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2019-11-22 04:59:34 UTC

I meant alcohol but ok @Lain

2019-11-22 04:59:42 UTC

I've seen you before. you even asked me the same question ๐Ÿ™‚ troll much?

2019-11-22 04:59:49 UTC

"my favorite molecule"

2019-11-22 04:59:52 UTC

mmm and yet you've not answered my question

2019-11-22 04:59:59 UTC

Probably the lab where I faked that I have a PhD

2019-11-22 05:00:03 UTC

I remember it because nobody has ever asked such a silly question before

2019-11-22 05:00:04 UTC

Whats your favorite way to dodge questions and be disingenuous?

2019-11-22 05:00:15 UTC

lmao someone with a phD shouldn't look down upon "silly" questions in his field

2019-11-22 05:00:24 UTC

rather he should encourage others to join it by explaining laymen questions

2019-11-22 05:00:28 UTC

that's a silly question. a favorite molecule?!?!

2019-11-22 05:00:35 UTC

My favorite way is by saying this:"I remember it because nobody has ever asked such a silly question before"

2019-11-22 05:00:39 UTC


2019-11-22 05:00:42 UTC


2019-11-22 05:00:46 UTC

nice way to dodge the question

2019-11-22 05:00:50 UTC

nothing brings out the trolls like FE ๐Ÿ™‚

2019-11-22 05:00:57 UTC

nice deflection

2019-11-22 05:01:02 UTC

what is Fe

2019-11-22 05:01:03 UTC

nice trolling

2019-11-22 05:01:04 UTC

Or dodging, deflecting, dishonest flat earthers

2019-11-22 05:01:15 UTC

would you care to explain

2019-11-22 05:01:47 UTC

FE = flat earth

2019-11-22 05:01:51 UTC


2019-11-22 05:01:54 UTC


2019-11-22 05:01:54 UTC


2019-11-22 05:01:59 UTC


2019-11-22 05:01:59 UTC


2019-11-22 05:02:04 UTC


2019-11-22 05:02:05 UTC

chem PhDs be like

2019-11-22 05:02:07 UTC

nice horizon u got there

2019-11-22 05:02:10 UTC


2019-11-22 05:02:12 UTC

what is da iron

2019-11-22 05:02:16 UTC


2019-11-22 05:02:22 UTC

triggered? ๐Ÿ™‚

2019-11-22 05:02:22 UTC

2019-11-22 05:02:23 UTC

2019-11-22 05:02:32 UTC


2019-11-22 05:02:35 UTC


2019-11-22 05:02:37 UTC

see i know when to not keep pressing

2019-11-22 05:02:39 UTC

woah what lol?

2019-11-22 05:02:47 UTC

Oh my god ur right

2019-11-22 05:02:52 UTC


2019-11-22 05:02:55 UTC

The horizon is flat

2019-11-22 05:03:00 UTC


2019-11-22 05:03:05 UTC

Someone does not understand geometry

2019-11-22 05:03:11 UTC


2019-11-22 05:03:13 UTC

How did the camera get past the dome?

2019-11-22 05:03:14 UTC

Or much besides memes and deflection

2019-11-22 05:03:15 UTC

yes. I agree!!

2019-11-22 05:03:18 UTC

notice the only place with "curved" rays is with clouds.......

2019-11-22 05:03:28 UTC

because the sun is small and close

2019-11-22 05:03:31 UTC


2019-11-22 05:03:35 UTC

crepuscular rays show that

2019-11-22 05:03:37 UTC


2019-11-22 05:03:38 UTC


2019-11-22 05:03:44 UTC

and they only appear with clouds ๐Ÿ™‚

2019-11-22 05:03:51 UTC


2019-11-22 05:03:51 UTC

because you have to see light scattering to see the rays

2019-11-22 05:03:53 UTC


2019-11-22 05:03:59 UTC

How did the camera get past the dome?

2019-11-22 05:04:02 UTC

How did the camera get past the dome?

2019-11-22 05:04:16 UTC

nothing has gotten past the dome

2019-11-22 05:04:18 UTC

Magical!! And under the ocean, and inside buildings. those magical crepuscular rays...

2019-11-22 05:04:28 UTC

nothing magical. it's light scattering

2019-11-22 05:04:40 UTC

what dome lol please tell me more about this dome that you believe in

2019-11-22 05:04:45 UTC

isn't gravity magic?

2019-11-22 05:04:51 UTC

Proof of the dome?

2019-11-22 05:04:54 UTC


2019-11-22 05:05:03 UTC

yes. we have gas and liquid water here

2019-11-22 05:05:04 UTC

In before "genesis 1"

2019-11-22 05:05:13 UTC

impossible in an environment of 1x10^-17torr

2019-11-22 05:05:16 UTC

Thats not proof

2019-11-22 05:05:22 UTC

water at 25C boils at 24 torr

2019-11-22 05:05:22 UTC

That's what I was taught in my local FE group>

2019-11-22 05:05:53 UTC

can't have a gas under pressure in open connection to a low pressure system. impossible

2019-11-22 05:05:55 UTC

without a barrier

2019-11-22 05:06:00 UTC

Empirical evidence of the dome AND evidence of pressure gradient of 0-100% inside of a container please

2019-11-22 05:06:08 UTC


2019-11-22 05:06:17 UTC

what is ur take on homos

2019-11-22 05:06:37 UTC

right. sorry folks. looks like only trolls here. no actual truth seekers. so Im popping over to another channel.

2019-11-22 05:06:41 UTC

but have fun ๐Ÿ™‚

2019-11-22 05:06:44 UTC

run away

2019-11-22 05:06:48 UTC

good work

2019-11-22 05:06:48 UTC

see ya around

2019-11-22 05:06:50 UTC


2019-11-22 05:06:54 UTC

bye chicken

2019-11-22 05:06:57 UTC

my only friend

2019-11-22 05:07:21 UTC

refuses to answer questions, deflecting and dishonest... yep... typical flat earther

2019-11-22 05:07:25 UTC

!mute @Cosmonaut! trolling

2019-11-22 05:07:25 UTC

2019-11-22 05:07:41 UTC

ok yea i can see why they got muted lol

2019-11-22 05:07:46 UTC

bit harsh

2019-11-22 05:08:19 UTC

Why did he go

2019-11-22 05:08:23 UTC


2019-11-22 05:08:29 UTC


2019-11-22 05:08:36 UTC

My only friend

2019-11-22 05:08:46 UTC

Flat Earth PhD

2019-11-22 05:08:46 UTC

while everyone is debating flat earth vs globe earth the truth is concave earth

2019-11-22 05:08:55 UTC


2019-11-22 05:08:59 UTC


2019-11-22 05:09:17 UTC

they left bc they couldn't handle their opinions and legitimacy being questioned

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