
Discord ID: 276935978369810432

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2017-02-05 20:06:39 UTC

Vanguard of Liberty is really good

2017-02-05 20:06:52 UTC

@Xenogenesis Proofs?

2017-02-05 20:06:59 UTC

why go with vanguard if you want to be the frontline

2017-02-05 20:07:06 UTC


2017-02-05 20:07:09 UTC

I'm just regular moonman, I don't have any thing to do with Moonman-NY

2017-02-05 20:07:27 UTC

@Sevatar he called me infiltrator without having a reason

2017-02-05 20:07:37 UTC

Trying to divide us

2017-02-05 20:07:37 UTC

I better see some hecking proofs.

2017-02-05 20:07:40 UTC

2017-02-05 20:07:42 UTC

Everybody, prove you're not an infiltrator by posting a picture of your faces

2017-02-05 20:07:45 UTC

the name just sounds good

2017-02-05 20:07:45 UTC

Sorry if this has been addressed already, however i was wondering if this is only an american based organization, because i live in leaf land and was wondering of contriubuting to the cause.

2017-02-05 20:07:51 UTC


2017-02-05 20:07:58 UTC

@Ulan No, it's not.

2017-02-05 20:08:08 UTC

@Ulan I am still working on other countries' insiginias, give me a few

2017-02-05 20:08:15 UTC

Am wondering though, what colors for leafland?

2017-02-05 20:08:21 UTC

White and red? @Ulan

2017-02-05 20:08:27 UTC

eh @Ulan depends if you're a faggotkike or not

2017-02-05 20:08:30 UTC

We're primarily American-based, but there's no reason not to move past national borders

2017-02-05 20:08:30 UTC

Reform it. That's smarter.

2017-02-05 20:08:33 UTC

i would think so yes.

2017-02-05 20:08:37 UTC

so is this just an anti antifa room?

2017-02-05 20:08:49 UTC


2017-02-05 20:08:55 UTC

Yeah, we've been infiltrated

2017-02-05 20:09:03 UTC

im not infiltrating?

2017-02-05 20:09:05 UTC

oy vey

2017-02-05 20:09:06 UTC

I agree

2017-02-05 20:09:08 UTC

im from the ape room

2017-02-05 20:09:09 UTC


2017-02-05 20:09:14 UTC

fuck those street cunts

2017-02-05 20:09:15 UTC

abandon ship the jews know!

2017-02-05 20:09:21 UTC
2017-02-05 20:09:39 UTC

Let moonman-NY some time for using Photoshop @Sevatar

2017-02-05 20:09:49 UTC

We never cared about infiltrators before. Just shrug and move on, otherwise we'll destroy ourselves.

2017-02-05 20:10:05 UTC


2017-02-05 20:10:08 UTC

Why are we worrying about infiltrators tbh, there's no way you can stop them. Antifa and CTR have infiltrators as well.

2017-02-05 20:10:14 UTC

in my briefcase i have a list of all the infiltrators

2017-02-05 20:10:22 UTC

Post a selfie so we can know you're a safe white.

2017-02-05 20:10:22 UTC

Im not a boogie man legit though

2017-02-05 20:10:25 UTC

and i will release them once an hour

2017-02-05 20:10:27 UTC
2017-02-05 20:10:29 UTC

fuck commies

2017-02-05 20:10:29 UTC

Honestly because they're just anoying.

2017-02-05 20:10:32 UTC

if you made a more private server then you could get rid of them

2017-02-05 20:10:35 UTC

just have to vet people

2017-02-05 20:10:37 UTC

Paranoia is an arm of Subversion, this is about protecting your communities, demonstrating how pathetic Anti-Fa are by helping those that they claim to fight for.

2017-02-05 20:10:39 UTC

2017-02-05 20:10:55 UTC

Ya i have many friends who would sign up to the anti com cause, so i believe i could contribute quite well.

2017-02-05 20:10:59 UTC

@Rasenemus why are so many people here nazis then

2017-02-05 20:11:11 UTC

@Jane This is already planned and will happen in the near future.

