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2018-10-06 14:45:56 UTC

when you are too young to critically think and will believe anything including santa clause, that is when they are selling you this globe theory

2018-10-06 14:46:19 UTC

Why do they give the Bible in class? I guarantee you most schools in America have religious outreach

2018-10-06 14:46:29 UTC

use the scientific method and actually critically do some analysis to determine which shape of the earth more closely represents our reality

2018-10-06 14:46:31 UTC

when you are too young to critically think and will believe anything including santa clause, that is when they are selling you this god theory

2018-10-06 14:46:36 UTC

flat earth beats globe nonsense

2018-10-06 14:46:40 UTC

use the scientific method and actually critically do some analysis to determine which shape of the earth more closely represents our reality

2018-10-06 14:46:41 UTC

false propaganda

2018-10-06 14:46:44 UTC

I did not have a globe in my kindergarten classroom. My dad had a globe that he wouldn't let me touch because I'd spin it like a beyblade

2018-10-06 14:46:56 UTC

You act like children have pocket globes

2018-10-06 14:47:02 UTC

Globe beats FE nonsense

2018-10-06 14:47:07 UTC

false propaganda

2018-10-06 14:47:15 UTC

watch the video

2018-10-06 14:47:18 UTC

I never had a pocket globe. I did have a pocket bible.

2018-10-06 14:47:25 UTC

Read a book

2018-10-06 14:47:29 UTC

I bought a globe and still own it, that doesn't make it reality

2018-10-06 14:47:43 UTC

gib me dat pocket globe ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

2018-10-06 14:47:56 UTC

I have a few bibles and still own them, that doesn't make it reality

2018-10-06 14:47:56 UTC

That's not what people think makes the world round ๐Ÿ‘€

2018-10-06 14:48:14 UTC

Rip out the new testament and you would be closer to reality

2018-10-06 14:48:26 UTC

Burn it and you would be closer to reality ๐Ÿ˜

2018-10-06 14:48:28 UTC

new testament is garbage, old testament is useful

2018-10-06 14:48:38 UTC

Stick the FE map to an apple and you would be closer to reality

2018-10-06 14:48:40 UTC

Yes stoning gays is useful

2018-10-06 14:48:54 UTC

I don't promote stoning gays

2018-10-06 14:49:11 UTC

I promote getting gays stoned

2018-10-06 14:49:12 UTC

I also don't promote moral collapse

2018-10-06 14:49:12 UTC

Your bible commands to stone gays

2018-10-06 14:49:27 UTC

In Leviticus

2018-10-06 14:49:42 UTC

I promote letting gays do their thing but if they want to be treated for their mental illness, that would be advisable

2018-10-06 14:50:15 UTC

Leviticus 18:22

2018-10-06 14:50:42 UTC

same with the TG's that are being promoted by those who want to lead us down a negative moral outcome with beastality, necrophilia, and pedophilia becoming the norm and okay, much like the morally absent gay agenda

2018-10-06 14:51:02 UTC

Being gay is not a mental illness and to imply as much is frankly disgusting

2018-10-06 14:51:15 UTC

it is a mental illness

2018-10-06 14:51:17 UTC

you are a sick, sick person if you believe that

2018-10-06 14:51:40 UTC

much like pedophilia and necrophilia is

2018-10-06 14:51:49 UTC

I'm bisexual

2018-10-06 14:52:02 UTC

sexiual deviancy is a mental illness

2018-10-06 14:52:02 UTC

and i don't appreciate the comparison

2018-10-06 14:52:16 UTC

Kevin homosexually hasn't been a mental illness since the 60s keep up

2018-10-06 14:52:28 UTC

yea, moral decline in our society

2018-10-06 14:52:30 UTC

I am aware of it

2018-10-06 14:52:33 UTC

It's not an illness as it causes no distress to the individual

2018-10-06 14:52:40 UTC

Read a fucking book

2018-10-06 14:52:41 UTC

your hateful incessant blithering is a mental illness

2018-10-06 14:52:44 UTC

"If a man liesย with aย maleas with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them"

2018-10-06 14:52:53 UTC

you are the moral degenerate Kevin

2018-10-06 14:53:25 UTC

personal attacks on me is pointless

2018-10-06 14:53:37 UTC

You compared me to a pedophile

2018-10-06 14:53:41 UTC

I think its warranted

2018-10-06 14:53:48 UTC

Me too

2018-10-06 14:53:55 UTC

you are a degenerate who promotes nonsense and immoral behavior

2018-10-06 14:54:05 UTC

This is great guys. I knew I had depression and anxiety but now I have the gay to add to the list.

