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2021-01-07 07:49:55 UTC

Ah okay

2021-01-07 07:49:56 UTC

@Vrantix Stick around and find out

2021-01-07 07:50:01 UTC

John oliver and that South African twat should be deported to a grave

2021-01-07 07:50:09 UTC


2021-01-07 07:50:20 UTC

Don lemon should be squeezed like lemon

2021-01-07 07:50:23 UTC

The culture began to shift around 2008.

Thats when everyone in hollywood and the media became very leftist.

2021-01-07 07:50:30 UTC

@Huma_Abedin Iโ€™ve been here for a while and I heard another person say theyโ€™ve been here since the dawn of the server so yeah...

2021-01-07 07:50:43 UTC

@Vrantix You have to be active though

2021-01-07 07:50:47 UTC

2010 onward is when leftist shit really started to pick up steam.

2021-01-07 07:50:51 UTC

Not just existence

2021-01-07 07:50:54 UTC


2021-01-07 07:51:26 UTC

You could say fa++ot in 2008 in cartoons.

If you say it now, you will be canceled.

Remember how Kevin Hart cucked when old "homophobic" tweets were brought up

2021-01-07 07:51:35 UTC

Leftist ideas can't survive without censorship. It's no coincidence that they've been taking control over the internet and censoring it, for a decade, ever sicne it started to reach everyone's houses.

2021-01-07 07:52:02 UTC

Which isnt that kid a against leftisr purpose itself?

2021-01-07 07:52:07 UTC


2021-01-07 07:52:15 UTC

Ever since the internet basically became global and accessible by everyone, they've been frantically trying to censor it.

2021-01-07 07:52:51 UTC

Imagine for a second that these "protestors" were black women, with huge tits, fat ass, Top flight Pusssy, Shes rich too, treats you like a prince and makes dinner for youm huh, even buys you a ps5 and sleeps outside

2021-01-07 07:52:58 UTC

A global, open discussion could disrupt their repeated communist bs permenantly.

2021-01-07 07:52:59 UTC

And it is used as a vehicle to push the global homo Jewish agenda.

2021-01-07 07:53:06 UTC


2021-01-07 07:53:08 UTC

Rip Poggers

2021-01-07 07:53:21 UTC

@spicy sauce start calling it judeo-communism

2021-01-07 07:53:28 UTC


2021-01-07 07:53:42 UTC

What is that

2021-01-07 07:54:00 UTC



2021-01-07 07:54:01 UTC

yeah the tech industry and corp internet has definately been their influence, less and lwess independent websites and personal pages etc and more and more centralized "social media" that controls the "narrative" (i.e. constantly repeated brainwashing)

2021-01-07 07:54:09 UTC

I had a nazi friend joke that if we called national socialism, Judeo-capitalism, that we could get the Republicans on board lol@spicy sauce

2021-01-07 07:54:24 UTC

Seems true though

2021-01-07 07:54:29 UTC

What is the homo jewish agenda

2021-01-07 07:54:45 UTC

i am officially ted pilled

2021-01-07 07:54:48 UTC

Gay frogs

2021-01-07 07:54:52 UTC

like why does noone question why we need a "narrative" for everything all of a sudden? this term was never part of the culture till recently

2021-01-07 07:55:05 UTC

Post modernism, neo marxism. Anything that contradicts tradition and nationalism@oliverstr

2021-01-07 07:55:29 UTC

not really. its just a term for how groups want to use to convert folks

2021-01-07 07:55:31 UTC

Because everyone in television speaks like a career politician.

It's all fake and staged.

2021-01-07 07:56:05 UTC

Because it's a political warfare tactic. Therefore it is used as much as possible

2021-01-07 07:56:18 UTC

tbh communism is an idea that wouldnt work because humans are humans

2021-01-07 07:56:18 UTC

I have stated many times that I like how eloquent and articulate Pence is but I do not teust him because he is a career politican.

What do ya know..

2021-01-07 07:56:42 UTC

Establishment types and career politicans will NEVER be on our side

2021-01-07 07:56:50 UTC

What they do, is they turn the narrative into a presupposition.

They don't debate it. They make _other_ arguments that imply it's true.

Like global warning. They never proved that its irreversible or man made. Yet they base all their arguments as though it's true. @pollyanna#6550

2021-01-07 07:57:13 UTC

i mean the "narrative" is basically what Orwell would have called "duckspeak". just the repeated propaganda brainwashing that insists upon itself and gains a hold through sheer mass media volume. but they never were so blatant about it, i guess the tech advantage of todays tyrants puts them outside of historcal comparison

2021-01-07 07:57:20 UTC

I can see Pence becoming a Mitt Romney clone.

2021-01-07 07:57:22 UTC

like what if stalin had had google lol

2021-01-07 07:57:58 UTC

@pollyanna seriously, pay attention to presuppositions. This is how they get you. They make other statements or arguments that imply the truth of another.

