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2018-09-26 22:03:51 UTC

lol I like how he compliments and insults her at the same time

2018-09-26 22:03:55 UTC

lol id be fucked cuz im english tho lol open the discrimination gates

2018-09-26 22:04:02 UTC

XD yeah loooooooooool

2018-09-26 22:04:46 UTC


2018-09-26 22:05:18 UTC

oh man this shit is lulzy as fuck

2018-09-26 22:07:31 UTC

Reality Stone is a close second tho

2018-09-26 22:09:52 UTC

who you gonna vote for @JULZIFICATOR ?

2018-09-26 22:10:56 UTC

yeah idk theres a conservative party thats essentially like an individual rights n freedoms first sort of thing

2018-09-26 22:11:07 UTC

but tbh none of the big parties attact me

2018-09-26 22:11:49 UTC

the CAQ?

2018-09-26 22:12:00 UTC

Hi! Where could I ask for sources for a statement in one of Timcast's videos?

2018-09-26 22:12:05 UTC

or the Conservative Party of Quebec?

2018-09-26 22:13:02 UTC

"I know you won't report it" lol

2018-09-26 22:13:07 UTC

yeah the second one lol

2018-09-26 22:13:22 UTC

tho i really dont know dont even know if they sepreatists jsut heard my bro talk about em

2018-09-26 22:13:30 UTC

he prolly wouldnt bring em up if they were tho

2018-09-26 22:14:43 UTC

@Abel CeeLo Green's _FUCK YOU_ is a modern-day _Daisy Bell_.

2018-09-26 22:16:16 UTC

lmao. their platform calls for abolishing revenue QC

2018-09-26 22:16:30 UTC

lol, in place of what?

2018-09-26 22:16:46 UTC

CRA doesn't want to deal with Revenu QC customers.

2018-09-26 22:18:52 UTC

this is their platform on the border issue in southern QC. seems kinda limp dick to me

2018-09-26 22:20:21 UTC

@xorgy doesn't say

2018-09-26 22:20:41 UTC

XD lol yeah fucking revenue quebec

2018-09-26 22:21:29 UTC

they seem similar to the CAQ on the issues but the CAQ is more firm on what to do

2018-09-26 22:22:35 UTC

yeah also will get more votes

2018-09-26 22:22:48 UTC

pretty certainly

2018-09-26 22:23:03 UTC

QC is either liberal or PQ lol

2018-09-26 22:23:55 UTC

yep indeed

2018-09-26 22:25:26 UTC


2018-09-26 22:25:28 UTC


2018-09-26 22:25:59 UTC

tbh ive bbeen seeing so many people slingin shit agaisnt the PLQ

2018-09-26 22:26:04 UTC

this election

2018-09-26 22:26:45 UTC

not surprising after the incident where Justin Trudeau called a woman racist for asking a budget question

2018-09-26 22:27:10 UTC

also, the federal liberal party limiting free speech with Bill C16

2018-09-26 22:27:21 UTC

maybe PPC has a chance in QC then

2018-09-26 22:27:28 UTC

it was bound to backlash onto the provincial parties

2018-09-26 22:27:36 UTC

Bernier is from QC

2018-09-26 22:27:39 UTC


2018-09-26 22:27:41 UTC

so, that's definitely a plus

2018-09-26 22:27:41 UTC

yeah exactly

2018-09-26 22:28:00 UTC

I don't think QC would vote for Sheer

2018-09-26 22:28:05 UTC

he seems like a squish

2018-09-26 22:28:11 UTC

maybe I should see about running w/ PPC, so that at least _somebody_ is running in settled Ontario.

2018-09-26 22:28:13 UTC

yeaahh >.>

2018-09-26 22:28:31 UTC

you can still be a founding member, i think

2018-09-26 22:28:40 UTC

free of charge

2018-09-26 22:28:45 UTC

I mean, I'm already a member AFAICT

2018-09-26 22:29:08 UTC


2018-09-26 22:29:25 UTC

but you'd need to be a sociopath to get into politics lol

2018-09-26 22:29:37 UTC

Well, I'll put on my best sociopath face.