2017-02-05 20:11:15 UTC

2017-02-05 20:11:16 UTC

@smoothestjazz Because it's funny to offend jews

2017-02-05 20:11:24 UTC

Proofs as requested

2017-02-05 20:11:31 UTC

@Verm dm me when it's done I want in

2017-02-05 20:11:32 UTC

that looks shopped

2017-02-05 20:11:36 UTC


2017-02-05 20:11:40 UTC

@smoothestjazz I doubt "so many people" here are National Socialists

2017-02-05 20:11:42 UTC

i think you're the traitor with proof like that

2017-02-05 20:11:45 UTC

want a wider wiew of the whole page?

2017-02-05 20:11:55 UTC

@Jane Just keep checking up on the discord. It'll be in "Announcements."

2017-02-05 20:12:00 UTC


2017-02-05 20:12:07 UTC

we are very close to 400 followers gusy! WOO!

2017-02-05 20:12:07 UTC

@Haupstรผrmfuhrer Pepe Post our snek and insignias I posted on the thread so they stop thinking we're shills dying down in a day

2017-02-05 20:12:14 UTC


2017-02-05 20:12:21 UTC

2017-02-05 20:12:31 UTC

more proofs

2017-02-05 20:12:33 UTC

I think you're all a psyop by Soros

2017-02-05 20:12:42 UTC
2017-02-05 20:13:15 UTC

Looks like sarcasm to me

2017-02-05 20:13:17 UTC

@fashyGoyim Just a simple buzzfeed reporter

2017-02-05 20:13:17 UTC


2017-02-05 20:13:19 UTC

Take it up with the owner of this server, I only joined here yesterday when there were ~40-60 people.

2017-02-05 20:13:38 UTC

If everybody posts a selfie, we're sure to discover who the infiltrators are.

2017-02-05 20:13:51 UTC


2017-02-05 20:13:54 UTC

Gas the kites, sail war now!

2017-02-05 20:13:55 UTC


2017-02-05 20:14:08 UTC


2017-02-05 20:14:08 UTC

@RogerRiga we are not a racist org

2017-02-05 20:14:10 UTC


2017-02-05 20:14:11 UTC

I love how Comfy Fuhrerbunker is kinda like a podcast.

2017-02-05 20:14:23 UTC

@RogerRiga idk man, I look like an unshaven neet

2017-02-05 20:14:46 UTC

@Gevir Fjell Have you seen this 3edgy chat?

2017-02-05 20:15:10 UTC

Anonymous (ID: GtLWiswu) 02/05/17(Sun)15:09:59 No.111225326โ–ถ

Remember we live in a christian value country... This is even true for the left, whether they realize it or not.

What does the bible teach about the snake? As a libertarian, I'm down with it. But most people don't know the meaning behind it and will just think "eww what are they Slytherin?"

I like the aesthetic though. Hand drawn is good and makes people think "grass roots" and "authenticity". Keep making them please, you have a good hand.

2017-02-05 20:15:13 UTC

@RogerRiga It's fine if those that want to post selfies post them, but in this day and age with these types of organizations, I see people who ask for pictures are data miners

2017-02-05 20:15:14 UTC

hmm i've seen this being mentioned for a while now

2017-02-05 20:15:20 UTC

should we change snek?

2017-02-05 20:15:50 UTC


2017-02-05 20:15:56 UTC

change snek

2017-02-05 20:16:30 UTC

snek gives the movement too clear a political tie

2017-02-05 20:16:31 UTC

@RogerRiga edgelords shouldn't represent the ideology of anticom

2017-02-05 20:17:06 UTC

What to though?

2017-02-05 20:17:06 UTC

I guess no snek

2017-02-05 20:17:28 UTC

Anybody know anything with strong symbolism other than snek?
I'd love to keep snek but anon is right and I have been hearing the same thing from others in here

2017-02-05 20:17:34 UTC

I liked the idea of the hedgehog from last night

2017-02-05 20:17:42 UTC

how would that look tho

2017-02-05 20:17:44 UTC

I get the feeling your family could make copper wire from a handful of pennies @Gevir Fjell

2017-02-05 20:17:48 UTC

Eagle or Lion

2017-02-05 20:17:52 UTC

@Click can you help us with doodles?

188,296 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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