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2017-04-07 04:14:38 UTC

Yeah, the debate is useless. I'm pretty much over it too.

Most whites are traitors.

2017-04-07 04:15:54 UTC

At least here

2017-04-07 04:18:48 UTC

Well yeah, I mean I talk to people on our side only to kind of give further insight into National Socialism and the details of what we're doing, but beyond that I'm not out to convince anyone of anything

2017-04-07 04:19:31 UTC


2017-04-07 04:20:09 UTC

I used to be a libertarian even when I was racially aware, so we can all use some further learning

2017-04-07 04:20:19 UTC

What are some of your favorite things to natsoc things to read? I'm looking for something to run tborgn

2017-04-07 04:20:35 UTC

What have you read so far?

2017-04-07 04:21:43 UTC

Don't be ashamed either if it's just been documentaries. I know people sometimes feel awkward if they haven't read much

2017-04-07 04:21:58 UTC

Mein kampf, I'm into Goebbels right now it seems nazi sosi.

Then just documentaries speeches

2017-04-07 04:22:34 UTC

I love and venerate Hitler with my whole heart and soul, but Mein Kampf is boring af

2017-04-07 04:23:02 UTC

I would read GLR's White Power

2017-04-07 04:23:24 UTC

2017-04-07 04:23:30 UTC

Most relevant to us as US National Socialists

2017-04-07 04:23:46 UTC

I'll order that one shortly

2017-04-07 04:24:13 UTC

I'm reading For My Legionaries right now, stuff I should have read forever ago

2017-04-07 04:24:48 UTC

Rockwell's This time the world is ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป
Lots of stuff about movement history and movement principles in there

2017-04-07 04:24:58 UTC


2017-04-07 04:25:37 UTC

Rockwell is a great starting point for any US National Socialist

2017-04-07 04:25:48 UTC

The best I would argue

2017-04-07 04:26:07 UTC

Great, I'll look into him more

2017-04-07 04:27:24 UTC

Some might suggest James Mason, but I reccomend Rockwell first. Mason kind of expands on Rockwell but has his own ideas about how to move forward

2017-04-07 04:27:35 UTC

Just ordered those both

2017-04-07 04:28:05 UTC

I don't know how to make emojis on here but \o

2017-04-07 04:29:35 UTC

fwiw i agree with GLR's White Power and I'll give another recommendation: The Turner Diaries. It's an easy read and will give you some insight on what's probably ahead and why what will happen, will happen

2017-04-07 04:30:00 UTC

I'll get that too

2017-04-07 04:30:24 UTC

I would have reccomended Turner Diaries but it's very blackpilled and doesn't offer pragmatic solutions

2017-04-07 04:31:05 UTC

right but it does elaborate on why we do some of the things we do and some of the things we may have to do in the future...and why

2017-04-07 04:31:36 UTC

Could get the same sort of message from watching MadMax

2017-04-07 04:32:03 UTC

it is fiction, but it's good to digest it and think about it...with a grain of salt of course

2017-04-07 04:32:33 UTC

I mean I love Pierce as much as the next guy, but for someone just starting off I can't in good conscious reccomend it. Definitely once a firm understanding of National Socialism is in place

2017-04-07 04:33:16 UTC

I about punched a hole in my wall half way through the book when I was younger

2017-04-07 04:33:25 UTC

It will trigger the hell out of you

2017-04-07 04:34:07 UTC

yeah i could see it triggering a younger man. i didn't read it for the first time until i was 28 and i was ready to rain mortar fire on the capital almost lol

2017-04-07 04:34:28 UTC

Yeah I read it when I was about 13

2017-04-07 04:34:32 UTC

Lol that good?

2017-04-07 04:35:05 UTC

it's an excellent story regardless of politics.

2017-04-07 04:35:15 UTC

Shifting hormones and a radicalizing mind + Turner Diaries = bad business lol

2017-04-07 04:35:53 UTC

I lost a lot of friends that year

2017-04-07 04:37:33 UTC

haha definitely. but it does give you a sort of idea why we're justified in what we do and it also primes you for not being surprised by what might happen in the future if things keep going in the direction in which it's headed

2017-04-07 04:38:17 UTC

yeah I watched the shit unfold in the years to come

2017-04-07 04:38:28 UTC

I'm 32 now

2017-04-07 04:38:33 UTC

again, not saying anybody should go ahead and copycat any of the events in the book, just saying don't be surprised

2017-04-07 04:38:46 UTC

Dont move on to James Mason until you are ready for turner diaries tbh, it deals with the same subject

2017-04-07 04:39:00 UTC

So glr first?

