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2018-05-18 23:06:38 UTC

Not all Republicans are libertarian, but a lot of them are. Some have a lot of conservative views, and the Republican party is considered to be the conservative party of the US :l

2018-05-18 23:07:06 UTC

Individualism, bourgeois "freedom", and Capitalism are the primary similarities of all Liberal sects.

2018-05-18 23:07:30 UTC

You know how feminists differ themselves from feminazis

2018-05-18 23:08:02 UTC

Like Republican Liberals differ themselves from what the Democrats are representing

2018-05-18 23:08:35 UTC

But they believe the same key things.

2018-05-18 23:08:56 UTC

Individualism, bourgeois "freedom", and Capitalism.

2018-05-18 23:11:02 UTC

uh sure, I mean you can be independent or a centrist, idc.

2018-05-18 23:11:17 UTC

Maybe the key ideas that they believe in so happen to be the best choice, maybe not

2018-05-18 23:11:36 UTC

Pretty much all centrists are Liberals.

2018-05-18 23:11:53 UTC

Because all centrists are right-leaning.

2018-05-18 23:12:14 UTC

sure thing

2018-05-18 23:12:44 UTC

Imagine believing you can mix the extremely contradictory viewpoints of the left and right and create some kind of middle-ground.

2018-05-18 23:13:11 UTC

Center is best is a strange notion that I can't even begin to comprehend why exists.

2018-05-18 23:13:38 UTC

Republican and Democrat are just agendas

2018-05-18 23:13:48 UTC

if a Republican agenda so happens to be liberal leaning, so be it

2018-05-18 23:14:13 UTC

But generally you cannot go in the center for an agenda. Like for example democrats believe high tax, republicans believe low tax

2018-05-18 23:14:36 UTC

Doesn't matter either way. Neither will do anything about the rich tax dodging.

2018-05-18 23:15:02 UTC

Do you believe Trump doesn't pay his taxes btw

2018-05-18 23:15:19 UTC

I don't care if Trump does.

2018-05-18 23:15:28 UTC

He represents the people who *don't*.

2018-05-18 23:16:08 UTC

He also represents the people that do, why would people that do pay taxes be a Democrat

2018-05-18 23:16:25 UTC

low tax the better for anybody

2018-05-18 23:16:45 UTC


2018-05-18 23:17:25 UTC

**Vote Trump 2020**

2018-05-18 23:17:25 UTC

Which begs me to ask why leftists states usually have lower taxes.

2018-05-18 23:17:39 UTC


2018-05-18 23:17:54 UTC

Socialist Albania literally disallowed all taxes on its citizens.

2018-05-18 23:17:59 UTC

And I mean *socialist*.

2018-05-18 23:18:13 UTC

Not Scandinavia.

2018-05-18 23:18:45 UTC

The USSR had very low taxes.

2018-05-18 23:18:52 UTC

So does the DPRK.

2018-05-18 23:19:19 UTC

Well yeah its an agenda, not represented by liberalism or conservatism lol. Just whatever works best

2018-05-18 23:19:41 UTC

Whatever the party believes will benefit the country/state or whatever

2018-05-18 23:23:26 UTC

You do realize there is literally no difference between the Republicans and Democrats beyond cosmetics like taxes and gay rights. They represent the Capitalist class and place the needs of those who do not do their taxes, the rich, over those of the commons.

2018-05-18 23:23:35 UTC

Poverty is increasing.

2018-05-18 23:24:06 UTC

I don't know about the details of Soviet administrative finances, but I would hazard to guess that taxes aren't necessary for state revenue when most industries are state run, so an evaluation of whether socialism is good insofar as taxes can't be looked at in isolation of "were taxes high or low" if the alternative methods for funding the state apparatus are more detrimental than higher taxes. That's not to say I'm arguing against lower taxes in socialist countries or anything, just something to consider

2018-05-18 23:26:14 UTC

@Ben Garrison First one to consider this idea. Early-stage Socialism pretty much requires this.

2018-05-18 23:26:39 UTC

It allows taxes to be lower.

2018-05-18 23:26:52 UTC

You know most politics that go around here arent even anything to do with the US. Its usually something to do with um Karl Marx or Hitler

2018-05-18 23:27:18 UTC

people thinking it will make the US better if it became communist

2018-05-18 23:27:35 UTC


2018-05-18 23:27:43 UTC

Trust me mate

2018-05-18 23:27:44 UTC

im just saying what people think

2018-05-18 23:27:47 UTC

Nobody believes that.