2018-09-26 22:30:32 UTC

I can't wait till the authoritarians do to Trudeau what they did to Wil Wheaton

2018-09-26 22:30:45 UTC

Laud and adore him?

2018-09-26 22:30:52 UTC

Ate him.

2018-09-26 22:31:06 UTC

Well, they don't really know what to do.

2018-09-26 22:31:15 UTC

If they eat him alive at this point, it's possible it looks bad

2018-09-26 22:31:22 UTC

because of their prior unwavering support.

2018-09-26 22:31:52 UTC

Written in so many lines of the floweriest prose, a rose by any other name's Trudeau, they'd suppose.

2018-09-26 22:32:56 UTC

you ever see Trudeau in QP? he dodges questions all the time. i've never seen him legitimately answer a question from the opposition

2018-09-26 22:33:08 UTC

so much for the "transparency" promise

2018-09-26 22:33:13 UTC

Maybe I should write my statement of intent in poetry.

2018-09-26 22:33:21 UTC

also, still waiting on that election refrom

2018-09-26 22:33:40 UTC

Trudeau does not attend QP

2018-09-26 22:33:50 UTC

he attends an imaginary meeting between he, ~~himself~~ zerself, and him.

2018-09-26 22:34:07 UTC

It just so happens that his meeting takes place in the same time and space as QP; what would the odds of that be?

2018-09-26 22:36:27 UTC

You're joking

2018-09-26 22:36:53 UTC

The left can immediately pretend they've always hated someone

2018-09-26 22:37:10 UTC

And they can literally convince themselves it is true

2018-09-26 22:37:24 UTC

they are commies. they hate everyone

2018-09-26 22:37:43 UTC

yeah by definition

2018-09-26 22:37:51 UTC


2018-09-26 22:40:04 UTC

Everyone who enables the left gets eaten by the left eventually

2018-09-26 22:45:27 UTC

for the cause

2018-09-26 22:45:40 UTC

i mean its essentially in the fundamental principles of communism

2018-09-26 22:46:01 UTC

well collectivist doctrine in general

2018-09-26 22:48:50 UTC

What is?

2018-09-26 22:54:16 UTC

sacrificing oneself for the collective lol

2018-09-26 22:54:55 UTC

thats what im saying thats wat these niggs are doing ^

2018-09-26 23:03:56 UTC

Wheres the school in this

2018-09-26 23:04:19 UTC

Like, the school is getting dragged through the mud

2018-09-26 23:06:16 UTC

hmmm good point ^

2018-09-26 23:06:25 UTC

harvard students did a walk out

2018-09-26 23:07:36 UTC

Gang bang house in high school... wew... who would go to that school...

2018-09-26 23:07:49 UTC

LOL yeah gangbang house lol

2018-09-26 23:08:24 UTC

If Classroom, we talking about a hentai scene, right?

2018-09-26 23:09:09 UTC

georgetown prep school

2018-09-26 23:09:16 UTC


2018-09-26 23:09:34 UTC

prep school?

2018-09-26 23:09:44 UTC

more like rape school

2018-09-26 23:15:11 UTC

2018-09-26 23:17:39 UTC

Gang Bang ~~Academy~~ Collegiate Institute

2018-09-26 23:19:03 UTC

That's where I'm sending _my_ daughter.