2021-01-07 07:58:13 UTC

Someone should make a meme of all the neo cons/ RINOs in the GOP calling Pence over to sit sith them at the cafeteria table

2021-01-07 07:58:50 UTC

What does Pence even hope to gain from this?

2021-01-07 07:58:56 UTC

This can't end well for him

2021-01-07 07:59:02 UTC

To advance his politcal career

2021-01-07 07:59:07 UTC

What was in the Trumps tweet thats in announcments?
The tweet got deleted

2021-01-07 07:59:16 UTC

he's going to not have the tapes of him released

2021-01-07 07:59:17 UTC


2021-01-07 07:59:20 UTC

How? The Republicans hate him and the democrats are... Democrats

2021-01-07 07:59:24 UTC

blackmail is a bitch

2021-01-07 07:59:25 UTC

He took the 30 pieces of silver

2021-01-07 07:59:40 UTC

2021-01-07 07:59:43 UTC

Michael Penshekelstein

2021-01-07 07:59:46 UTC

is that twitch tweet real

2021-01-07 07:59:48 UTC

Black mail... Maybe that is also it

2021-01-07 07:59:48 UTC
2021-01-07 07:59:55 UTC

@notorious Unfortunately so

2021-01-07 08:00:12 UTC

Thank you @TheGeminaii

2021-01-07 08:00:13 UTC

I saw the video where hunter Biden fucked malia Obama.

2021-01-07 08:00:16 UTC

2021-01-07 08:00:16 UTC

It happened.

2021-01-07 08:00:18 UTC


2021-01-07 08:00:22 UTC


2021-01-07 08:00:30 UTC

@vnukvelesa epic pfp

2021-01-07 08:00:30 UTC

Maybe pence is being blackmailed

2021-01-07 08:00:32 UTC

pogchamp is far right now LMAOOOOO

2021-01-07 08:00:37 UTC

Heโ€™s not

2021-01-07 08:00:38 UTC

dont the RINOs understand that its people like us that are the base now? the old republican party is dead, they need to forget about it.

2021-01-07 08:00:40 UTC
2021-01-07 08:00:49 UTC

the absolute state of globohomos

2021-01-07 08:00:51 UTC

Heโ€™s just a spineless bitch

2021-01-07 08:01:02 UTC

I hope the republican party dies. Then we can get a pro-White party in there.

2021-01-07 08:01:09 UTC

you asked about it before he posted the picture

2021-01-07 08:01:16 UTC

@notorious this is the pogchamp guy, thatโ€™s what he said to get his emoji banned from twitch

2021-01-07 08:01:46 UTC

pogchamp guy tweets about big tech censorship

2021-01-07 08:01:57 UTC

literally provokes big tech censorship with his tweet

2021-01-07 08:02:07 UTC

fuck twitch

2021-01-07 08:02:18 UTC

Just don't use it

2021-01-07 08:02:18 UTC

These leftists are anxiously and desperately waiting to make a mouse click, to either take away a meme, your voice, or your rights.

And they laugh and celebrate it.

2021-01-07 08:02:31 UTC

Election was stolen from Trump BUT THATS OKAY GUYS

2021-01-07 08:02:40 UTC

someone posted it before then deleted it

2021-01-07 08:02:51 UTC

i was so confused lol

2021-01-07 08:02:53 UTC

Is that the plan?

2021-01-07 08:03:15 UTC

If you honestly believe the election was stolen and will be stolen again why would you vote?

2021-01-07 08:03:26 UTC


2021-01-07 08:03:35 UTC

We saw all the corrupt shit they were doing during trump.

It's going to be so much worse now. They were exposed but not prosecuted. That means they learned how to cover their tracks going foward because they saw where people were looking.

2021-01-07 08:04:08 UTC

So we are boned.

2021-01-07 08:04:25 UTC

Cool cool cool cool cool. Alright alright.

2021-01-07 08:04:25 UTC

More Iike, business as usual. So boned, but slowly.

2021-01-07 08:04:31 UTC

So as to maximize their profits.

2021-01-07 08:04:53 UTC

Like if you want to think the election was stolen that's fine, but then why would you go and vote if you honestly believe it's all rigged from the start?

2021-01-07 08:04:56 UTC

They just want to bleed you dry before they flee to Israel

2021-01-07 08:05:08 UTC

we didnt know with covid

2021-01-07 08:05:14 UTC

When we win don't forget that these people want you broke, dead, your kids brainwashed and raped and they think its funny

2021-01-07 08:05:17 UTC

>peasants burn down other peasants little stores
So badass and brave! Fuck the police, fuck the sytem!
>peasants march into the castle and make the nobility piss their pants
NOOOO this is so scary and despicable

2021-01-07 08:05:31 UTC

@TheJarman Because it forces them to cheat more, and more riskily

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