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2018-10-08 12:08:41 UTC


2018-10-08 12:09:18 UTC

And it only gets worse as you go south.

2018-10-08 12:10:52 UTC

Wolfie in Australia did a timelapse from sunrise to sunset with a solar filter to remove glare, and the sun stayed the EXACT SAME SIZE, no change whatsoever, over the course of the entire day.

2018-10-08 12:13:57 UTC

people are viewing the sun as it passes from different angles on flat earth

2018-10-08 12:14:15 UTC

depending on where u are located

2018-10-08 12:15:39 UTC

based on the angle you are at compared to where its passing determines how big it appears

2018-10-08 12:17:23 UTC

Distance and actual size determines apparent size.

2018-10-08 12:17:51 UTC

angle of view

2018-10-08 12:19:39 UTC

Thatโ€™s unrelated. Weโ€™re talking about the lack of apparent size change.

2018-10-08 12:21:05 UTC

its directly related to perspective and the sun

2018-10-08 12:21:45 UTC

you look at the video and 3 minutes in its already showing you the sun moving with time lapse

2018-10-08 12:22:08 UTC

note that this is at a particular location on earth and that it won't appear this way if you aren't in a particular location that shows this at that time of year

2018-10-08 12:22:29 UTC

it will appear differently to differently people depending on angle of view

2018-10-08 12:23:01 UTC

as you get further away from the sun, shockingly, you'll get less warmth

2018-10-08 12:28:21 UTC

Thatโ€™s not what Iโ€™m talking about, the setting and rising and whatever, Iโ€™m talking about how the sun NEVER appears to change size, when it should change by 14% from noon to sunset on average.

2018-10-08 12:28:47 UTC

you didn't look at the whole video

2018-10-08 12:28:56 UTC

it does change size depending on your angle of view

2018-10-08 12:30:25 UTC

jump to 16:50 and look to 17:05, you can see the sun moving and shrinking as it gets further away

2018-10-08 12:33:02 UTC

Yeah, the glare of the sun will dwindle as it goes into the clouds. Try one without clouds or distortion. I challenge you to find just one video that shows the sun shrinking while it sets over the ocean.

2018-10-08 12:37:22 UTC

pretty sure refraction and water magnifies the sun as it sets over an ocean

2018-10-08 12:37:48 UTC

why should I try to accomplish something that is obviously a red herring

2018-10-08 12:37:54 UTC

this doesn't change flat earth facts

2018-10-08 12:38:00 UTC

Ah but it does.

2018-10-08 12:38:14 UTC

I donโ€™t know about you, but I trust my eyes.

2018-10-08 12:38:16 UTC

you know, I don't need to know the answer to everything

2018-10-08 12:38:31 UTC

I trust the fact that we live on a flat earth and I do trust my eyes

2018-10-08 12:38:35 UTC

And my eyes tell me that the sun never changes size.

2018-10-08 12:38:41 UTC

light coming off the sun and the hot spot shows the sun is local

2018-10-08 12:38:58 UTC

based on where you are located your angle of view, maybe it doesn't

2018-10-08 12:39:32 UTC

the further away from the path its traveling the line you go, the more your angle changes

2018-10-08 12:39:42 UTC

then the sun will not change shape as much based on your angle of view

2018-10-08 12:39:44 UTC

I know how hot spots work, and no it doesnโ€™t. I live near the Atlantic Ocean, I see a hot spot every morning. Itโ€™s a long stream of light, not a spot, so itโ€™s impossible to tell where the sun is based off of a โ€œhot spotโ€.

2018-10-08 12:40:07 UTC

you can see a hot spot in the video

2018-10-08 12:40:43 UTC

Iโ€™m on data right now and I donโ€™t want to blow through all of it. What timestamp?

2018-10-08 12:40:59 UTC

I have a very small data plan.

2018-10-08 12:43:20 UTC

water isn't the best place to see hot spots, it tends to streak

2018-10-08 12:43:47 UTC

So what else do you see them on besides water?

2018-10-08 12:44:45 UTC

you can see the sun spot at roughly 1:50 to 2:05 in the video

2018-10-08 12:44:54 UTC

sun hitting the clouds, its clearly seen

2018-10-08 12:45:23 UTC

pretty sure those are clouds

2018-10-08 12:45:41 UTC

you can get hot spot images of it hitting ground too

2018-10-08 12:45:45 UTC

Nope, thatโ€™s a break in the clouds with a body of water underneath.

2018-10-08 12:46:18 UTC

that is possible

2018-10-08 12:48:23 UTC

trying to get a sun spot pic

2018-10-08 12:48:26 UTC


2018-10-08 12:48:40 UTC

does any of this not look like CGI?