2018-09-26 23:24:04 UTC

```Rich parents: Apparently our daughters are getting raped by every boy with a pulse in the tri-county area. Let's keep giving this school money, and not destroy them using our power and influence.```
How libtards think reality works

2018-09-26 23:24:06 UTC

XD lol

2018-09-26 23:24:41 UTC

well obviousley the womens were shamed into silence

2018-09-26 23:25:51 UTC

I don't care how powerful they think the patriarchy is, you're getting fucking killed if you rape Paris Hilton.

2018-09-26 23:26:25 UTC

I wouldn't even rape paris hilton

2018-09-26 23:26:48 UTC


2018-09-26 23:26:56 UTC


2018-09-26 23:27:05 UTC

You're clearly threatening her with rape by saying you wouldn't rape her

2018-09-26 23:27:20 UTC

I'm not even going to apologize

2018-09-26 23:27:20 UTC

I originally typed Chelsea Clinton and that's a lot harder to imagine than raping Paris

2018-09-26 23:27:59 UTC


2018-09-26 23:28:02 UTC


2018-09-26 23:28:06 UTC

you guys are acting like a bunch of white ๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿฟ

2018-09-26 23:28:12 UTC


2018-09-26 23:28:20 UTC

White Indian men?

2018-09-26 23:28:44 UTC

dude i wonder if i posted that shit on twitter wuld i get banned ?

2018-09-26 23:28:49 UTC


2018-09-26 23:28:52 UTC

post bobs and vagene

2018-09-26 23:29:17 UTC

@Risotto bobs and vagene is ok i follow a couple of porn stars on twatter

2018-09-26 23:29:29 UTC


2018-09-26 23:29:39 UTC

You know, I don't think I would mind being an Indian man.

2018-09-26 23:30:10 UTC

indian people are smart

2018-09-26 23:30:24 UTC

they contantly do prog jobs in usa

2018-09-26 23:30:25 UTC

And they have a sense of community.

2018-09-26 23:30:42 UTC

I loved the Indian kid on Community

2018-09-26 23:30:47 UTC

you know what those fuckers do ?

2018-09-26 23:30:53 UTC

They come to US on a visa

2018-09-26 23:31:08 UTC

then they set up a consulting recruiting firm

2018-09-26 23:31:19 UTC

Get more visas. :- )

2018-09-26 23:31:21 UTC

and recruit thier own people from india to work here

2018-09-26 23:31:33 UTC

That's great.

2018-09-26 23:31:36 UTC

the mexicans just come here illegally and send money back home

2018-09-26 23:31:40 UTC

Maybe that's the way all immigration should work.

2018-09-26 23:31:43 UTC

100% sponsored

2018-09-26 23:31:49 UTC

idk man but they smart

2018-09-26 23:31:52 UTC

Does anyone get just plain depressed that having the facts and evidence to back it up still means the problem will remain unsolved for at least 10 years?

2018-09-26 23:31:58 UTC

Like knowing the wage gap is bullshit for example.

2018-09-26 23:32:03 UTC

That's fine yeah, Mexicans aren't paying taxes and endangering their kids by taking them along on the border hop

2018-09-26 23:32:05 UTC

Talking point still hasn't died.

2018-09-26 23:32:28 UTC

@Risotto thats risky shit they do

2018-09-26 23:32:40 UTC

Yeah, it really is heartbreaking the shit people put children through by dragging them across the border.

2018-09-26 23:32:43 UTC

then when the get seperated they still fucking take the risk to come here

2018-09-26 23:32:51 UTC

I'm a quarter Mexican and I hate it

2018-09-26 23:32:59 UTC

im half spic

2018-09-26 23:33:00 UTC

My family came here legally

2018-09-26 23:33:08 UTC

my moma came here illegally

2018-09-26 23:33:17 UTC


2018-09-26 23:33:27 UTC

What the fuck is this image about?

2018-09-26 23:33:44 UTC

Because it looks like innuendo.

2018-09-26 23:33:55 UTC

@Zuihou theres a got one

2018-09-26 23:33:58 UTC

They're trying to say "We have food. Here it is."

2018-09-26 23:34:09 UTC

Le tight butthole v. le not-so-tight butthole.

2018-09-26 23:34:23 UTC

