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2018-04-13 06:55:11 UTC
2018-04-13 06:55:13 UTC

corsi is NOT a whitehat

2018-04-13 06:55:25 UTC

neither are the mods over there tbh

2018-04-13 06:55:39 UTC

why would you think that?

2018-04-13 06:55:41 UTC

@ 1330

2018-04-13 06:55:58 UTC

"kissinger is a brilliant mind and good guy - I told trump to talk to him"

2018-04-13 06:56:01 UTC

fkn bs

2018-04-13 06:56:17 UTC

go to 13:30

2018-04-13 06:56:19 UTC

oh yeah. the kissinger thing. lol.

2018-04-13 06:56:35 UTC
2018-04-13 06:56:43 UTC

well, there can still be a little bit of dark before moving all the way into the light.

2018-04-13 06:56:54 UTC

bear in mind, i was there since the very beginning... i watched corsi come in enough times to see how he operates

2018-04-13 06:57:01 UTC

pace yourselves ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

2018-04-13 06:57:02 UTC

he fkin lied on live broadcast

2018-04-13 06:57:12 UTC

i just posted proof

2018-04-13 06:57:13 UTC

as do the mods there left

2018-04-13 06:57:31 UTC

i could post a screenshot, but im over it... no point

2018-04-13 06:57:35 UTC

alot of mods have been banned

2018-04-13 06:57:37 UTC

im wasting NO more energy there

2018-04-13 06:57:43 UTC

your talking about the CBTS live stream mods

2018-04-13 06:57:48 UTC


2018-04-13 06:57:51 UTC


2018-04-13 06:58:15 UTC

ah, yeah. didn't seem right either.

2018-04-13 06:58:29 UTC

it was me, pamphlet, and another.... now its just pam, cause he pushed us out, allowed somebody to buy their mod status and fkd over truly goodhearted people

2018-04-13 06:58:49 UTC

its about money

2018-04-13 06:59:08 UTC

they no longer care about accuracy, or uniting people...

2018-04-13 06:59:09 UTC

oh yeah, no suprise there.

2018-04-13 07:00:16 UTC

about money, there's a lot of that going on these days.

2018-04-13 07:01:05 UTC

Wait are you sure the statement is attached 13:30? I'm not seeing it at that mark.

2018-04-13 07:03:02 UTC

I didn't either creepy. But I'm going to listen to the entire interview tomorrow.

2018-04-13 07:12:02 UTC

Alright truth seekers. This is going to sound funny but someone has to tell me the truth about Bigfoot LoL I'm serious. It drives me nuts. Was it a cross breeding experiment? Straight up hoax. ? More Distraction?

2018-04-13 07:15:47 UTC

i'm a huge bigfoot fan, they're real imo. a people according to first nations. not sure 'bout origins. there's a paranormal dimension to the story according to some.

2018-04-13 07:16:49 UTC

Way to stay on topic ...

2018-04-13 07:17:52 UTC

Hey I figured there is hardly anybody here so there wasn't enough people to tell me to shut up ๐Ÿคฃ

2018-04-13 07:19:43 UTC

Ok back to lurking

2018-04-13 08:32:05 UTC

@creepyAnon the noted mark started at 14 mins 13 seconds

2018-04-13 08:33:02 UTC

Roger that.

2018-04-13 08:59:02 UTC

it takes an hour but listen to @ 4:30

2018-04-13 08:59:24 UTC

or @ 21 mins to 24 mins +

2018-04-13 09:01:34 UTC

"its ok amaerica go back to bed we have it all handled you are free to do what we tell you"

2018-04-13 09:34:56 UTC

hell just take an hour to listen to it adn ou will change your mind about AJ!

2018-04-13 11:11:26 UTC
2018-04-13 12:47:43 UTC

Well, well, some great reading this morning! Hey all!

2018-04-13 12:58:03 UTC

My spirit is crying out today guys. So many need to wake up!

2018-04-13 13:56:53 UTC

Yes no angel but let us ask @everyone , Let he who has no sin cast the first stone. That's am extremely important question thanks for viewing my input folks.

2018-04-13 13:57:38 UTC

2018-04-13 13:57:54 UTC

Mueller award to Backpage

2018-04-13 14:00:34 UTC

Can you help save just a little time by telling what back page is. Is it a spy and malware site?

