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2018-10-23 22:53:03 UTC

Yep but that dont mean we live on a spinning water ball tho

2018-10-23 22:53:11 UTC


2018-10-23 22:53:28 UTC

they keep rotating in the same yearly cycle, they aren't changing and prove that we don't live on a ball

2018-10-23 22:54:02 UTC

if we did live on a ball we would see a different horizon than we do, we could easily tell, and the stars would show different than they do over the course of a year

2018-10-23 22:54:20 UTC

same skyline while we are rotating around the sun proves we live on a flat earth with the sun rotating around us

2018-10-23 22:54:46 UTC

if we were rotating around the sun we would see diffrent skylines

2018-10-23 22:54:55 UTC

different stars

2018-10-23 22:54:59 UTC

Who would of thought indoctrination could be so fun https://youtu.be/tUHZsEtJXdk

2018-10-23 22:55:32 UTC

once you wake up you realize its suddly enforced in movies and what not

2018-10-23 22:55:32 UTC

Look out for the moon rise

2018-10-23 22:55:39 UTC

milky way and mars candy bars

2018-10-23 22:55:50 UTC

Sorry earth moon rise

2018-10-23 22:56:02 UTC

That famous video clip

2018-10-23 22:56:34 UTC

@^Kevin^ the milky way advert is Interesting

2018-10-23 22:56:43 UTC

Red and blue car had a race

2018-10-23 22:56:51 UTC

I'm specificallly making sure I do my part for pollution

2018-10-23 22:57:00 UTC

I only eat via plastic and am doing my part

2018-10-23 22:57:13 UTC


2018-10-23 22:57:51 UTC

plastic cups, plastic utensils, I hate doing the dishes, and luckily I don't have to

2018-10-23 22:58:00 UTC


2018-10-23 22:58:12 UTC

Sounds like a plan

2018-10-23 22:58:53 UTC

getting an extra helping of beans to spread those CO2 emmisions

2018-10-23 22:59:14 UTC

No farting

2018-10-23 22:59:30 UTC

We already have a hole in the o zone layer

2018-10-23 23:00:08 UTC

its in forbes and references NASA, it must be true

2018-10-23 23:00:29 UTC

I don't believe anything they say, total BS, including any hole

2018-10-23 23:00:32 UTC

Yeah apparently cattle make most pollution, which in turn comes back to us as we eat so much meat or cattle

2018-10-23 23:00:48 UTC


2018-10-23 23:01:19 UTC

Ever seen cowspiracy

2018-10-23 23:01:29 UTC


2018-10-23 23:01:34 UTC


2018-10-23 23:01:42 UTC

Should watch

2018-10-23 23:01:52 UTC

But make sure you get right one

2018-10-23 23:01:59 UTC

There's a fake cowspiracy

2018-10-23 23:02:02 UTC

I will get the left one

2018-10-23 23:02:04 UTC


2018-10-23 23:02:32 UTC

according to scientists who are clueless, CO2 emmisions are directly related to cow farts

2018-10-23 23:02:42 UTC


2018-10-23 23:03:37 UTC

worse, they are pushing an agenda to rob nations of their economic prowess by carbon taxxing them. only some nations though. like USA.

2018-10-23 23:04:25 UTC

global warming is so bad USA needs to take steps to insure it does its part by cutting out all manufacturing, while china with air so bad they can't breath is ramping up its manufacturing

2018-10-23 23:04:41 UTC

They must have a agenda behind pushing global warming, we could of been using free renewable energy years ago but they won't let us

2018-10-23 23:05:27 UTC

Just seems so hypocritical

2018-10-23 23:06:26 UTC

for military reasons, they dont' want to release renewable energies like cars that run on water

2018-10-23 23:06:41 UTC

Like Stan myers water car yeah

2018-10-23 23:06:55 UTC

That was 80s I think

2018-10-23 23:07:28 UTC

if you could run your car on water to power it, you could effectively travel without need for stopping for gas, water is too abundant

2018-10-23 23:07:31 UTC

There's cars that also run on compressed air, they sort of fart air lol

2018-10-23 23:08:09 UTC

it would power jeeps and others and make war harder to control via supply being less easier to deal with

2018-10-23 23:08:14 UTC

They want us to use a fuel they can tax basically

2018-10-23 23:08:38 UTC

All about the sheckles

2018-10-23 23:08:50 UTC

they want us to use a fuel that they not only supply

2018-10-23 23:08:58 UTC


2018-10-23 23:09:12 UTC

they want limited supply lines for military reasons

2018-10-23 23:09:25 UTC

its easier to blow up supply lines than directly fight people

2018-10-23 23:09:51 UTC

This is why when they talk of saving the planet and global warming I just can't take them serious

2018-10-23 23:10:05 UTC

I mean wake up people

2018-10-23 23:10:09 UTC

they are pushing the agenda to make tons of money

2018-10-23 23:10:16 UTC


2018-10-23 23:10:31 UTC

paris climate accord has nothing to do with saving the planet with their fear mongering lies

2018-10-23 23:10:35 UTC

They have plans set out I believe, long plans

2018-10-23 23:10:48 UTC

long plans to kill everyone

2018-10-23 23:10:59 UTC

Da new world order

2018-10-23 23:11:09 UTC

hunger games is their basic plan to rule from on high and put everyone in camps

2018-10-23 23:11:16 UTC


2018-10-23 23:11:17 UTC

starve everyone

2018-10-23 23:11:55 UTC

they want you to live in a coffin size box as your apartment and be thankful for your space

2018-10-23 23:13:33 UTC

chemtrails,flouride in water, and pushing soy to feminize men is all part of the plan to control, they don't care about pollution really, they care about killing us and controlling us

2018-10-23 23:13:52 UTC

all the while lying to us

2018-10-23 23:14:13 UTC

they buy patents or kill the people who cannot be bought off

2018-10-23 23:14:52 UTC

appearantly a plane went down that had a bunch of scientists on board, specifically to keep stuff secret

2018-10-23 23:15:12 UTC

lawyer/reporter who was researching the info on the crash was killed

2018-10-23 23:15:36 UTC


2018-10-23 23:19:33 UTC


2018-10-23 23:23:30 UTC

the important thing is to follow qanon so he can misdirect ur search for the truth into another web of lies

2018-10-23 23:24:05 UTC

I don't follow anyone

2018-10-23 23:24:43 UTC

u gotta believe in something

2018-10-23 23:25:01 UTC

Oh yeah I meant as in like you tubers

2018-10-23 23:25:17 UTC

I believe there's a creator

2018-10-23 23:25:31 UTC

I believe in u tube more than mainstream

2018-10-23 23:25:51 UTC

not all utubers are truthers, many shills

2018-10-23 23:26:06 UTC

YouTube is mixed but there's alot of disinfo

2018-10-23 23:26:13 UTC


2018-10-23 23:28:15 UTC

It's a weird time we live in, there is obviously a army of trolls and disinfo agents out on the Internet

2018-10-23 23:37:58 UTC

That happened in Russia yesterday apparently

2018-10-24 00:07:41 UTC

Can't find no info on no recent Russian rocket anywhere else

2018-10-24 00:58:59 UTC

Your dumb bot kicked me @The Gwench @Citizen Z

2018-10-24 00:59:23 UTC


2018-10-24 01:00:40 UTC


2018-10-24 02:06:13 UTC


2018-10-24 02:06:32 UTC

The air moves with the erf as it spins

2018-10-24 02:06:51 UTC

We just don't see or feel it

2018-10-24 02:07:02 UTC


2018-10-24 02:07:54 UTC

We don't feel the erf spin either but it is

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