Bitches are making me depressed because I have no donut

2018-09-26 23:34:29 UTC

And now I want one

2018-09-26 23:34:39 UTC

See? Risotto gets the message.

2018-09-26 23:34:41 UTC

They have food.

2018-09-26 23:34:54 UTC

I just ate some very good Tandoori chicken.

2018-09-26 23:34:54 UTC

male politicians learned a long time ago not to avoid having photos taken while eating penis shaped foods. female politicians haven't learned the equivalent lesson for vagina shaped food.

2018-09-26 23:34:59 UTC

2018-09-26 23:34:59 UTC

how about a juicebox

2018-09-26 23:35:02 UTC

It was all thighs.

2018-09-26 23:35:15 UTC

I get so sick of hearing "the optics"

2018-09-26 23:35:25 UTC

Has anyone had problems with the volume being too low on youtube videos that are just talking lately?

2018-09-26 23:35:27 UTC

Optics cuck is definitely the right term.

2018-09-26 23:35:27 UTC

I ate three chickens worth of thighs.

2018-09-26 23:35:33 UTC

Are donuts the new symbol for white supremacy? Are they O's for OK to be white?

2018-09-26 23:36:01 UTC

I go to watch a friend stream a game and its suddenly really loud because I turned my volume up for Youtube talkers like Tim

2018-09-26 23:36:06 UTC

@Risotto Yeah, I think they screwed up their loudness normalization system, just like they're screwing up ALL of their features and products, slowly.

2018-09-26 23:36:11 UTC

It's an O for oblivion. Where we will cast all colors of the rainbow.

2018-09-26 23:36:16 UTC


2018-09-26 23:36:34 UTC

Oblivion, home of the daedra

2018-09-26 23:36:45 UTC

@Risotto loudness normalization is not implemented as well for live streams as it is for static videos.

2018-09-26 23:37:05 UTC

@Risotto They rely on the broadcaster setting their loudness correctly, when it comes to streams.

2018-09-26 23:37:27 UTC

Originally Styxhexenhammer said he was having mic problems so I thought it was just him

2018-09-26 23:37:59 UTC

With prerecorded videos, YouTube can generally match loudness automatically.

2018-09-26 23:38:19 UTC

So even if they're recorded at the wrong level, there is a chance that YouTube can recover.

2018-09-26 23:38:30 UTC

If you have a lot of background noise like a loud fan that might fuck with normalization

2018-09-26 23:38:41 UTC


2018-09-26 23:38:52 UTC

What a loaded word btw.

2018-09-26 23:38:55 UTC


2018-09-26 23:38:57 UTC

well, it'll just make it seem louder to the k-weighted level

2018-09-26 23:39:04 UTC


2018-09-26 23:39:34 UTC

"Normal" being something like -12dB IIRC.

2018-09-26 23:39:37 UTC

This song came into my head.

2018-09-26 23:39:44 UTC

I don't know why.

2018-09-26 23:39:52 UTC

If you haven't heard it before, listen to it I guess.

2018-09-26 23:40:19 UTC

They could aim for EBU/ITU's -24/-23dB target, but then people might run out of headroom, and if they have other applications on their system it will sound REALLY quiet.

2018-09-26 23:40:28 UTC

like, ~2x as quiet

2018-09-26 23:42:39 UTC

@Scribblehatch I really love this song, I don't know why it doesn't pop into my head more often.

2018-09-27 00:01:24 UTC

:shirt: Check out **Tim Pool's TeeSpring Merch**:

2018-09-27 00:01:24 UTC

:dollar: Support **Tim Pool** on Patreon (exclusive rewards available):

2018-09-27 00:15:59 UTC

you believe this fuck acosta

2018-09-27 00:17:27 UTC

yeah those last 3/6 bd really does lots of differenc

2018-09-27 00:18:00 UTC

Jim Acostin

2018-09-27 00:18:32 UTC

Jim Acosta would be the cause if we go to war not trump

2018-09-27 00:19:20 UTC

ill tell you what though there will be vids tomoorw on this shit

2018-09-27 00:19:26 UTC

hes gonna acost them very dearly

2018-09-27 00:19:26 UTC

