๐Ÿ˜ ๏ฝœelection-shenanigans

Discord ID: 797148988188786728

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2021-01-08 20:00:04 UTC

I left for 5 minutes and the entire server is different. ๐Ÿ˜‚ hey @suurge ๐Ÿ‘‹

2021-01-08 20:00:21 UTC

ikr i was excited to comb through all of today haha

2021-01-08 20:00:22 UTC

oh well

2021-01-08 20:00:53 UTC

YouTube has moved their policy on videos alleging fraud up to now.

2021-01-08 20:01:40 UTC

They were going to start implementing strikes against channels that talked about fraud on inauguration day but apparently after the whole thing in D.C they are announced yesterday itโ€™s effective immediately

2021-01-08 20:02:11 UTC

Before they were just removing the content but not handing out strikes

2021-01-08 20:02:57 UTC

Reminder to everyone @here to download as much of this stuff as you can.

2021-01-08 20:03:01 UTC

The teflon Don is probably in a nice cozy spot with his family safe and sound

2021-01-08 20:03:09 UTC

Bitchute people. YT is crap

2021-01-08 20:03:14 UTC


2021-01-08 20:03:21 UTC

already made an account on there

2021-01-08 20:03:26 UTC

Rumble DLive

2021-01-08 20:03:30 UTC

been there for a while now

2021-01-08 20:03:59 UTC

also we need to find access to IRC so when all this point and click social media goes dark we aren't fucked

2021-01-08 20:04:14 UTC

they try to impeach trump monday

2021-01-08 20:05:03 UTC

Whatโ€™s IRC?

2021-01-08 20:05:04 UTC

Iโ€™m just moving my content to Rumble. Itโ€™s too hostile on YouTube.

2021-01-08 20:05:05 UTC

that's some kind of bs plot thickener they are pouring in to distract

2021-01-08 20:05:12 UTC

11th January?

2021-01-08 20:05:12 UTC

Internet Relay Client

2021-01-08 20:05:31 UTC

If I start a channel, itโ€™ll be on Rumble or BitChute (maybe both).

2021-01-08 20:05:32 UTC

chat client before computers were cool

2021-01-08 20:05:46 UTC

How do you get it?

2021-01-08 20:06:38 UTC

IRC is a standard Internet protocol that allows people to run their own text-based chat servers with its own selection of channels organized by topic (for example, a channel called #music for talking about music). With no centralized authority over who can host a server,

2021-01-08 20:06:40 UTC

Bitchute just has a problematic community unfortunately.

2021-01-08 20:07:07 UTC

u can do more than text there are protocols for file transferring as well

2021-01-08 20:07:16 UTC

Enough GOP senator said they will vote for impeach

2021-01-08 20:07:35 UTC

good they are signing their name to the complicit check list

2021-01-08 20:07:38 UTC

Of course they will

2021-01-08 20:07:48 UTC

let the swamp drain it's self

2021-01-08 20:08:04 UTC

Now the rhinos feel empowered

2021-01-08 20:08:55 UTC

keep feeding them rope

2021-01-08 20:09:48 UTC

Them having the senate now is I figured he will never get a second term because even if he did manage to pull this off they would just impeach him again anyway

2021-01-08 20:09:53 UTC

am i the only one not understanding why they impeach?

2021-01-08 20:10:05 UTC

that's just a distraction

2021-01-08 20:11:56 UTC

They just donโ€™t want him to be able to run again

2021-01-08 20:13:26 UTC

no way the constitutional juge do something

2021-01-08 20:15:03 UTC

I found a free IRC client I have it installed on my pc so far so good. Gotta remember how to create channels

2021-01-08 20:15:18 UTC

been so damn long... forgot alll the commands ugh

2021-01-08 20:21:17 UTC

IMAGINE trump run in GA ion 2022 as governor xd

2021-01-08 20:21:35 UTC

First they have to eliminate Dominion there

2021-01-08 20:22:11 UTC

Maybe Texas

2021-01-08 20:23:20 UTC

Imagine him running for senate in florida in 2022 against marco rubio

2021-01-08 20:23:39 UTC

governor more based

2021-01-08 20:23:57 UTC

Nah we need a senate majority leader donald trump

2021-01-08 20:33:20 UTC

He should run for senate in Florida

2021-01-08 20:35:01 UTC

Trump majority leader BASED

2021-01-08 20:35:03 UTC

What would be involved with setting a special counsel looking into the election ?
Could Trump set it up ?

2021-01-08 20:35:41 UTC

Welp... looks like the wheels of justice are turning slowly as usual

2021-01-08 20:36:07 UTC


2021-01-08 20:36:12 UTC

no way

2021-01-08 20:36:28 UTC

we arent succeeding.

Watch the video ()___()

2021-01-08 20:36:42 UTC

cmon we're not that lucky

2021-01-08 20:36:54 UTC

tecas has been doing this texit thing for years its just talk

2021-01-08 20:36:55 UTC

Donโ€™t act surprised. They are the reason why we lost in the first place. The spineless coward republicans

Instead of talking crap watch it ๐Ÿ˜‰

2021-01-08 20:39:32 UTC


2021-01-08 20:41:06 UTC

theepoctimes though

2021-01-08 20:42:47 UTC

Whatโ€™s this imply?

2021-01-08 20:43:05 UTC

arent they funded by a cult or some shit?

2021-01-08 20:43:21 UTC

So youโ€™re just guessing or going off of rumors?

2021-01-08 20:45:21 UTC


2021-01-08 20:45:23 UTC


Wel we cant trust not 1 of them so meh we cant trust the fbi to

Ted cruz stance is prob just optics

2021-01-08 20:46:53 UTC

based rep if u ask me

2021-01-08 20:47:24 UTC


2021-01-08 20:47:41 UTC

cruz is based
He asked for reasonable things
He smart

Sorry im dutch what does based mean?

2021-01-08 20:48:09 UTC

like nice

2021-01-08 20:48:27 UTC

Just open your mouth and Iโ€™ll feed you with something

2021-01-08 20:48:36 UTC

He is a good senator
And as i heard when it come to law he really know his things
Some ppl would have like him on SCOTUS

2021-01-08 20:48:51 UTC

Do some digging

2021-01-08 20:49:17 UTC

It means that their views and actions are representative of the people, not based on lobbyists or foreign nations

2021-01-08 20:49:44 UTC

cruz is realy good at representing texas

2021-01-08 20:49:55 UTC

As a Texan, I agree

2021-01-08 20:50:31 UTC

So is anyone else seeing that Biden, the guy who is calling for unity and healing further fans the flames of division yesterday with his words about the capitol riot?

2021-01-08 20:50:53 UTC

Be prepared for law against ''domestic terorism''

2021-01-08 20:51:12 UTC

And biden is accusing trump of fanning the flames of division... literally accusing trump of everything heโ€™s doing

2021-01-08 20:51:25 UTC

Arenโ€™t their already laws against that?

2021-01-08 20:51:50 UTC

And Michelle Obama and Obummer himself is doing

2021-01-08 20:52:01 UTC

biden said he would make more
Harris said her first EO will be about guns
Yeap sounds like tyranny

2021-01-08 20:52:07 UTC

"No evidence of antifa storming the capital"

2021-01-08 20:52:11 UTC


2021-01-08 20:52:18 UTC


2021-01-08 20:52:33 UTC

He pisses me off

2021-01-08 20:53:18 UTC

But I should give him a chance? What a joke

2021-01-08 20:55:10 UTC

โ€This claim about antifa interference in capitol raid has been disputedโ€

Oh okay so it positive based so im based

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