
Discord ID: 484515816625274891

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2019-09-04 16:27:43 UTC

Pls steal pomegranate#0472

2019-09-04 16:27:44 UTC

2019-09-04 16:27:49 UTC

Pls work

2019-09-04 16:27:49 UTC

@The_chickenmaster Type the words that were displayed before into the chat now!

2019-09-04 16:27:50 UTC

Pls beg

2019-09-04 16:27:51 UTC

**The beard** has donated 66 coins to @Citizen Z, as well as a <:chillpill:573152330195664989> **Chill Pill**

2019-09-04 16:27:55 UTC

Pls search

2019-09-04 16:27:56 UTC

**COAT** You found 46 coins, I'm proud of you!

2019-09-04 16:27:57 UTC


2019-09-04 16:27:57 UTC

@The_chickenmaster You lost the mini-game because the words you typed weren't correct. Here are the words again;

2019-09-04 16:27:57 UTC

**BOSS** Poor effort The_chickenmaster, I expected better from you. I'm only going to give you `53` coins for that hour of work. I don't want to see this mistake happen again.

2019-09-04 16:27:59 UTC

Pls work

2019-09-04 16:28:00 UTC

@Citizen Z What color was next to the word `dislike`?

2019-09-04 16:28:02 UTC


2019-09-04 16:28:03 UTC

pls bal๐Ÿ€๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคท#0273

2019-09-04 16:28:06 UTC

pls bal ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคท#0273

2019-09-04 16:28:06 UTC

2019-09-04 16:28:08 UTC


2019-09-04 16:28:08 UTC

**BOSS** Good stuff Citizen Z, got the work done well. You were given `106` coins for one hour of work.

2019-09-04 16:28:15 UTC

Pls dep all

2019-09-04 16:28:15 UTC

**110** coins deposited

2019-09-04 16:28:18 UTC

Pls commands games

2019-09-04 16:28:18 UTC

2019-09-04 16:28:23 UTC

Pls gamelb

2019-09-04 16:28:23 UTC

**Tip**: We've got over 260 commands, have you tried them all?

2019-09-04 16:28:33 UTC

Pls guess

2019-09-04 16:28:34 UTC

@The_chickenmaster, You've got 3 attempts to try and guess my random number between **1 and 10**. Type your answer in the chat as a valid number.
You can type `end` at anytime to stop, or type `hint` to know how high or low your last number was.

2019-09-04 16:28:39 UTC


2019-09-04 16:28:39 UTC

not this time, `2` attempts left and `1` hint left.

2019-09-04 16:28:41 UTC


2019-09-04 16:28:41 UTC

Good stuff, you got the number right. I was thinking of **4**, also you got two coins

2019-09-04 16:28:47 UTC


2019-09-04 16:28:51 UTC

ive been playing for a while @The_chickenmaster

2019-09-04 16:28:57 UTC

ive prestiged twice

2019-09-04 16:28:59 UTC

Thats kinda sad

2019-09-04 16:29:08 UTC

Pls game trivia

2019-09-04 16:29:14 UTC

So i was level 30ish

2019-09-04 16:29:17 UTC

then back to 0

2019-09-04 16:29:19 UTC

Pls trivia

2019-09-04 16:29:19 UTC

2019-09-04 16:29:26 UTC


2019-09-04 16:29:26 UTC

no dimwit, the correct answer was `Crowbar`

2019-09-04 16:29:32 UTC


2019-09-04 16:29:41 UTC


2019-09-04 16:29:44 UTC

Pls trivia

2019-09-04 16:29:44 UTC

2019-09-04 16:30:26 UTC

pls trivia

2019-09-04 16:30:27 UTC

2019-09-04 16:30:34 UTC

Pls commands

2019-09-04 16:30:34 UTC

2019-09-04 16:30:41 UTC


2019-09-04 16:30:43 UTC

no stupid, the correct answer was `Corrin`

2019-09-04 16:30:50 UTC

pls rich

2019-09-04 16:30:50 UTC

2019-09-04 16:30:56 UTC

pls with 500

2019-09-04 16:30:56 UTC

500 coins withdrawn.

2019-09-04 16:30:59 UTC

Pls commands utility

2019-09-04 16:30:59 UTC

2019-09-04 16:31:06 UTC

Pls help

2019-09-04 16:31:06 UTC

Welcome to **Dank Memer**.
For a full set of commands, visit our website: or try `pls cmds`.

**This command has the following sub-commands:**
`pls help basics` - *learn the basics of using the bot*
`pls help videos` - *list video tutorials*
`pls help server` - *get a link to our support server for 1:1 help*
`pls help guides` - *gives you links to various in depth text based guides we've made*

2019-09-04 16:31:10 UTC

pls rob pomegranate#0472

2019-09-04 16:31:11 UTC

You were caught! You paid the person you stole from **500** coins.

2019-09-04 16:31:14 UTC


2019-09-04 16:31:17 UTC


2019-09-04 16:31:22 UTC

Pls with 500

2019-09-04 16:31:22 UTC

500 coins withdrawn.

2019-09-04 16:31:30 UTC

Pls rob pomegranate

2019-09-04 16:31:30 UTC

You managed to steal a TON before leaving! ๐Ÿค‘
Your payout was **2,330** coins.

2019-09-04 16:31:39 UTC


2019-09-04 16:31:40 UTC

pls inv

2019-09-04 16:31:40 UTC

**Tip**: Hit or miss, I guess they never miss huh. Just like we never miss on banning rule breakers <>

2019-09-04 16:31:43 UTC

Pls dep all

2019-09-04 16:31:43 UTC

**2885** coins deposited

2019-09-04 16:31:45 UTC

pls inv 2

2019-09-04 16:31:46 UTC

2019-09-04 16:31:46 UTC

Pls bal

2019-09-04 16:31:46 UTC

2019-09-04 16:32:10 UTC

pls postmeme

2019-09-04 16:32:10 UTC

**__What type of meme do you want to post?__**
`d` โ–  **Dank meme**
`e` โ–  **Edgy meme**
`n` โ–  **Normie Meme**
`m` โ–  **Meta Meme**
`r` โ–  **Repost meme**

2019-09-04 16:32:10 UTC


2019-09-04 16:32:11 UTC

Your posted meme got **41 upvotes**. You get 73 coins

2019-09-04 16:32:36 UTC

Pls postmeme

2019-09-04 16:32:36 UTC

oi you need to buy a laptop in the shop to post memes

2019-09-04 16:32:41 UTC

Pls shop

2019-09-04 16:32:42 UTC

2019-09-04 16:32:45 UTC

Pls shop 4

2019-09-04 16:32:46 UTC

2019-09-04 16:32:55 UTC

Pls shop 4

2019-09-04 16:32:55 UTC

2019-09-04 16:33:10 UTC

Pls with 1000

2019-09-04 16:33:11 UTC

1000 coins withdrawn.

2019-09-04 16:33:15 UTC

Pls shop laptop

2019-09-04 16:33:15 UTC

2019-09-04 16:33:28 UTC

Pls buy laptop

2019-09-04 16:33:28 UTC

2019-09-04 16:33:36 UTC

Pls postmemes

2019-09-04 16:33:36 UTC

**__What type of meme do you want to post?__**
`d` โ–  **Dank meme**
`e` โ–  **Edgy meme**
`n` โ–  **Normie Meme**
`m` โ–  **Meta Meme**
`r` โ–  **Repost meme**

2019-09-04 16:33:40 UTC


2019-09-04 16:33:40 UTC

Your posted meme got **40 upvotes**. You get 28 coins

2019-09-04 16:34:38 UTC

Pls beg

149,232 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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