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2019-08-12 15:27:47 UTC

When I click on your avitars you all have "roles"...

2019-08-12 15:27:57 UTC

@Socrates is our mid but is a ๐Ÿ˜Ž dude

2019-08-12 15:28:05 UTC


2019-08-12 15:28:16 UTC


2019-08-12 15:28:27 UTC

The dude Mod! Lololol

2019-08-12 15:28:31 UTC

Most of us.. the roles are just ranks we earn from chatting non stop

2019-08-12 15:28:37 UTC

The Modster

2019-08-12 15:28:38 UTC

annoyance provocateur here

2019-08-12 15:28:44 UTC


2019-08-12 15:28:53 UTC

Iโ€™m currently talk in dark speech

2019-08-12 15:29:01 UTC


2019-08-12 15:29:05 UTC

Chief annoyer

2019-08-12 15:29:06 UTC

I can relate @Groot

2019-08-12 15:29:13 UTC

PSB text only lively as ever i see LOL

2019-08-12 15:29:20 UTC

tee hee

2019-08-12 15:29:21 UTC


2019-08-12 15:29:25 UTC

@Clarabel Good morning

2019-08-12 15:29:35 UTC

Hey @Clarabel join in.

2019-08-12 15:29:35 UTC

Good morning @Clarabel

2019-08-12 15:29:39 UTC

Good Morning @Gailm

2019-08-12 15:29:43 UTC

Good afternoon from me @Clarabel

2019-08-12 15:30:06 UTC
2019-08-12 15:30:56 UTC

How is everything with you this morning @Clarabel Shines

2019-08-12 15:32:00 UTC

@TuscaroraWarrior "Tuscarora" is Indian, what is the significance to you?

2019-08-12 15:32:14 UTC

The avatar from dlive doesn't carry over to here ?

2019-08-12 15:32:17 UTC
2019-08-12 15:32:39 UTC

I am of the same Nation @Groot

2019-08-12 15:33:10 UTC

That is so cool?

2019-08-12 15:34:04 UTC

Thanks, but none of us chose what we were borned into, but I am very proud of my culture

2019-08-12 15:35:15 UTC

NC is our homeland, but during the 1700's there was a little war and half went to NY, the other half stayed here, we stay connected , loosley

2019-08-12 15:35:32 UTC

So many of the kids today would not even be able to spell culture @TuscaroraWarrior, least where I am.

2019-08-12 15:35:39 UTC


2019-08-12 15:35:56 UTC

six nations combined?

2019-08-12 15:36:21 UTC

Yes, we were the Sixth, taken in around 1725

2019-08-12 15:37:39 UTC

The Brothers from Onandaga and then Seneca gave us land in NY, we still owned land in NC , some of us still do....long story

2019-08-12 15:38:11 UTC

Seneca, Mohawk and Oneida bigger tribes or just larger geography?

2019-08-12 15:39:38 UTC

Only 1500 enrolled members left here now, the others have been absorbed through marriage with other tribes and different peoples, Yes, Seneca and Mohawks way more prolific breeders than we Skarure'.lol

2019-08-12 15:40:39 UTC

Our membership is through our Mothers, so you are a member of whichever tribe your mother is , clan system same way.

2019-08-12 15:41:09 UTC

Skarure ' 3 syllables sound like spelling emphasis on re'?

2019-08-12 15:41:36 UTC

Skah-roo-RAY @Groot

2019-08-12 15:42:38 UTC

You all are really a comfortable group , I like it here already.

2019-08-12 15:43:11 UTC

<-------Person of color

2019-08-12 15:44:33 UTC

It's a ruse @TuscaroraWarrior we just want to trap you into coming back again and again and again and again.๐Ÿ˜‚

2019-08-12 15:44:51 UTC

Yeah @Groot is right.

2019-08-12 15:45:01 UTC

and I am learning about you thru @Groot 's questions

2019-08-12 15:45:05 UTC

And I'm rarely right.