The kavanaugh plot thiccens

2018-09-27 00:19:30 UTC


2018-09-27 00:19:37 UTC


2018-09-27 00:19:40 UTC


2018-09-27 00:20:55 UTC

I wish Jim Acosta would get MeToo'd...not to Ruin his life but for the massive hilarity that would ensue.

2018-09-27 00:22:14 UTC

oh god the memes that , that would generate @ryuplaneswalker

2018-09-27 00:23:06 UTC

@Atkins whats the source for that?

2018-09-27 00:23:40 UTC


2018-09-27 00:23:41 UTC

Any fedora users

2018-09-27 00:24:12 UTC

uh oh

2018-09-27 00:24:57 UTC

Google wouldn't be happy if people pulled their code out of the Linux kernel

2018-09-27 00:25:03 UTC

Neither would Microsoft

2018-09-27 00:25:38 UTC

Penix kernel

2018-09-27 00:25:52 UTC

well when it comes to the open source scene, they dont care what others may think about it

2018-09-27 00:25:56 UTC

they will just do it

2018-09-27 00:26:19 UTC

I use Linux at work

2018-09-27 00:26:40 UTC

Also Linux isn't always free in Enterprise

2018-09-27 00:26:53 UTC

Red Hat Enterprise Linux is paid

2018-09-27 00:27:05 UTC

oh yeah

2018-09-27 00:27:14 UTC

thats one thing people just seem to not unsterstand

2018-09-27 00:27:15 UTC

I use it a work

2018-09-27 00:27:44 UTC

its a false misconception that linux is free

2018-09-27 00:27:58 UTC

red hat is like what, $17.4k usd a year?

2018-09-27 00:28:07 UTC

Centos 7 is free and it's pretty much RHEL without the support

2018-09-27 00:28:19 UTC

People use RHEL for the support

2018-09-27 00:28:21 UTC


2018-09-27 00:28:28 UTC

well the way i see things is centos uses all open source software

2018-09-27 00:28:46 UTC

but then the bleeding edge builds would be fedora

2018-09-27 00:28:57 UTC

I use CentOS7 on my tinkering PC

2018-09-27 00:29:06 UTC

it's also what I learned on

2018-09-27 00:29:34 UTC

I use fedora workstation in VMWare workstation

2018-09-27 00:29:47 UTC

I intern currently at Dell EMC

2018-09-27 00:30:00 UTC

As a Data Intelligence Engineer

2018-09-27 00:30:12 UTC

Not getting hired due to a hiring freeze

2018-09-27 00:30:24 UTC

Got like 5 days left

2018-09-27 00:30:49 UTC

Temp employee with the city

2018-09-27 00:31:09 UTC

@scaryred24 RHEL is all open source too, the only differences are: the servers you get it from are different, it has a package called redhat-logos.rpm instead of centos-logos.rpm to fill the "system-logos" dependency, and if you call up RedHat with a subscription, they'll support it for you.

2018-09-27 00:31:11 UTC

I'm only 19 and I setup a Gitlab server and automating tasks with airflow

2018-09-27 00:31:33 UTC

You're behind the game @scj643

2018-09-27 00:31:35 UTC

I'm working on getting my windows certs because I live in msland

2018-09-27 00:31:42 UTC
2018-09-27 00:31:53 UTC

Bragging is the worst use of your time.

2018-09-27 00:31:53 UTC

well making your software paid totally negates the whole idea of being foss or floss

2018-09-27 00:32:04 UTC

im not saying that open source is free

2018-09-27 00:32:08 UTC

@scj643 you dont get paid for automating

2018-09-27 00:32:08 UTC

of course it isnt

2018-09-27 00:32:11 UTC


2018-09-27 00:32:20 UTC

how do you think the devs get funded?

2018-09-27 00:32:21 UTC

I'm "only" 21, and then I'll be "only" 22

2018-09-27 00:32:34 UTC

I do get paid to automate and maintain it

2018-09-27 00:32:48 UTC

@Zuihou Yeah, that's a job now.

2018-09-27 00:32:56 UTC


2018-09-27 00:33:04 UTC

I automated they pay me $0 for the last 6 months

2018-09-27 00:33:09 UTC

that's because you suck

2018-09-27 00:33:14 UTC

at negotiating, or your job

2018-09-27 00:33:21 UTC

or being in the right place at the right time.

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