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2018-08-16 01:48:37 UTC

Its a part

2018-08-16 01:48:42 UTC

there's lots of parts

2018-08-16 01:48:50 UTC

@εïз irma εïз I don't think the nordic system is socialist, but we lath redistribution is inherit to putting the means of production into the hands of the workers by disrespecting private property

2018-08-16 01:48:53 UTC

thats like saying supporting free speech makes you libertarian

2018-08-16 01:48:57 UTC

Wealth equity was something Marx disagreed with vehemently with Proudhon though lmao

2018-08-16 01:49:00 UTC

@Rotored Social Democratic

2018-08-16 01:49:27 UTC

Proudhon's society would have been totally incapable of defense

2018-08-16 01:49:33 UTC

Democratic socialism isn't socialism. Never has been and never will be.

2018-08-16 01:49:35 UTC

and emigration would be a problem

2018-08-16 01:49:46 UTC

@εïз irma εïз It is missing a core aspect of socialism

2018-08-16 01:49:54 UTC

It's missing the socialism part.

2018-08-16 01:49:55 UTC

which is violent overthrow

2018-08-16 01:49:57 UTC

@εïз irma εïз Democratic socialism still sucks complete balls

2018-08-16 01:49:58 UTC

of the govt

2018-08-16 01:50:00 UTC

Where workers actually own the MOP.

2018-08-16 01:50:08 UTC

Democratic Socialism is Socialism

2018-08-16 01:50:15 UTC

I think you are speaking of Social Democracy

2018-08-16 01:50:15 UTC

Also socialism is inherently democratic

2018-08-16 01:50:20 UTC

No it is not

2018-08-16 01:50:31 UTC

Nordic model is functional democratic socialism and it's a free market system where capitalists own the MOP. So it's not socialism.

2018-08-16 01:50:31 UTC

Kind of

2018-08-16 01:50:34 UTC

Marx did not advocate for democracy

2018-08-16 01:50:44 UTC

@εïз irma εïз Social Democracy

2018-08-16 01:50:55 UTC


2018-08-16 01:51:09 UTC

2018-08-16 01:51:13 UTC

like that

2018-08-16 01:51:17 UTC

Communism is democracy to the 100th degree

2018-08-16 01:51:33 UTC

It's mob rule over the means of production

2018-08-16 01:51:54 UTC

The best example of any democratic socialism would probably be the american labor movements starting with the Greenback party

2018-08-16 01:51:58 UTC

Popularity is the final decision of how resources should be utilized in a communistic

2018-08-16 01:52:01 UTC

or Spain

2018-08-16 01:52:17 UTC

After USSR anarchism went quiet

2018-08-16 01:52:25 UTC

and I don't think will get a revival

2018-08-16 01:52:33 UTC

Antifa is Marxist-Leninist

2018-08-16 01:52:36 UTC

not anarchist

2018-08-16 01:52:41 UTC

no lmao

2018-08-16 01:52:51 UTC

They literally have ancom flags

2018-08-16 01:52:58 UTC

Antifa is more anarchist than ML for sure, but it's a wide coalition of leftist ideologies.

2018-08-16 01:53:09 UTC

Just because you autistically wave a flag doesnt mean you stand for that thing

2018-08-16 01:53:12 UTC

They don’t understand their own politics

2018-08-16 01:53:17 UTC

Well Antifa does stand for that thing.

2018-08-16 01:53:17 UTC

look at neo cons and the american flag

2018-08-16 01:53:32 UTC

George W. Bush doesn't deserve to fly one

2018-08-16 01:53:36 UTC

but he does

2018-08-16 01:53:37 UTC

"look at neocons who i personally think are destroying america!!! look!!! its the same thing!!!!"

2018-08-16 01:53:42 UTC


2018-08-16 01:54:12 UTC

despite that 90% of the electricity in the USA is generated via the energy produced by the founders spinning in their graves

2018-08-16 01:54:33 UTC

This conversation is meaningless. All demons on the left deserve to be dissolved immediately!

2018-08-16 01:55:05 UTC

Left are degenerates.

2018-08-16 01:55:11 UTC

Socialism is not right

2018-08-16 01:55:18 UTC

Antifa is autistic

2018-08-16 01:55:34 UTC

Socialism disregards economic hierarchy

2018-08-16 01:55:50 UTC

I would say it is more authoritarian in nature, but its members are just a bunch of upper middle class kids who dont have the support of any real workers

2018-08-16 01:55:54 UTC

look at portland

2018-08-16 01:55:56 UTC

Labor theory of value is completely moronic.