2018-05-18 23:28:38 UTC

It's just Liberals begrudgingly admitting Marx was right but frantically saying that *HIS CONCLUSIONS DONT WORK STOP!*

2018-05-18 23:28:52 UTC

hang on gimme a sec

2018-05-18 23:28:53 UTC


2018-05-18 23:29:58 UTC

It's nothing new for Liberals to admit Marx was right but propose a nicer Capitalism and screech that Marx's solutions to the problems of Capitalism were wrong.

2018-05-18 23:30:06 UTC

It's typical anti-communist propaganda.

2018-05-18 23:30:19 UTC

They've been doing this crap for decades.

2018-05-19 01:00:35 UTC

we need single payer

2018-05-19 03:31:58 UTC

everyone i know including myself

2018-05-19 03:32:27 UTC


2018-05-19 03:43:19 UTC

maybe because republicans are wrong

2018-05-19 03:43:21 UTC


2018-05-19 03:44:17 UTC

Thats just what the msm wants you to think

2018-05-19 03:46:12 UTC

Republicans are RIGHT, everything from tax plans to foreign policy

2018-05-19 03:51:42 UTC

Foreign policy is arguably the weakest area for the Republicans. Granted there are different factions with different policy outlooks but the majority of the Party is too comfortable with the hawkish neocon position of interventionism

2018-05-19 03:59:49 UTC

when someone calls republicans bad in a channel called republican glory

2018-05-19 04:00:34 UTC

@Ben Garrison idk about past repubs, but Trumps got it in the bag with China and NK

2018-05-19 04:04:50 UTC

Things seem to be heading in the right direction but nothing is set in stone yet regarding NK. When it comes to China he's usually alright. The important thing to remember though is that Trump isn't the Republican Party. All throughout the primary and even during the campaign against Hillary the Party establishment has been against him every step of the way.

2018-05-19 04:07:16 UTC

I think that women should have the right to abort their children

2018-05-19 04:07:30 UTC

also guns r bad

2018-05-19 04:07:47 UTC

turmp is gay

2018-05-19 04:08:17 UTC

net neutrality shoudl not be repealed

2018-05-19 04:08:18 UTC

Wrong chat bud

2018-05-19 04:08:36 UTC

stupid butthurt conservatives lmao

2018-05-19 04:09:11 UTC

People like you need to take your virtual problems somewhere else, republican glory is not a chat for trump ranting

2018-05-19 04:09:49 UTC

regan was bad

2018-05-19 04:10:19 UTC

all police are racist

2018-05-19 04:10:53 UTC

all men are pigs

2018-05-19 04:11:05 UTC

***men are equal to women***

2018-05-19 04:11:05 UTC

all sex is rape

2018-05-19 04:11:25 UTC

women are naturally attracted to men

2018-05-19 04:11:38 UTC


2018-05-19 04:12:12 UTC

Women are attracted to men, what a controversial statement

2018-05-19 04:12:12 UTC

fat people are a huge problem

2018-05-19 04:12:25 UTC

Woah getting a little Republican there

2018-05-19 04:12:54 UTC

mAR15A2 kill more people with bullet than car

2018-05-19 04:13:39 UTC

So who invited you

2018-05-19 04:13:46 UTC


2018-05-19 04:14:02 UTC

How much you getting paid?

2018-05-19 04:14:10 UTC

more than u lol

2018-05-19 04:14:21 UTC

lol no, I'm Republican

2018-05-19 04:14:28 UTC


2018-05-19 04:14:38 UTC

All the businessmen are Republican

2018-05-19 04:14:41 UTC

and rich af

2018-05-19 04:14:54 UTC

Like God Emperor Trump

2018-05-19 04:14:56 UTC

no all republicans are gay

2018-05-19 04:15:01 UTC


2018-05-19 04:15:06 UTC

no u

2018-05-19 04:15:13 UTC


2018-05-19 04:15:24 UTC

also swearing is racis

2018-05-19 04:15:44 UTC

@ravioli reply or you are gay

2018-05-19 04:16:10 UTC

2018-05-19 04:16:25 UTC

I reverse all cards

2018-05-19 04:16:29 UTC


2018-05-19 04:16:34 UTC

yeh check the photo

2018-05-19 04:16:49 UTC

you know what

2018-05-19 04:16:57 UTC

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