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2018-07-07 23:41:49 UTC

well both sides want to eat cake and have it too

2018-07-07 23:42:18 UTC

and the EU wants to go one further.. it wants to eat cake, have cake... and then wants us to pay for it

2018-07-07 23:42:40 UTC

Yeah but one side made mistake and airwd it into the open

2018-07-07 23:42:42 UTC

so Im not suprised so many are saying walk away

2018-07-07 23:43:01 UTC

Walking away ---> hard border

2018-07-07 23:43:14 UTC

on ireland?

2018-07-07 23:43:16 UTC

-----> potential ni split

2018-07-07 23:43:19 UTC


2018-07-07 23:43:30 UTC

UK has said it wont put up a physical border

2018-07-07 23:43:39 UTC

It would have to

2018-07-07 23:43:41 UTC

I think we had this discussion before ๐Ÿ˜›

2018-07-07 23:43:44 UTC


2018-07-07 23:43:48 UTC

yeah but it said it wont

2018-07-07 23:43:58 UTC

You can say that

2018-07-07 23:44:05 UTC

But would put it anyway

2018-07-07 23:44:15 UTC

UK has categorically said, we will not put a physical structure on the NI border

2018-07-07 23:44:29 UTC

Otherwise ppl from eu would just fuck you up lol

2018-07-07 23:44:39 UTC

if the EU wants to on their side, thats their decision

2018-07-07 23:45:06 UTC

They would control what you send in but you wouldent controll what they send you in

2018-07-07 23:45:20 UTC

yeah, so same as now

2018-07-07 23:45:47 UTC

Nah rn its all within the single market rules

2018-07-07 23:46:23 UTC

so whats stopping people from doing what you just said now?

2018-07-07 23:46:37 UTC

Well beeing brexiter and saying you wont controll your own border is extreme position

2018-07-07 23:46:53 UTC

Rn its not as financially viable

2018-07-07 23:47:16 UTC

so its financially viable.... but to us.. not them

2018-07-07 23:47:16 UTC

I know some ppl smuggling cigaretes into uk

2018-07-07 23:48:00 UTC

But once you have 2 economicaly divergent areas it becomes very good profit

2018-07-07 23:48:09 UTC

When one side does not care

2018-07-07 23:48:10 UTC


2018-07-07 23:48:24 UTC

ok, but after brexit we can buy cigarettes without tariffs... so the illegal ones from EU will be more expensive than legal ones

2018-07-07 23:48:50 UTC

Lel hardly

2018-07-07 23:49:02 UTC

Let me tell you

2018-07-07 23:49:12 UTC

Alcohol and cigarettes in uk

2018-07-07 23:49:22 UTC

Are much more expensive

2018-07-07 23:49:26 UTC

so you're saying that already happens....

2018-07-07 23:49:26 UTC

Then in czech

2018-07-07 23:49:33 UTC

And its not eus fault

2018-07-07 23:49:40 UTC

Yeah it does

2018-07-07 23:49:52 UTC

so what will brexit change

2018-07-07 23:50:06 UTC

There will be far more goods

2018-07-07 23:50:11 UTC

Worth smuggling

2018-07-07 23:50:19 UTC

like what?

2018-07-07 23:50:25 UTC


2018-07-07 23:50:34 UTC

As long as you bring it ilegaly

2018-07-07 23:50:36 UTC

what will be different from now?

2018-07-07 23:50:40 UTC

You pay no tax

2018-07-07 23:50:54 UTC


2018-07-07 23:51:18 UTC

Didn't Russia ban memes?

2018-07-07 23:51:20 UTC

I dont see what will be any different

2018-07-07 23:51:38 UTC

you could potentially smuggle anything now

2018-07-07 23:51:43 UTC

Its the economic divergence

2018-07-07 23:51:48 UTC

Yes you could

2018-07-07 23:51:55 UTC

The World Cup will need smuggled into the UK

2018-07-07 23:51:56 UTC

right... and now we'll be able to get things even cheaper

2018-07-07 23:51:58 UTC

But simce we have aimilar rules

2018-07-07 23:52:06 UTC

so even less incentive to buy illegally

2018-07-07 23:52:11 UTC

Yes cheaper or more expensive

2018-07-07 23:52:19 UTC

Will depend on your gov

2018-07-07 23:52:35 UTC

Depends on what the British people want smuggled in.

2018-07-07 23:52:37 UTC

Some will be more cheap some more expensive

2018-07-07 23:52:42 UTC

well we have a conservative gov... so I dont think we'l be putting tariffs up

2018-07-07 23:52:44 UTC

Thats the point

2018-07-07 23:53:02 UTC

Tax tea, brits. Do it for the memes

2018-07-07 23:53:07 UTC

Well you could not with no border

2018-07-07 23:53:09 UTC

and again... whats different?

2018-07-07 23:53:11 UTC

Eu can

2018-07-07 23:53:14 UTC

You cant

2018-07-07 23:53:17 UTC


2018-07-07 23:53:22 UTC

some things are more or less expensive now.. so whats different

2018-07-07 23:54:03 UTC

no the EU can set tariffs... but thats their side of the border to worry about... we wont have anything on our side

2018-07-07 23:54:23 UTC

Well dont be surprised when your farmers have to compete with irish eu subsidised produce which was not taxed

2018-07-07 23:54:31 UTC

I bet that will go great

2018-07-07 23:54:32 UTC

You will have American govt on your side probably.

2018-07-07 23:54:35 UTC


2018-07-07 23:54:45 UTC

Unless you find oil.

2018-07-07 23:54:51 UTC

Then you're a colony

2018-07-07 23:54:58 UTC

we have oil

2018-07-07 23:55:00 UTC

Scotland has oil

2018-07-07 23:55:02 UTC


2018-07-07 23:55:03 UTC

you cant have any

2018-07-07 23:55:12 UTC

Ppl keep forgetting that

2018-07-07 23:55:16 UTC

england has most of it

2018-07-07 23:55:17 UTC

Shhhhhh it's Alright New America.

2018-07-07 23:55:25 UTC

You won't be taxed

2018-07-07 23:55:34 UTC

Unless the French act up

2018-07-07 23:55:55 UTC

But as i said wacka the farmer stuff is real for example

2018-07-07 23:56:00 UTC

With no border

2018-07-07 23:56:16 UTC

But it wont come to that

2018-07-07 23:56:39 UTC

well.. theres talk about our farmers being subsidised .. but hopefully it wont come to that

2018-07-07 23:56:46 UTC

Since your gov will establish border in case of hard brexit

2018-07-07 23:56:50 UTC

I would however like to see more vertical farms

2018-07-07 23:57:14 UTC

they dont need pesticdes, farm all year round .. and only use 0.01% of the water a normal farm uses

2018-07-07 23:57:26 UTC

also they can be underground

2018-07-07 23:57:40 UTC

Whats difference between normal farm and vertical one

2018-07-07 23:57:43 UTC


2018-07-07 23:58:05 UTC

vertical farm uses LEDs with just the spectrums the plants need

2018-07-07 23:58:16 UTC

japans been doing it for 20 years

2018-07-07 23:58:23 UTC

I saw some pictures i think

2018-07-07 23:58:45 UTC

and its indoors or underground, so the area can be controlled and doesnt need pesticides

2018-07-07 23:59:44 UTC

they should work on tech that can monitor all the vertical farm, plant when needed, water when needed, harvest when needed and move everything into production

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