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2018-09-15 14:25:29 UTC

there goes stupendious maximimus about to kill the intoergalatic police

2018-09-15 14:25:31 UTC

and boom

2018-09-15 14:25:37 UTC

fake blood goes everywhere

2018-09-15 14:25:38 UTC


2018-09-15 14:25:58 UTC

We should thank Based Stickman for starting the trend of fashionable street fighting.

2018-09-15 14:26:05 UTC

looks more like he is just tyring to block or pull him back from going over

2018-09-15 14:26:07 UTC

one or the other

2018-09-15 14:26:59 UTC

am i the only one that looks at rubbermaid shields and thinks,.... do these kids not understand how protection works?

2018-09-15 14:27:10 UTC

if the thing protecting you has give to it, then its not much protection

2018-09-15 14:27:44 UTC

they all just saw the, dont you wish everything was made like rubbermaid commercials, and think they will be invincible

2018-09-15 14:28:11 UTC

Orr coult be cause they dont know how to make a proper one

2018-09-15 14:28:16 UTC

And used the easier to use materials

2018-09-15 14:28:19 UTC

i forget who said it first, but cosplaying revolutionaries was so apt

2018-09-15 14:28:39 UTC

Welding a metal barrel into a makeshift shield requires tradeskills and some strength

2018-09-15 14:28:40 UTC

ya they have no real cutting tools to make one out of an aluminum trash can lol

2018-09-15 14:29:09 UTC

Like the most we saw them make were either signs

2018-09-15 14:29:11 UTC

Or use bats

2018-09-15 14:29:12 UTC

"well, i can cut through this plastic one with my saftey siscors"

2018-09-15 14:29:24 UTC

Also, whats rubbermaid?

2018-09-15 14:30:21 UTC

about 100 bucks if it looks good

2018-09-15 14:30:31 UTC

ok that one was funnier in my head

2018-09-15 14:33:27 UTC

so whats next

2018-09-15 14:33:33 UTC

in the culture war

2018-09-15 14:33:37 UTC

where does this all go

2018-09-15 14:33:57 UTC

thats one of the many questions i still cant wrap my head around entirely

2018-09-15 14:34:02 UTC

Probably some terror attack

2018-09-15 14:34:11 UTC

Well, not massive,

2018-09-15 14:34:16 UTC

seems like we are already there most days

2018-09-15 14:34:16 UTC

But a string of smaller ones.

2018-09-15 14:34:33 UTC

Then again, we didnt hear shit bout scalise shooting

2018-09-15 14:34:44 UTC

and it dosent semm like any dems wanted to own up to it

2018-09-15 14:35:03 UTC

of course not

2018-09-15 14:35:18 UTC

cant claim to be the goodguy when you cause shit like that

2018-09-15 14:35:24 UTC

even if it wasnt intentional

2018-09-15 14:35:40 UTC

Well as in, own up as in, either dont say anything

2018-09-15 14:35:48 UTC

OR say oh shit, this is bad

2018-09-15 14:36:15 UTC

ya i agree, there should have been louder condemnation

2018-09-15 14:36:38 UTC

And it gives the worst impression, when you dont care about a bunch of republicans shot in a public area. But care when a bunch of illegal alien rapists were arrested by ICE.

2018-09-15 14:36:46 UTC

but, the whole notion of expecting someone to apologize for something a follower did, i am not so sure i can get behind that

2018-09-15 14:37:02 UTC

that thought is just crazy to me

2018-09-15 14:37:05 UTC

Nah more like, you either dotn say anything .

2018-09-15 14:37:10 UTC


2018-09-15 14:37:21 UTC

Or dont look like a hypocrite when you choose what to say shit about

2018-09-15 14:37:32 UTC

now that is very true

2018-09-15 14:37:46 UTC

its hard not to seem like a hypocrite when you omit the worst of it

2018-09-15 14:38:05 UTC

Like I said, it looks shitty when you care more bout illegal aliens than locals or innocent peeps who were hurt by illegal aliens

2018-09-15 14:38:11 UTC

such a weird set of games bing played, and all we are is the pawns

2018-09-15 14:38:30 UTC

Nah, worst thing is pawns that cant contribute

2018-09-15 14:39:00 UTC

Cant do shit about that except elect presidents, but even that dosent stop shit like the deep state.

