
Discord ID: 399676530394923010

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2018-02-04 18:00:38 UTC


2018-02-04 18:00:38 UTC

Joining General

2018-02-04 18:00:46 UTC


2018-02-04 18:00:47 UTC


2018-02-04 18:00:53 UTC

okay give me a sec

2018-02-04 18:00:53 UTC

;;play meatshake

2018-02-04 18:00:53 UTC

**Please select a track with the `;;play 1-5` command:**
**1:** UGLY DUCKLING - TASTE THE SECRET (Full Album) (01:09:17)
**2:** Ugly Duckling Meat shake (05:19)
**3:** Ugly Duckling - Meat Shake (02:44)
**4:** Ugly Duckling - The Drive Thru (02:22)
**5:** Ugly Duckling - Complete Meatshake VS Veggie Hut Dialogue (14:47)

2018-02-04 18:01:04 UTC

you're a mod so I think you can set it up yourself

2018-02-04 18:01:12 UTC

I don't have role or channel permissions

2018-02-04 18:01:22 UTC

That's admin stuff

2018-02-04 18:01:25 UTC


2018-02-04 18:01:38 UTC

pinky promise you're not an antifag

2018-02-04 18:01:44 UTC

lol pinky promise

2018-02-04 18:01:52 UTC

did you see my work?

2018-02-04 18:02:04 UTC

your work ?

2018-02-04 18:02:13 UTC

I'm unfamiliar with anticom for the omst part

2018-02-04 18:02:34 UTC


2018-02-04 18:02:50 UTC

yeah looks like it only works for the voice channel

2018-02-04 18:03:01 UTC

We're in the "reform after getting rid of the siegefags and discord shoahs" phase

2018-02-04 18:03:15 UTC

okay so if you want to add a song, please do it in <#409511459844784138> and not <#399676530394923010>

2018-02-04 18:03:26 UTC

probably want to pin that

2018-02-04 18:03:33 UTC

Hold on

2018-02-04 18:03:38 UTC

I'll make him a bot channel

2018-02-04 18:03:43 UTC

let me take pupper out

2018-02-04 18:04:20 UTC

I'm getting paid to do this black guy's college algebra coursework so I'll talk to you goys later tonight

2018-02-04 18:04:32 UTC

I think the channel number is filled

2018-02-04 18:04:58 UTC

you have a suggestion of what 2 states I should combine so you can make a music channel?

2018-02-04 18:05:18 UTC

make a new england one

2018-02-04 18:05:23 UTC

condense those

2018-02-04 18:07:01 UTC

I got another idea

2018-02-04 18:07:58 UTC

okay I combined Michigan and Minnesota, make the bot channel then

2018-02-04 18:47:21 UTC

For those of you who live in states with electronic voter registration. When you talk to friends and coworker's about registering to vote . Pull up the registration page and give them your phone. I got 3 people to register this way. If they say they will register later they never will

2018-02-04 19:44:09 UTC

Gave it an appropriate name too

2018-02-04 20:03:02 UTC

ATTENTION EVERYONE: Think of at least 3 right-wing friends you have, and invite them to this Discord. We need to expand.

ATTENTION EVERYONE: Think of at least 3 right-wing friends you have, and invite them to this Discord. We need to expand.

ATTENTION EVERYONE: Think of at least 3 right-wing friends you have, and invite them to this Discord. We need to expand.

2018-02-04 20:34:25 UTC

If terrorism is a key issue in the midterms we will win,

2018-02-04 20:34:31 UTC

how do I know this?

2018-02-04 20:34:38 UTC

the women vote

2018-02-04 20:35:20 UTC

women only vote for the GOP or right-leaning parties when national security is a political issue of the election,

2018-02-04 20:35:58 UTC

look back to any election that took place in a strong blue area, such as a big state or a coastal state on the west coast or mid-atlantic,

2018-02-04 20:36:15 UTC

Rudy Guiliani is a key example,

2018-02-04 20:36:36 UTC

he won on the NYC mayoral race on the issue of 9/11

2018-02-04 20:37:02 UTC

Giuliani was mayor before 9/11 though

2018-02-04 20:37:19 UTC

he was mayor during the 90s

2018-02-04 20:37:29 UTC

ye, but terrorism was a issue before, what with Osama threatening the US and such

2018-02-04 20:37:33 UTC

I believe the issue was the fact that crime rates were so high, and the previous mayor was very unpopular

2018-02-04 20:37:46 UTC

also crime as well

2018-02-04 20:37:52 UTC

I think he retired from mayor soon after 9/11 didn't he?

2018-02-04 20:38:12 UTC

when crime and terrorism are the issues, women swing republican, the data overwhelmingly support this

2018-02-04 20:39:14 UTC

it also explains how Boris Johnson won in London back a few years ago

give the template that you guys have been using

i think a general will work in the next week

2018-02-04 20:46:08 UTC

you'll find a lot of that kind of stuff in <#409493745315348490>

2018-02-04 20:50:52 UTC

close but still


2018-02-04 20:51:38 UTC

@Aฬ€ฬ“ฬ‡ฬˆฬ‘ฬขฬงฬกฬฅฬฬญyeExEyeอจอฌฬผฬ˜ฬฒ yeah, feel free to use the stuff in <#409493745315348490> to make a general whenever you feel like, assuming there isn't already one present on /pol/

2018-02-04 21:33:25 UTC

There hasn't been very many terrorists attacks since Obama left. Did you notice that? Also the race riots which were happening about once a month or so are gone

2018-02-04 21:41:31 UTC

wow, now that you mention it .. .