2018-10-08 12:49:22 UTC

top, right

2018-10-08 12:50:44 UTC

The bottom center left is not, neither is the bottom right, nor the middle center right, nor the middle center left. Itโ€™s just the sun with a good telescope.

2018-10-08 12:51:06 UTC

*mumbles how dictor ruins everything*

2018-10-08 12:51:06 UTC

distorted fish eye lens faking the curve on a few, most are CGI

2018-10-08 12:51:34 UTC

Why do you think theyโ€™re CGI?

2018-10-08 12:51:53 UTC

I don't think they are, they are

2018-10-08 12:52:03 UTC

Answer the question.

2018-10-08 12:52:07 UTC

because kevin can always tell CGI from the real thing

2018-10-08 12:52:15 UTC

because we live on flat earth

2018-10-08 12:52:19 UTC

we can't get pass the dome

2018-10-08 12:52:28 UTC

Nice circular reasoning there.

2018-10-08 12:52:45 UTC

so anything showing pics of earth are obviously false

2018-10-08 12:52:56 UTC

keep in mind, Kevin doesnt care about facts

2018-10-08 12:53:00 UTC

its not circular reasoning, its very straightforward

2018-10-08 12:53:07 UTC

The earth is flat, therefore all space pictures are fake, therefore the earth is flat.

2018-10-08 12:53:11 UTC

if one thing is true, then one truth reveals another

2018-10-08 12:53:32 UTC

that is why the evil powers that should not be want to keep us in the dark and lie to us

2018-10-08 12:53:44 UTC

they don't want us to know that our shit stinks

2018-10-08 12:54:50 UTC

no, we can't get pass the dome, therefore any pics showing the globe in one pic are CGI

2018-10-08 12:55:05 UTC

Anyway youโ€™ve dragged us off topic. What about the picture shows that itโ€™s CGI?

2018-10-08 12:55:54 UTC


2018-10-08 12:56:13 UTC

all CGi, maybe a few aren't but they don't try to show the whole globe

2018-10-08 12:56:35 UTC

Doctor, he doesnt actually have anything to back himself up

2018-10-08 12:57:00 UTC

Yeah, thatโ€™s what I thought as well. Anyway I gtg.

2018-10-08 12:57:04 UTC


2018-10-08 13:00:27 UTC

Robert Simmons who works for NASA: " It's photoshopped, but it has to be."

2018-10-08 13:00:39 UTC

2:15 in this video

2018-10-08 13:00:58 UTC

2:13 to 2:15

2018-10-08 13:03:58 UTC

Everything I say is backed up with evidence

2018-10-08 13:04:13 UTC

just because you refuse to look at the evidence provided doesn't change the proof

2018-10-08 13:04:22 UTC

ostriches thinking your right

2018-10-08 13:04:43 UTC

covering your eyes from the truth doesn't change the truth

2018-10-08 13:04:49 UTC

it just keeps you in the dark

2018-10-08 13:10:41 UTC

great metaphor since ostriches dont do that ๐Ÿ‘Œ

2018-10-08 13:14:52 UTC

What in the world are they talking about then? When people say someone has their head buried in the sand, they are claiming that the person is ignoring obvious facts or refusing to accept advice, hoping that simply denying the existence of a problem will make it go away.

This popular metaphor is believed to have originated with observations of ostriches that appear to bury their heads in the sand to avoid predators. Some people think this behavior results from the fact that ostriches are so stupid that they believe burying their heads will make them invisible to predators. In other words, if they can't see the predators, then the predators can't see them.

2018-10-08 13:17:27 UTC

and i you bothered to read the article it says the ostiche doesnt bury its head in fear

2018-10-08 13:19:08 UTC

also, i do actually think yyou using it is a good metaphor, just for dffernt things

2018-10-08 13:19:24 UTC

ostriches are fast and don't bury their head in sand, they do put their heads near the ground to eat stuff off it, its still a valid metaphor

2018-10-08 13:19:44 UTC

>head near ground = head under ground

2018-10-08 13:20:37 UTC

pretty much they don't equal each other

2018-10-08 13:20:58 UTC

they might actually dig into the sand to find food hiding in the sand

2018-10-08 13:21:28 UTC

so they might actually bury their head in sand grabbing food with their beaks, its not reallly about hiding from predators

2018-10-08 13:21:37 UTC

i know\

2018-10-08 13:21:43 UTC

i am not argueing that kevin

2018-10-08 13:21:57 UTC

my points and links are valid

2018-10-08 13:22:15 UTC

i know they dont stick their heads in the ground

2018-10-08 13:22:32 UTC

and i said i think its an appropiate metaphor, but for differnt reasons

2018-10-08 13:22:46 UTC

they might if they sense food under sand

2018-10-08 13:23:04 UTC

like a crab

2018-10-08 13:23:12 UTC

kevin, we agree

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