2018-09-15 14:39:17 UTC

Either that or shitty incompetence

2018-09-15 14:39:17 UTC

bullshit pawns cant contribute

2018-09-15 14:39:27 UTC

i have def checkmated people with pawns

2018-09-15 14:39:29 UTC

it can happen

2018-09-15 14:39:30 UTC

Im saying worse than a pawn

2018-09-15 14:39:37 UTC

At least a pawn takes part

2018-09-15 14:39:41 UTC

ya ok, i can get what you are saying there

2018-09-15 14:40:00 UTC


2018-09-15 14:40:02 UTC


2018-09-15 14:41:16 UTC

Like the worst of it is to see it but cant do shit.

2018-09-15 14:41:25 UTC


2018-09-15 14:41:30 UTC

thats where i am at these days

2018-09-15 14:41:33 UTC

i want to jump in

2018-09-15 14:41:39 UTC

but ill be damed if i know where to do that

2018-09-15 14:41:48 UTC

and every place i think to myself, here is the spot

2018-09-15 14:41:54 UTC


2018-09-15 14:41:55 UTC


2018-09-15 14:41:57 UTC

turns out to be a lot better off that i stayed home lol

2018-09-15 14:41:57 UTC

watch thiso

2018-09-15 14:42:14 UTC

At least you guys are american

2018-09-15 14:42:15 UTC

Don't jump in at the pool. I hear that's closed.

2018-09-15 14:42:42 UTC

belly flop

2018-09-15 14:42:45 UTC

Are you a dreaded Canadian, GingaBomber?

2018-09-15 14:43:02 UTC

Im... just gonna say right on the other side of the planet

2018-09-15 14:43:12 UTC

SEA region

2018-09-15 14:43:45 UTC

Ok, since you won't specify I'll assume that means there's something about your government that doesn't love BURNING AMERICAN FREEDOM!

2018-09-15 14:44:14 UTC

dude, I often wish they had more progressive values.

2018-09-15 14:44:23 UTC

but @GingaBomber brings up a good point... to the rest of the world we must look like a bunch of rich assholes fighting over something terribly stupid considering we already have it

2018-09-15 14:44:28 UTC

And what passes for progressive here passes as conservative in US

2018-09-15 14:44:44 UTC

You want less id pol? Fuck yes

2018-09-15 14:45:01 UTC

Less nepotism and lower taxes? Yeah

2018-09-15 14:45:04 UTC

I think any sane person does. The big question is how to get it.

2018-09-15 14:45:10 UTC


2018-09-15 14:45:27 UTC

will drive a saint to drink trying to find a way out of this maze

2018-09-15 14:45:30 UTC

Treating people as equal regardless of race relligion and gender? Of course fucking yes

2018-09-15 14:45:40 UTC


2018-09-15 14:45:49 UTC

But again and again people go back and vote for the same shitty fucking idpol pushing politicians

2018-09-15 14:45:53 UTC

ill treat anyone with the respect they treat me

2018-09-15 14:45:53 UTC

We need an army of that one guy who befriended KKK members and got them to leave the clan. But for idpol in general.

2018-09-15 14:46:00 UTC

but tell me i have to bow to you because of wokeness

2018-09-15 14:46:05 UTC

im not going to listen

2018-09-15 14:46:06 UTC


2018-09-15 14:46:38 UTC

And call me a fuckboi anyway you want. Like it or not, the US is more progressive than people like to give it credit for.

2018-09-15 14:46:47 UTC

ya @Malt_Hitman do you mean the guy that made that netflix series?

2018-09-15 14:47:06 UTC

Well, issue is.

2018-09-15 14:47:07 UTC

i thought he was pretty brave, i will be honest, i didnt watch the show, but the idea of it was truly cool

2018-09-15 14:47:14 UTC

Most of the KKK? Usually are the older types.

2018-09-15 14:47:20 UTC

I'm not too good with names. I want to say Darrel Williams but I think that's just a football player.

2018-09-15 14:47:26 UTC

Those tend to be at the age when they mellow down.

2018-09-15 14:47:32 UTC

thats been my experience @GingaBomber the kkk are a dying breed

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