2018-02-04 21:55:53 UTC

anyone got a subject of discussion for the /pol/ general?

2018-02-04 21:56:09 UTC


2018-02-04 21:56:56 UTC

@birdman has a project that entails filling out info on every candidate out there

2018-02-04 21:57:06 UTC

did you take a look at it yet

2018-02-04 22:00:51 UTC


2018-02-04 22:10:07 UTC

It's still in the building phase because right now i have to basically do everythign by hand but soon i'll have a webpage for basic tech people

2018-02-04 23:20:37 UTC

The DCCC unveiled its initial list of targeted Republican incumbents on January 30, 2017. If you live in any of these districts, make sure they arenโ€™t successful by getting everyone you know receptive to voting for the GOP out to vote, and getting yourself out to vote on top of that.

Alabama's 2nd District Martha Roby
Arkansas' 2nd District French Hill
Arizona's 2nd District Martha McSally
California's 4th District Tom McClintock
California's 10th District Jeff Denham
California's 21st District David Valadao
California's 25th District Steve Knight
California's 39th District Ed Royce
California's 45th District Mimi Walters
California's 48th District Dana Rohrabacher
California's 49th District Darrell Issa
Colorado's 3rd District Scott Tipton
Colorado's 6th District Mike Coffman
Florida's 18th District Brian Mast
Florida's 25th District Mario Diaz-Balart
Florida's 26th District Carlos Curbelo
Florida's 27th District Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
Georgia's 6th District Tom Price*
Iowa's 1st District Rod Blum
Iowa's 3rd District David Young
Illinois' 6th District Peter Roskam
Illinois' 13th District Rodney Davis
Illinois' 14th District Randy Hultgren
Indiana's 9th District Trey Hollingsworth
Kansas' 2nd District Lynn Jenkins
Kansas' 3rd District Kevin Yoder
Kentucky's 6th District Andy Barr
Maine's 2nd District Bruce Poliquin

2018-02-04 23:25:12 UTC

A lot of this districts are going to be really heavy lifts for a party going broke. Like Arkansas 2

2018-02-04 23:25:44 UTC

we can't grow dependent on that

2018-02-04 23:25:47 UTC

funneling all their resources into California could be diastrous

2018-02-04 23:26:53 UTC

True. California is our big weak point

2018-02-04 23:27:09 UTC

Southern Florida is also extremely vulnerable

2018-02-04 23:27:26 UTC

I was just looking at that!!!

2018-02-04 23:27:44 UTC

Florida 26

2018-02-04 23:27:45 UTC

We can manage if we can make up in other states

2018-02-04 23:28:08 UTC

The RNC had better be pooling their money for Nov 6

2018-02-04 23:28:41 UTC

Is this the whole list?

2018-02-04 23:30:20 UTC

I'm starting to help with Rod Blum's campaign Iowa District 1. Every little bit helps honestly. A huge help is that the Democratic Party is I believe roughly $32 Million in debt.

2018-02-04 23:30:31 UTC

6.1 million now

2018-02-04 23:30:40 UTC

They are 400 k away from becoming bankrupt

2018-02-04 23:31:12 UTC

Here's hopes they do go bankrupt.

2018-02-04 23:31:28 UTC


2018-02-04 23:31:29 UTC


2018-02-04 23:31:29 UTC


2018-02-04 23:31:30 UTC


2018-02-04 23:31:39 UTC

This is literally double the debt they had in June 2017

2018-02-04 23:31:50 UTC

At their spending rate they'll be bankrupt soon

2018-02-04 23:32:12 UTC

At any rate, if there's no bailouts they're not going to have much of a piggybank come November

2018-02-04 23:34:33 UTC

Did you see that where running candidates in every state race they can as well? I'm really shocked that none of the Media is talking about how stupid this is

2018-02-04 23:35:19 UTC

We'll see how it turns out when the races finish

2018-02-04 23:36:34 UTC

the last 2-3 months are what matter

2018-02-04 23:37:03 UTC

everything in the new cycle until then won't matter

2018-02-04 23:37:50 UTC


2018-02-04 23:38:04 UTC

we definitely need to have momentum to build till then

2018-02-04 23:38:13 UTC

hopefully the GOP Congress will pass _something_ new by then

2018-02-04 23:38:38 UTC

or a major investigation after this memo stuff

2018-02-04 23:40:05 UTC

We need another Women's March as well. People I know were way more repulsed this year then last year. I seen a ton of women I know posting on Facebook that they weren't represented by these women

2018-02-04 23:40:19 UTC


2018-02-04 23:40:25 UTC

Too many vagina costumes

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