2018-04-13 15:08:35 UTC

In reply to the everyone. Our President is truly remarkable. You cant find dirt on a clean living man. He hasn't smoked, drank or drugs IN HIS LIFE. His brother taught him well. We all have our challenges morally because we're human. Look back through history for sauce. They cant corrupt him with money, they throw shade, he shines. Incorruptible and tough as nails. AND he truly is doing it for us and for the country he dearly loves. There is no other reason for him to put himself and his family thru this torture chamber they are forced to live in. The left is evil, they are totally compromised and the more radical left will never change. Our challenge is to convince others the error of their ways. POTUS is not just our President...he's a Godsend.

2018-04-13 16:39:16 UTC

2018-04-13 16:39:50 UTC

For anyone who watches Fox News or are fans of Hannity... I hope this opens your eyes

2018-04-13 16:40:23 UTC

That's Hannity posing with Don Lemon and Stormy Daniels Lawyer

2018-04-13 16:40:47 UTC

They are all snakes. Hannity is a two face liar

2018-04-13 16:44:27 UTC

2018-04-13 16:44:58 UTC

Here's Scarsmucci with Stormy Daniels lawyer

2018-04-13 16:45:39 UTC

It really shows you the true side of these people. They are all on the same damn side pretending to be enemies

2018-04-13 16:46:13 UTC

We are being played

2018-04-13 16:49:54 UTC

2018-04-13 16:53:33 UTC

Have you guys seen this dig yet on the CA "Earthquake" that was a couple days ago?
Without doxxing myself i am on the west coast side of things and while i did not feel this particular quake i did see some of the early research that said the data didnt match up with a typical qake..and we get a lot of them out here. so its pretty easy to have good data.

2018-04-13 16:55:31 UTC

This happens every day in every courthouse in America - prosecution and defense go to lunch together, dine with their wives together, play golf together ... why? you didn't ask? Because they are two sides of the so-called "justice" profession. And eventually, they will become judges, too, as long as they play the local politics the right way. And did you think American criminal justice starts with "innocent until proven otherwise" or "speedy justice?" It's a joke and seriously needs total overhaul.

2018-04-13 17:34:26 UTC

We know Hannity has gotten some exclusive info. It doesn't mean we should throw the world at him lol but he is apparently being utilized right now as a tool to spread Real information from the seat of the MSM.

2018-04-13 17:53:19 UTC

@creepysound#0535 Big foot is real..... I did see one about 4 years ago betwwenSanta Cruz and Half Moon bay.... Big as F***..... I didn't realize until my daughter pointed out.. That area is the backside of the infamous big foot film....

2018-04-13 20:09:45 UTC

All of a sudden on this twitter thread it blacked out starting about 8 pages in. Now canโ€™t open in here. Wtf

2018-04-13 20:18:10 UTC

I can see everything

2018-04-13 20:20:53 UTC

Sorry I meant @Maga gal

2018-04-13 20:40:36 UTC

Bless you!

2018-04-13 21:18:02 UTC

Is Isaac Green, Anti-school's real name?, and i heard that he raps too, pretty good rimes for a few dimes!

2018-04-13 21:19:17 UTC

*is looking for any new ses reports*

2018-04-13 22:00:43 UTC

A thought just came to me on Cohen raid. What if theyโ€™re looking for info that could be harmful to the deep states dealings with Stormy? Just a thought

2018-04-13 22:26:42 UTC

@Malikstotle On Hannity - Just because you are colleagues with or know libtards, it does not mean you are a libtard or a snake. It's a small world.

2018-04-13 22:43:03 UTC

Anyone see that notable post about people getting a Q in their captcha when posting on the boards? What is this talk about a special mission . Is that a joke? I can't tell sometimes.

2018-04-13 22:51:06 UTC

@creepyAnon where are you seeing this or hearing this from?

2018-04-13 22:52:32 UTC

It was a notable post on the way research boards. I'll get link.

2018-04-13 22:52:40 UTC

On the Q*

2018-04-13 22:59:07 UTC

@everyone this doesnt make republicans look good

2018-04-13 23:03:07 UTC

Not really supprising. Most of the Government are bastards. There is no 2 party system that is an illusion. It's all 1 party and they play the public by pitting them against each other.

2018-04-13 23:45:49 UTC

@deBeez#7892 What is this in reference to? Specifics and links please.

2018-04-14 00:37:50 UTC

deBeez I believe this Social Security thing is old. It has Sessions listed as a senator

2018-04-14 01:18:34 UTC

Trump is bombing damascus as we speak

2018-04-14 01:21:06 UTC

yes, let us pray for those who are active!

2018-04-14 01:21:59 UTC

Where is everyone who said Trump won't strike Syria ??

2018-04-14 01:22:05 UTC

I told you all

2018-04-14 01:22:26 UTC

@Malikstotle , really, now is not the time to be an "I told you so."

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