00:41:57 UTC

Yep, windows

2017-12-06 00:42:04 UTC

You noticed that, huh?

2017-12-06 00:42:09 UTC

That I'm running windows?

2017-12-06 00:42:09 UTC

>implying there's anything wrong with the botnet

2017-12-06 00:42:11 UTC

good eye

2017-12-06 00:42:18 UTC

Nobody could've figured that out but you

2017-12-06 00:42:23 UTC

Matt is as pure as the driven snow

2017-12-06 00:42:30 UTC

He has nothing to hide

2017-12-06 00:43:01 UTC

In fact he gets off to pajeets asking him for boob photos and regularly rps with cortana

2017-12-06 00:44:43 UTC

I even bought my windows key

2017-12-06 00:44:57 UTC

And consented to feedback data

2017-12-06 00:45:50 UTC

im back

2017-12-06 00:46:17 UTC

Do you also have women financially dominate you on the internet?

2017-12-06 00:46:19 UTC

Also iv had 0 stability or random "This isnt working for no reason" issues on my windows server ๐Ÿค”

2017-12-06 00:46:36 UTC

No, but I donate to the anti-defamation league

2017-12-06 00:47:14 UTC

You answered no but then clarified with yes.

2017-12-06 00:48:20 UTC

that's the joke

2017-12-06 00:48:23 UTC


2017-12-06 00:48:25 UTC

you caught it

2017-12-06 00:48:28 UTC

so proud

2017-12-06 00:48:49 UTC

You fuckin' people are driving me to drink another 4 loko

2017-12-06 00:49:15 UTC

>drinking the subpar 4 loko

2017-12-06 00:49:22 UTC

If I don't explain the joke then people light be confused.

2017-12-06 00:49:29 UTC

Literally autistic

2017-12-06 00:49:38 UTC

Wow, what a bulli.

2017-12-06 00:49:39 UTC

tbh easysync is the best

2017-12-06 00:49:40 UTC

im just gunna enjoy my snapple apple

2017-12-06 00:49:46 UTC

fuck robocopy

2017-12-06 00:49:49 UTC

as well as my turkey and cheese sandwhich on double protine wheat toast

2017-12-06 00:49:49 UTC

Spiked with everclear?

2017-12-06 00:49:50 UTC

Mango fuckin' madness

2017-12-06 00:49:59 UTC

Cause all a nigga knows is all a nigga needs

2017-12-06 00:50:08 UTC

and a nigga that don't know much don't GROW MUCH

2017-12-06 00:50:44 UTC

tfw all you faggots have fancy drinks and I have fucking lemonade

2017-12-06 00:51:28 UTC

Lemonade is God teir. Especially with a bit of mint

2017-12-06 00:51:36 UTC

Yo i ahve some bottled antie anne's lemonaid

2017-12-06 00:51:39 UTC

its fucking great

2017-12-06 00:51:48 UTC

mmmm homemade lemonaid is great

2017-12-06 00:51:51 UTC


2017-12-06 00:51:52 UTC


2017-12-06 00:54:04 UTC

my grandparents are over, no fucking joke they leave their car remote in the car with the window open

2017-12-06 00:54:25 UTC


2017-12-06 00:54:36 UTC

where they from

2017-12-06 00:54:58 UTC

tfw no small town life where i can do that

2017-12-06 00:55:10 UTC

they're from a fairly normal area

2017-12-06 00:55:29 UTC

I'm currently in a pretty shitty area

2017-12-06 00:55:40 UTC

so rob droidbots grandparents

2017-12-06 00:55:41 UTC


2017-12-06 00:56:04 UTC

you should steal and part their car as they sleep to teach them a lesson

2017-12-06 00:56:13 UTC

I don't talk to any of my grandparents, they don't talk to me

2017-12-06 00:56:15 UTC

s'all good

2017-12-06 00:56:24 UTC

my grandparents are Rich AF

2017-12-06 00:56:28 UTC

they're the only grandparents I have in the country so it's comfy

2017-12-06 00:56:36 UTC

tfw never knew mine ever

2017-12-06 00:56:48 UTC

>Grandpa are you free next week so we can go see a movie
>yeah im free all week
>Does monday work?
>No im busy monday

2017-12-06 00:56:51 UTC

Fucking guy

2017-12-06 00:57:17 UTC

literally half my friends

2017-12-06 00:58:06 UTC

he bought me lunch when we saw the movie

2017-12-06 01:01:19 UTC

did you put out for him

2017-12-06 01:01:24 UTC


2017-12-06 01:01:52 UTC

tfw zero quality family members

2017-12-06 01:04:49 UTC

>tfw no family member nor friend wants to commit to seeing movies iwth me

2017-12-06 01:04:54 UTC


2017-12-06 01:05:03 UTC

>going to movies

2017-12-06 01:05:04 UTC

tfw no decent movies out right now

2017-12-06 01:05:29 UTC

I'll watch the dollars trilogy with anyone but it's a wasteland out there.

2017-12-06 01:07:58 UTC

John moviepass is $10 a month

2017-12-06 01:08:13 UTC

i go litearlly 3 times

2017-12-06 01:08:17 UTC

and iv gotten my money back

2017-12-06 01:08:26 UTC

AND earned 3/5ths a bonus ticket to take someone

2017-12-06 01:09:42 UTC

what is a movie pass?

2017-12-06 01:10:05 UTC

Pay flat rate, see as many movies as you want

2017-12-06 01:10:08 UTC

i hate the idea of movie theaters, the best way to enjoy cinema is by yourself with headphones and to have zero possibilities of distraction

2017-12-06 01:10:15 UTC

you see 1 movie a month

2017-12-06 01:10:17 UTC

its pretty baller

2017-12-06 01:10:21 UTC


2017-12-06 01:10:22 UTC

there's no movies worth going to so the 10 dollars is a wasted 10 dollars.

2017-12-06 01:10:23 UTC

1 movie a day

2017-12-06 01:10:34 UTC

id disagree theres always a good mid tier movie out there

2017-12-06 01:10:42 UTC

tahts worth seeing but not wroth paying an assload for

2017-12-06 01:10:46 UTC

like seeing murder on teh orient was worth

2017-12-06 01:10:56 UTC

and im going to see coco and justice league this week

2017-12-06 01:11:00 UTC

tho im pretty sure JL will be shit

2017-12-06 01:11:10 UTC

like? last thing I torrented was the renvant

2017-12-06 01:11:23 UTC


2017-12-06 01:11:31 UTC

Seeeing 47 meters down in theaters was /amazing

2017-12-06 01:11:32 UTC

^this user is a capeshit fan and participates in adult manchild debates about fantasy land

2017-12-06 01:11:35 UTC

rewatching it on a tv was just garbage

2017-12-06 01:12:41 UTC

Lemme openthe app and see whats the last few films i saw

2017-12-06 01:12:45 UTC

@iโ—‹bas let us have adult debates about wearing hello kitty shoes IRONICALLY

2017-12-06 01:13:02 UTC

>not wearing it unironicly

2017-12-06 01:13:05 UTC


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