
Discord ID: 452955220473806859

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2018-09-04 06:22:46 UTC

Having humans live forever in torture is unfair, even for the worst of the worst

2018-09-04 06:22:54 UTC

Forever is such a long time

2018-09-04 06:23:01 UTC


2018-09-04 06:23:12 UTC

"pagan" is 2018 speak for "I'm an atheist but everyone hates atheists and atheism isn't le cool underground movement anymore because it's not 2006 so I'm going to call myself a pagan while espousing exactly the same anti-theistic tenets and complaining about 10 commandments sculptures on courthouses while saying nothing about Muslims stoning people to death."

2018-09-04 06:23:16 UTC

Some really bad peoples go to heaven

2018-09-04 06:23:17 UTC

So at least you're honest about it

2018-09-04 06:23:25 UTC

Some really good people go to hell

2018-09-04 06:23:40 UTC

@Not as Depressed Gaddafi hell is not where you go

2018-09-04 06:23:50 UTC

This pisses Me off

2018-09-04 06:23:53 UTC

@Emanon I will destroy Islam next

2018-09-04 06:23:58 UTC

When I am done with this

2018-09-04 06:24:03 UTC

You don't go to hell at all @Deleted User

2018-09-04 06:24:11 UTC

Purgatory is bullshit

2018-09-04 06:24:22 UTC

You go to the lake of fire

2018-09-04 06:24:24 UTC

No, you will shout into a chat of people who don't care what you think and have a net effect of 0 on the world, as is the fate of all atheists and atheism in general. @Not as Depressed Gaddafi

2018-09-04 06:24:33 UTC

Soul destroyed for not believing in a Jewish hippie?

2018-09-04 06:24:33 UTC

Hell is thrown *into* the lake of fire

2018-09-04 06:24:51 UTC

@Emanon really

2018-09-04 06:25:05 UTC

Atheism is a bit bigger than most will admit

2018-09-04 06:25:12 UTC

Particularly in Estonia and Asia

2018-09-04 06:25:16 UTC

Atheism is small

2018-09-04 06:25:18 UTC


2018-09-04 06:25:23 UTC

estonia is fucking puny dude

2018-09-04 06:25:29 UTC

estonia is the idaho of europe

2018-09-04 06:25:39 UTC

And even in religious countries

2018-09-04 06:25:48 UTC

Most people donโ€™t care about the rules

2018-09-04 06:25:53 UTC

Look at modern culture

2018-09-04 06:25:56 UTC

In America

2018-09-04 06:25:59 UTC

Or in Europe

2018-09-04 06:26:01 UTC

Sounds like every youth generation ever

2018-09-04 06:26:06 UTC


2018-09-04 06:26:08 UTC

Not just the youth

2018-09-04 06:26:09 UTC

It's natural for youth

2018-09-04 06:26:26 UTC

This is the effect of boomers and their hedonistic debauchery, not atheism.

2018-09-04 06:26:31 UTC

Anything can be โ€œnaturalโ€

2018-09-04 06:26:33 UTC

I could write a book about how much I hate boomers.

2018-09-04 06:26:51 UTC

But let me say this

2018-09-04 06:26:59 UTC

The boomers are going to die and their effect will fade, with time.

2018-09-04 06:26:59 UTC

Modern culture doesnโ€™t really follow this stuff

2018-09-04 06:27:09 UTC


2018-09-04 06:27:12 UTC

Most Christian holidays are stolen from other religions

2018-09-04 06:27:19 UTC


2018-09-04 06:27:36 UTC

who cares?

2018-09-04 06:27:38 UTC

Doesnโ€™t the Bible say not to celebrate other religions holidays?

2018-09-04 06:27:47 UTC

You guys literally break your own rules willingly

2018-09-04 06:27:50 UTC

Who cares what the Bible says?

2018-09-04 06:27:59 UTC

Then why care about the religion?