2019-08-12 15:45:10 UTC


2019-08-12 15:45:36 UTC

lol, see that's what I am saying

2019-08-12 15:45:45 UTC


2019-08-12 15:46:18 UTC

we make fun of each other about 73% of the time..but it's from a place of love and fun lol

2019-08-12 15:46:54 UTC

@ Do you remember a few days ago I was talking about Senca I shortened from Seneca...Well @TuscaroraWarrior is of that nation/governance. the real deal. ๐Ÿ‘

2019-08-12 15:47:18 UTC

Wow.. that is very interesting

2019-08-12 15:47:24 UTC

We are in the same Confederacy, yes.

2019-08-12 15:48:54 UTC

Well we are happy to have you here @TuscaroraWarrior ! You are allowed to jump in any time you want.. into chat.. don't worry about interrupting...specifically if @Groot is talking.

2019-08-12 15:49:19 UTC

Same beliefs, same ceremonies, same practices, different language is all

2019-08-12 15:49:37 UTC

Especially when @Groot is talking.

2019-08-12 15:49:46 UTC

Where all you from folks

2019-08-12 15:49:57 UTC

I am from AZ

2019-08-12 15:50:04 UTC


2019-08-12 15:50:23 UTC

been to NM , but never AZ

2019-08-12 15:50:54 UTC

I'm in CA ,bay area by way of northern IL.

2019-08-12 15:51:00 UTC

AZ is beautiful.. but hot as can be.

2019-08-12 15:51:17 UTC

lol, @Groot , that's a big arc

2019-08-12 15:51:45 UTC

Someone has to save Cali.๐Ÿ˜‚

2019-08-12 15:51:50 UTC


2019-08-12 15:52:01 UTC

There are Patriots there too !

2019-08-12 15:52:24 UTC

Yes, I'm engaged in the good fight.

2019-08-12 15:53:38 UTC

You are no doubt surrounded, poor libs,lol

2019-08-12 15:53:54 UTC

๐Ÿ’ ๐ŸฅŠ @Groot

2019-08-12 15:55:07 UTC

I figure w/ Trump's help I got them surrounded, they just don't know it yet, they are outnumbered.

2019-08-12 15:55:53 UTC

Well, being surrounded has a plus side, you always no where the enemy is....js

2019-08-12 15:56:42 UTC


2019-08-12 15:57:59 UTC

As soon as they move in closer I can call in an air strike....

2019-08-12 15:58:16 UTC

or Chuck Norris

2019-08-12 15:58:32 UTC


2019-08-12 15:58:42 UTC

just got to get the DC swamp dwellers to bring there butts to the party.

2019-08-12 16:00:27 UTC

Dang , Pepe emojis abound here ,lol

2019-08-12 16:00:54 UTC

They are everywhere. @Notsoperfect your move.

2019-08-12 16:01:15 UTC


2019-08-12 16:01:46 UTC

Knew pepe would show up.<:PepeComfy:539084299341922305>

2019-08-12 16:02:00 UTC

I miss muh chanz

2019-08-12 16:02:11 UTC


2019-08-12 16:02:23 UTC

I do as well...strangely ..

2019-08-12 16:02:31 UTC

never thought I would.. but here we are

2019-08-12 16:02:55 UTC


2019-08-12 16:03:12 UTC

My 23 yr old said "You are bummin', ain't ya", I told him to "kys", lol

2019-08-12 16:03:34 UTC

The chans offend my every sensibility but must wade thru the muck for the truth.

2019-08-12 16:03:56 UTC

Be careful in the chans.

2019-08-12 16:04:02 UTC

Keep one eye closed

2019-08-12 16:04:05 UTC

Oh I do

2019-08-12 16:04:08 UTC

sometimes both eyes

2019-08-12 16:04:09 UTC

At all times

2019-08-12 16:04:11 UTC


2019-08-12 16:04:19 UTC

Lest they offend the

2019-08-12 16:04:22 UTC


2019-08-12 16:04:29 UTC

I was a cop for a while, sensibility was fried years ago, terrible fight we are in, gotta get thick skinned

2019-08-12 16:04:42 UTC

Amen to that

2019-08-12 16:05:05 UTC

I agree.. @TuscaroraWarrior (thank you for your service) and thanks to the chans.. a little tougher.. I have become lol

2019-08-12 16:05:05 UTC

After seeing some stuff on the chans, I had to pull back for awhile.

2019-08-12 16:05:12 UTC

Made me kind of sick.

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