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Josh ousted as Jewish.

Jewish starts with J. Josh starts with J. What more proof do you need?

Further cucked by the bot filter.

2018-06-19 20:02:07 UTC

I am Jewish you idiot

I'm an idiot for calling you Jewish when you're Jewish???

๐Ÿค” x100

2018-06-19 20:02:57 UTC

Kek Jews have a statistically higher IQ

Relevant to what I was saying how?

2018-06-19 20:03:12 UTC

Irma, what do you want your nick to be btw. you still have not asked a mod for a new name

Also only applicable to Ashkenazi Jews. There are many types of Jews.

In fact in Israel the dominant Ashkenazis look down on 'foreign' Jews.

2018-06-19 20:03:48 UTC


2018-06-19 20:03:49 UTC


2018-06-19 20:03:50 UTC


I want my nickname to be Irma.

2018-06-19 20:03:54 UTC


2018-06-19 20:04:00 UTC

I support milk in this

2018-06-19 20:04:01 UTC

Jews have a different IQ spread <a:shruganimated:421995622346784768>

Not you, so get the fuck out of the conversation maybe?

How smallbrain do you have to be to join a conversation just to say you don't want to be a part of it?

2018-06-19 20:04:22 UTC

Shuddup irma

2018-06-19 20:05:00 UTC

"I knew you'd say that"

Are you quoting something or someone?

2018-06-19 20:05:28 UTC

Yes it was a terrible movie but funny line

2018-06-19 20:05:46 UTC

When did I say that

It was an excellent movie.

Change my mind

Milk nobody cares.

2018-06-19 20:07:02 UTC

How much of a brainlet do you have to be to continue the conversation saying you don't want to be a part of it

**Most affected individuals have mild mental retardation (IQ of 50 to 70). Moderate mental retardation is defined by a tested IQ of between 35 to 40 and 50 to 55. Severe mental retardation is defined by a tested IQ of between 20 to 25 and 35 to 40.**

Pick your class!

Amazing movie.

The costume was shit though.

2018-06-19 20:11:12 UTC

josh is a globalist ๐Ÿค”

And a Jew.

2018-06-19 20:11:34 UTC

it is likely

He admitted so.

2018-06-19 23:00:36 UTC

Globalization is inevitable if humanity continues to try to move towards a space fairing species.

2018-06-19 23:01:13 UTC

And to not more towards space is illogical.

2018-06-19 23:05:47 UTC

perhaps multiculturalist is the term i shouldve used

2018-06-19 23:17:45 UTC

yes I'm for multiculturalism but against immigration and affirmative action and feminism.

2018-06-20 00:01:40 UTC

Affirnative action is gay

2018-06-20 00:02:29 UTC

feminists are retarded if they aren't advocating for women's rights in countries like Saudi Arabia where women don't have the same rights as men

2018-06-20 00:02:53 UTC


2018-06-20 00:04:02 UTC

Personally I dont get why they arent up in arms over FGM that still happens in some countries.

2018-06-20 00:04:47 UTC

and forced child marriage

2018-06-20 00:05:17 UTC

Sure but that's not as bad imho

2018-06-20 00:05:23 UTC

those are the big issues, not how men are sitting

2018-06-20 00:05:48 UTC

i dunno i did a project on child marriage and it's more fucked up than you'd think

2018-06-20 00:06:54 UTC

Haha yeah my wife looks at me when I'm sitting without pants sometimes and is like "your balls look so uncomfortable".

2018-06-20 00:07:02 UTC

forced child marriage

2018-06-20 00:07:09 UTC

isnt that illegal

2018-06-20 00:07:11 UTC

She doesn't get the whole manspreading

2018-06-20 00:07:17 UTC


2018-06-20 00:07:18 UTC

In some places

2018-06-20 00:07:30 UTC

well it is here in fUckinG viEtnAm

2018-06-20 00:07:40 UTC

Some states in the US child marriage is legal

2018-06-20 00:07:46 UTC


2018-06-20 00:07:46 UTC

bruh WOT

2018-06-20 00:07:49 UTC


2018-06-20 00:07:55 UTC

holy crap thats dumb

2018-06-20 00:07:59 UTC

Fuck Vietnam

2018-06-20 00:08:01 UTC


2018-06-20 00:08:03 UTC


2018-06-20 00:08:09 UTC

and most of the time the girls can't escape if their parents decide for them

2018-06-20 00:08:11 UTC

nuke the commies

2018-06-20 00:08:16 UTC

Pho fo the win

2018-06-20 00:08:17 UTC

Nuke us pls

2018-06-20 00:08:22 UTC

Yeah well

2018-06-20 00:08:29 UTC

Don't nuke the food the food is good

2018-06-20 00:09:06 UTC

fuckin banh mis right

2018-06-20 00:09:24 UTC

Banh mi ๐Ÿ˜‚

2018-06-20 00:10:02 UTC

O yall heard about that China thing

2018-06-20 00:10:04 UTC

That erm

2018-06-20 00:10:15 UTC

Idrk how to say it but yeah

2018-06-20 00:10:20 UTC

That China Vietnam thing

2018-06-20 00:10:32 UTC

That I'm supposed to know about but don't

2018-06-20 00:11:09 UTC

no caring about Vietnam went out of style a few decades ago

2018-06-20 00:11:23 UTC


2018-06-20 00:26:01 UTC


2018-06-20 00:26:46 UTC


2018-06-20 00:26:48 UTC

do people do voice calls here

2018-06-20 00:28:10 UTC


2018-06-20 00:29:08 UTC

also who is pingu

2018-06-20 00:36:38 UTC

he is the betrayer

2018-06-20 00:46:54 UTC

age of marriage =/= age of consent

2018-06-20 00:47:05 UTC

nothing fucked up about it

2018-06-20 00:48:45 UTC

about child marriage?

2018-06-20 00:49:26 UTC


2018-06-20 00:49:42 UTC

cause there's a big difference between someone marrying someone they love at 17 and a 10 year old being forced to abandon school and marry a 30 year old man

2018-06-20 00:50:04 UTC

my grandmother married my grandfather at age 10 and theyve got one of the best relationships ive ever seen

2018-06-20 00:50:41 UTC

but there's a huge, huge amount of times where the relationship isnt happy

2018-06-20 00:50:54 UTC

where the girl is forced to abandon school and everything she's worked for

2018-06-20 00:50:57 UTC

most of the time this is for other reasons

2018-06-20 00:51:08 UTC

beaten, raped, have children against her will, etc

2018-06-20 00:51:28 UTC

that is not an issue exclusive to child marriage

2018-06-20 00:51:59 UTC

no but those issues are common in child marriage in the 3rd world

2018-06-20 00:52:05 UTC

>3rd world

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