2017-04-07 04:39:14 UTC

Yeah, Mason takes the shit in a very literal, non-fictional sense

2017-04-07 04:39:28 UTC

Go GLR before anything

2017-04-07 04:39:46 UTC

even James Mason would say go GLR first

2017-04-07 04:41:38 UTC

haven't read this whole convo, did anybody recommend TGSNT?

2017-04-07 04:42:13 UTC

I am freaking horrible with acronyms. What?

2017-04-07 04:42:52 UTC


2017-04-07 04:43:35 UTC

the greatest story never told

2017-04-07 04:44:16 UTC

if he's not a reader that might be a good place to start...a six hour documentary lol

2017-04-07 04:44:43 UTC

ooooo. That really doesn't give insight into NS ideology itself, it's more of a WWII history thing and why we're the good guys.

2017-04-07 04:45:01 UTC

I already watched it

2017-04-07 04:45:02 UTC

right that's what i'm saying, it's a good base

2017-04-07 04:45:09 UTC

ah good for you

2017-04-07 04:45:25 UTC

If I had more 6 hour blocks I would watch it again myself

2017-04-07 04:45:44 UTC

i just got the other doc from them in the mail today....communism by the back door...i'll start it monday

2017-04-07 04:45:59 UTC

oh yeah i had to cut it up lol

2017-04-07 04:46:11 UTC

Pretty damn sad

2017-04-07 04:46:57 UTC

2017-04-07 04:47:10 UTC


2017-04-07 04:47:35 UTC

had to see if it would come as a transparent background

2017-04-07 04:48:21 UTC

i would also recommend buying at least a rifle and some ammo...depending on where you live i guess

2017-04-07 04:49:05 UTC

and mags of course

2017-04-07 04:49:13 UTC

Yeah, I live in MD, unfortunately about to relocate to Cali in a few months once my clearance goes through

2017-04-07 04:49:26 UTC


2017-04-07 04:49:35 UTC


2017-04-07 04:49:56 UTC

hm...where in MD? i'm close

2017-04-07 04:50:06 UTC

I had no other job offers and had to get out of MD, in Baltimore

2017-04-07 04:50:13 UTC

don't fully doxx yourself of course

2017-04-07 04:50:41 UTC

i got you. i'm around the MD eastern shore

2017-04-07 04:50:45 UTC

Aren't they about to secede

2017-04-07 04:50:53 UTC

we hope lol

2017-04-07 04:51:03 UTC

Lol, that would be great

2017-04-07 04:51:15 UTC

well not if you're there white man

2017-04-07 04:51:31 UTC

Well of course prior to me going there

2017-04-07 04:51:36 UTC

I'll also be in bumfuck

2017-04-07 04:51:36 UTC

well yeah, come back to the east coast when they do

2017-04-07 04:51:57 UTC

you a city boy?

2017-04-07 04:52:10 UTC


2017-04-07 04:52:23 UTC

Not a fan though

2017-04-07 04:52:35 UTC

CRUSH THE URBANITE!! I can say that now that I'm in the south ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

2017-04-07 04:52:44 UTC

you might not like rural life at first, but you'll find the love

2017-04-07 04:52:51 UTC


2017-04-07 04:52:57 UTC

Bullshit, you will love it

2017-04-07 04:53:14 UTC

i grew up in a town with less than 700 people ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

2017-04-07 04:53:16 UTC

I'm ready to get out of the city, trust me

2017-04-07 04:53:18 UTC


2017-04-07 04:53:44 UTC

I took a week off to stay with Heimbach before I made the move and I was like, yeah no this is where I have to be

2017-04-07 04:54:01 UTC


2017-04-07 04:54:22 UTC

Here in Paoli

2017-04-07 04:54:52 UTC

I saw an Amish for the first time. They used to be a novel, now they piss me off a bit

2017-04-07 04:55:10 UTC

oh you mean PA

2017-04-07 04:55:15 UTC


2017-04-07 04:55:20 UTC

i thought heimbach was in NC

2017-04-07 04:55:24 UTC

oh ok

2017-04-07 04:55:57 UTC

the amish make their way to my hometown every summer and they're usually awful lol

2017-04-07 04:56:10 UTC

i guess it's rammspringer

2017-04-07 04:56:13 UTC


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