2018-08-16 01:56:02 UTC

when people where trying to get to work

2018-08-16 01:56:06 UTC

they where stopping

2018-08-16 01:56:08 UTC


2018-08-16 01:56:19 UTC

Marxists have never had the support of the working class.

2018-08-16 01:56:31 UTC

"I'm helping the worker by causing them to have trouble holding their job because my ideology is dumb"

2018-08-16 01:57:01 UTC

When their are 376 genders but you've managed to make the political system a binary between you and fascists

2018-08-16 01:57:15 UTC

"The capitalist should not get paid for making a financial risk, providing jobs and utilization of land and labor to meet societies wants and needs>"

2018-08-16 01:57:23 UTC

Reformism will just lead to a perverted chimera of capitalism and social programs that collapses under the weight of its bureaucracy. The only way for Marxist ideologies to work is complete overthrow.

2018-08-16 01:57:44 UTC

Gas the Marxists

2018-08-16 01:58:01 UTC

It's almost like marxism can only work through queerbo faggot screech attacks

2018-08-16 01:58:42 UTC

They must bring everyone down to their level of weakness to be 'victorious'

2018-08-16 01:59:21 UTC

The liquidation of hierarchy is their chance to consume society

2018-08-16 01:59:31 UTC

When vanilla rightists get together to discuss socialism it's reminiscent of suburban moms on Facebook posting minion memes.

2018-08-16 01:59:42 UTC

o O f

2018-08-16 01:59:54 UTC


2018-08-16 02:00:28 UTC

Ok gang, let's talk about how socialists are hypocrites because they won't suck my peener

2018-08-16 02:00:35 UTC

Again, socialism is when the government does stuff. The more stuff the government does the more socialister it is. Have I even bothered to read the Wikipedia page and pretend to have read Marx? No. Socialism is when the government does what I don't want it to.

2018-08-16 02:01:08 UTC

The absolute state of the vanilla right.

2018-08-16 02:01:31 UTC

well, they state is an easy means to spread socialism, as it is a monopoly of force and supreme authority

2018-08-16 02:01:35 UTC

In don’t want the government to do much of anything. I don’t need a daddy.

2018-08-16 02:01:36 UTC

Classical liberalism is a failed ideology.

2018-08-16 02:01:49 UTC

Socialism is also failed

2018-08-16 02:02:02 UTC


2018-08-16 02:02:11 UTC

You don't have to understand socialism to understand that.

2018-08-16 02:02:13 UTC

But it’s different next time?

2018-08-16 02:02:18 UTC


2018-08-16 02:02:35 UTC

I don't know, my only criticism has been that you don't know what it is and you're proudly ignorant.

2018-08-16 02:02:47 UTC

I have repeatedly said I'm a fascist and I think socialism is dumb.

2018-08-16 02:03:02 UTC

That is you opinion due to you support a failed system

2018-08-16 02:03:08 UTC

If you weren't illiterate maybe you would understand anything.

2018-08-16 02:03:15 UTC

But you are, so you don't.

2018-08-16 02:03:24 UTC

How old are you

2018-08-16 02:03:54 UTC

My age is not relevant. I could be 4 but my criticisms would still be true.

2018-08-16 02:04:14 UTC

lol talk to me about this in five or so years

2018-08-16 02:04:41 UTC

Is this your clever way to avoid confronting you being mentally deficient?

2018-08-16 02:04:52 UTC

Outsmarted me so bad. I'm holding back tears.

2018-08-16 02:05:17 UTC

And that’s how I know how old you are

2018-08-16 02:05:24 UTC

You denounced Pinochet lel

2018-08-16 02:05:29 UTC

That's our reason

2018-08-16 02:05:30 UTC


2018-08-16 02:05:43 UTC

U denounced pinochet u must be 4

2018-08-16 02:06:12 UTC

pinochet is gay

2018-08-16 02:06:28 UTC

free market capitalism is jewry

2018-08-16 02:06:46 UTC

He proved libertarianism and dictatorship are compatible

2018-08-16 02:06:47 UTC

I don't have to address any criticisms because I think you're younger than me : DDDDDD
- Gwyn, on being exposed as an actual retard

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