2018-10-06 14:54:07 UTC

personal attacks on me is pointless

2018-10-06 14:54:08 UTC

AMEN! ๐Ÿ™

2018-10-06 14:54:31 UTC

i would literally beat the shit out of you if i could Kevin

2018-10-06 14:54:36 UTC

democrats are not for democracy, they want communism and socialism

2018-10-06 14:54:37 UTC

you're a maniac

2018-10-06 14:54:45 UTC

all for globalism and against nationalism

2018-10-06 14:55:00 UTC

I like socialist polices I'm not a democrat

2018-10-06 14:55:09 UTC

democrats are NOT for making America great again, they are for making america suck again

2018-10-06 14:55:33 UTC

Nice edit

2018-10-06 14:55:36 UTC


2018-10-06 14:55:59 UTC

@I-VaPE-ChEMtrAiLS i mean... You are from new Zealand... You couldn't be a Democrat. Not one in the American party

2018-10-06 14:56:16 UTC

@Kitty yo accept my friend request so I can DM you I turned it off for non friends for obvious reasons

2018-10-06 14:56:18 UTC

globalism is a bad idea

2018-10-06 14:56:26 UTC

I'm all for nations working together, up to a point

2018-10-06 14:56:27 UTC

@Kitty Why were you compared to a pedophile and nice Darth Vader with a shake btw

2018-10-06 14:56:44 UTC

too much centalized control is a bad idea

2018-10-06 14:57:07 UTC

each nation should have a say in its own destiny

2018-10-06 14:58:18 UTC

I'm can live with gays loving each other, but I can't promote further moral decay

2018-10-06 14:58:43 UTC

I'm a conservative who wants to conserve our society and not have it collapse into chaos

2018-10-06 14:59:52 UTC

Humans are important, and its not possible to have genes randomly create intelligent beings like us, we have a creator.

2018-10-06 15:00:15 UTC

Explain how it isnt possible

2018-10-06 15:00:17 UTC


2018-10-06 15:00:24 UTC

That's begging the question

2018-10-06 15:00:30 UTC


2018-10-06 15:00:36 UTC

only GOD can do the impossible

2018-10-06 15:00:36 UTC

Fallacy fallacy

2018-10-06 15:00:52 UTC

Pointing out a fallacy in an informal argument is useless

2018-10-06 15:00:55 UTC

you can't create something from nothing

2018-10-06 15:01:12 UTC

I don't believe something came from nothing

2018-10-06 15:01:18 UTC

Something from nothing is not necessary when talking about genes and evolution.

2018-10-06 15:01:26 UTC

But according to your bible God created something from nothing

2018-10-06 15:01:29 UTC

@ShadyMasterJ well that's what the Big Bang says doesn't it?

2018-10-06 15:01:38 UTC

Uh oh I said the โ€œeโ€ word didnโ€™t I

2018-10-06 15:01:43 UTC

That's what the ex nihilo big bang says

2018-10-06 15:01:48 UTC

@The18thDoctor YUUUGE mistake.

2018-10-06 15:01:57 UTC

GOD can do whatever he wants, including the impossible

2018-10-06 15:02:14 UTC

Our genes are 90% banana

2018-10-06 15:02:16 UTC

@ShadyMasterJ well what does mainstream BBT say?

2018-10-06 15:02:23 UTC

they're not special

2018-10-06 15:02:35 UTC

The big bang only states that the universe was once in a hot dense state and expanded

2018-10-06 15:02:37 UTC

I'm not buying scientism BS

2018-10-06 15:02:45 UTC

So now youโ€™re switching the subject from evolution, which you will easily lose on, to creatio ex nihilo.

2018-10-06 15:02:50 UTC

too many scientism BS tries to say we aren't special

2018-10-06 15:02:51 UTC

We literally do not know what went on before

2018-10-06 15:03:03 UTC

I'm special

2018-10-06 15:03:03 UTC

the fact is, much like Mr. Rogers use to say, we are all special

2018-10-06 15:03:27 UTC

Sorry, we are 60% banana

2018-10-06 15:03:32 UTC

But it is widely accepted that there was nothing... Depending on how you define nothing

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