2018-09-04 06:28:09 UTC

The Bible is not the infallible word of God you fucking faggot, only protestants think that and protestants are retarded

2018-09-04 06:28:24 UTC

and 3/4 of it is rendered irrelevant aside from context anyway

2018-09-04 06:28:32 UTC

But even the overall message

2018-09-04 06:28:34 UTC

the Old Testament is literally only there for context

2018-09-04 06:28:50 UTC

all that mixing grains kike shit is Old Testament which is rendered irrelevant by the New Covenant

2018-09-04 06:28:53 UTC

Believe in a hippie jew to go to heaven

2018-09-04 06:28:55 UTC

Catholics are worse than prots

2018-09-04 06:28:55 UTC

you have 0 clue what you're talking about

2018-09-04 06:28:57 UTC


2018-09-04 06:29:01 UTC


2018-09-04 06:29:02 UTC

@Not as Depressed Gaddafi he renounced Jews

2018-09-04 06:29:06 UTC

somebody jump on voice chat

2018-09-04 06:29:19 UTC

because you believe that the Old Testament is in any way relevant aside from context

2018-09-04 06:29:39 UTC

It does matter to some extent

2018-09-04 06:29:41 UTC


2018-09-04 06:29:43 UTC

it does not

2018-09-04 06:29:49 UTC

except for context

2018-09-04 06:30:11 UTC

But then why did the Old Testament exist, if the new one invalided everything?

2018-09-04 06:30:19 UTC


2018-09-04 06:30:20 UTC


2018-09-04 06:30:21 UTC


2018-09-04 06:30:29 UTC

that's why it's included in the Bible

2018-09-04 06:30:37 UTC

so we understand why everything is happening in the NT

2018-09-04 06:31:03 UTC

and the Bible isn't the infallible word of God, it's just a collection of writings from the Apostles

2018-09-04 06:31:18 UTC

the fact that even the NT contradicts itself is evidence of this

2018-09-04 06:31:30 UTC

And the apostales are men, and therefore fallible

2018-09-04 06:31:34 UTC


2018-09-04 06:31:40 UTC

this nigger has no fucking clue what he's talking about

2018-09-04 06:31:55 UTC


2018-09-04 06:31:57 UTC

@Emanon do you believe that Mary is sinless

2018-09-04 06:32:10 UTC

Tfw modern christianity is literary 80% pagan
Tfw christians nowadays that follow the origins are seen as sectants
Tfw Christians destroyed a lot of knowledge and culture

2018-09-04 06:32:14 UTC

So what did I get out of this?

2018-09-04 06:32:14 UTC

I believe that she was born without original sin, not that she was sinless

2018-09-04 06:32:17 UTC

there's a difference

2018-09-04 06:32:31 UTC

@Deleted User t. protestant

2018-09-04 06:32:44 UTC

Basically, I believed in a false definition of Christianity, and I should pray more, bullshit

2018-09-04 06:33:01 UTC

when did I say you should pray more you fucking savant?

2018-09-04 06:33:04 UTC

I don't give a shit what you do

2018-09-04 06:33:11 UTC

Tfw christians be like :oh no muslims are invading. Tfw christianity invaded from the same area and was just as violent,even more perhaps

2018-09-04 06:33:14 UTC

Then why are you arguing?

2018-09-04 06:33:24 UTC

Because I have nothing else to do while eating my ravioli

2018-09-04 06:33:27 UTC


2018-09-04 06:33:29 UTC

@Deleted User they are seen as satanists because hmm they maybe worship Satan over God?

2018-09-04 06:33:33 UTC

when I am done with my ravioli I will stop arguing

2018-09-04 06:33:39 UTC

@Deleted User Christianity and Islam did destroy cultures and did help imperialism

2018-09-04 06:33:46 UTC

is this a bad thing?

2018-09-04 06:33:57 UTC

@Doctor Anon never mentioned satanism,I said sectants

2018-09-04 06:34:05 UTC

I am not a satanist

2018-09-04 06:34:07 UTC


2018-09-04 06:34:07 UTC


2018-09-04 06:34:14 UTC
2018-09-04 06:34:19 UTC

because of imperialism you get niggers in your land and jews

2018-09-04 06:34:26 UTC

Satanism is different depending on which branch

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