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2018-10-26 06:37:17 UTC

I just wish all the racism bullshit would stop in the USA. It's so much worse about everywhere else

2018-10-26 06:37:19 UTC

They think a 1 party solution is the way to go

2018-10-26 06:37:30 UTC


2018-10-26 06:37:42 UTC

when i was watching the 2016 election for the US and saw the culture war you guys are having

2018-10-26 06:37:45 UTC

it shocked me

2018-10-26 06:38:01 UTC

But then our people started race politics and the Communists PISSED off eVERYONE

2018-10-26 06:38:25 UTC

they pissed of the Zulu's indians . white people . the Coloured community .

2018-10-26 06:38:29 UTC

It was haleriouse

2018-10-26 06:38:34 UTC

Tbh I agree, George Washington said it himself. We can not have a two party system

2018-10-26 06:38:54 UTC

no but they want Communist 1 party solution

2018-10-26 06:38:59 UTC

its much different

2018-10-26 06:39:16 UTC

our ruling goverment is Centre left but is african Nationalist

2018-10-26 06:39:25 UTC

our Democrats are liberal and Centre

2018-10-26 06:39:27 UTC

Ofc he was referring to a party that followed our constitution to the letter can he was a constitutionalist

2018-10-26 06:39:37 UTC


2018-10-26 06:39:41 UTC

that makes more sense

2018-10-26 06:40:13 UTC

you guys got the Electoral collage while we run with popular Mob voters

2018-10-26 06:40:31 UTC


2018-10-26 06:40:42 UTC

the Same party has run us since 1994

2018-10-26 06:40:54 UTC

And they put us in a Recession twice

2018-10-26 06:42:00 UTC

The electoral college only works cause our population is so large and very far apart

2018-10-26 06:42:01 UTC

think trump is bad you wish you had Zuma lol he had a rape case against him the woman fled to Nederlands after the trails. he was elected Twice and had 175 charges of corruption against him Before elected because you see. . . you vote for the party not the President the party sets forth a candidate.

2018-10-26 06:42:32 UTC

My verdict: we're all fucked

2018-10-26 06:42:49 UTC

I mean atleast trump didnt say take a shower to cure aids

2018-10-26 06:43:11 UTC

we have been watching the movie Idiocracy playing out in my country since 2006

2018-10-26 06:43:23 UTC


2018-10-26 06:43:48 UTC

On another note, I've found a suitable Linux distro for my tablet

2018-10-26 06:43:55 UTC

And worst is i cant use social media because they monitor that shit aswell

2018-10-26 06:44:03 UTC

Get the tor browser

2018-10-26 06:44:06 UTC

Linux for your tablet ?

2018-10-26 06:44:08 UTC


2018-10-26 06:44:11 UTC


2018-10-26 06:44:23 UTC

(rubbing chin intensifies) hmmmmmm

2018-10-26 06:44:24 UTC

You cant get linux on your Nintendo switch

2018-10-26 06:44:42 UTC

Nintendo Switch sucks

2018-10-26 06:44:54 UTC

I never had a nintendo growing up or consoles .

2018-10-26 06:44:56 UTC

just a tablet with custom hardware and software

2018-10-26 06:45:03 UTC

i only had pc . yay

2018-10-26 06:45:24 UTC

I only use my PC, but I have an old tablet lying around I want to do something with

2018-10-26 06:45:39 UTC

I had ps3 and 4 for a while but I had PC before all that.

2018-10-26 06:45:46 UTC

im a 90s kid but i never played mario ever lol . but i know who mario is lol

2018-10-26 06:46:05 UTC

PC was my first love, have built over 60 pcs in the last years all for the fun of it

2018-10-26 06:46:19 UTC

Software's my love for sure

2018-10-26 06:46:20 UTC

its relaxing to me building a pc

2018-10-26 06:46:31 UTC

I love linux

2018-10-26 06:46:38 UTC

I use it on everything

2018-10-26 06:47:16 UTC

linux is pretty dank indeed

2018-10-26 06:47:26 UTC

I currently use Debian GNU/Linux

2018-10-26 06:47:33 UTC

on my main box

2018-10-26 06:47:57 UTC

Ubuntu Server and Debian on my servers

2018-10-26 06:48:10 UTC

and soon to be Bodhi Linux on my tablet

2018-10-26 06:49:15 UTC

e17 is weird

2018-10-26 06:49:30 UTC

impressive as fuck given that efl is absolute cancer, but weird ยฏ\_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ

2018-10-26 06:49:47 UTC


2018-10-26 06:50:11 UTC

@Walsp You said the gov't will probably track social media. Do you have the Tor Browser?

2018-10-26 06:50:12 UTC

you dank linux users you lol

2018-10-26 06:50:17 UTC

e16 was the shit

2018-10-26 06:50:20 UTC

no i dont

2018-10-26 06:50:27 UTC

You should probably get it

2018-10-26 06:50:31 UTC

they wanted to Police social media in 2016

2018-10-26 06:50:36 UTC

and people slammed it

2018-10-26 06:50:43 UTC

saying it would lead us to a dictatorship

2018-10-26 06:50:52 UTC

It probably would

2018-10-26 06:50:57 UTC


2018-10-26 06:51:13 UTC

its like Comcast when you put regulations in they cant do shit if you remove regulations they will try and fuck with customers

2018-10-26 06:51:24 UTC

i use a VPN alongside tor

2018-10-26 06:51:34 UTC

whonix, mentlegen

2018-10-26 06:51:43 UTC

@FunnyStarRunner Just use a bridge

2018-10-26 06:51:55 UTC

Its just social media thats being tracked and if you use Watsapp

2018-10-26 06:52:08 UTC

if i pick up my telephone and say bomb and president in the same sentence im on a watchlist lol

2018-10-26 06:52:22 UTC

lol yep

2018-10-26 06:52:28 UTC

I mean thats most countries

2018-10-26 06:52:28 UTC


2018-10-26 06:52:38 UTC

I don't trust any spy shit like whatsapp

2018-10-26 06:52:42 UTC

But we already have hate speech laws that only go 1 way

2018-10-26 06:52:51 UTC

only white people get convicted for it

2018-10-26 06:52:57 UTC

: (

2018-10-26 06:53:03 UTC

Hate speech laws are evil

2018-10-26 06:53:06 UTC

Its called Crimea injura

2018-10-26 06:53:11 UTC

hurting someones dignity

2018-10-26 06:53:18 UTC

you've got to be kidding me

2018-10-26 06:53:26 UTC

So i can call you a racials slur and i get 2 years in jail if your seven coats browner then me

2018-10-26 06:53:43 UTC


2018-10-26 06:53:48 UTC

But IF a black guy cals a black guy the same word

2018-10-26 06:53:49 UTC

he pays a fine

2018-10-26 06:53:57 UTC

How is that justice

2018-10-26 06:53:57 UTC


2018-10-26 06:54:04 UTC

bizarre for sure

2018-10-26 06:54:15 UTC

Wheres this law implemented?

2018-10-26 06:54:19 UTC

What country I mean

2018-10-26 06:54:21 UTC

2018-10-26 06:54:24 UTC

my country

2018-10-26 06:54:25 UTC

south africa

2018-10-26 06:54:39 UTC

Wierd, but Ill trust you on that

2018-10-26 06:54:43 UTC

the law was introduced in the 70's under the apartheid Regine to stop Racism

2018-10-26 06:54:48 UTC

but now its kept in place

2018-10-26 06:54:54 UTC

During apartheid?

2018-10-26 06:54:56 UTC

and enforced by the currecnt goverment

2018-10-26 06:54:56 UTC


2018-10-26 06:54:58 UTC


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