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2018-12-20 00:06:02 UTC


2018-12-20 00:06:30 UTC

Like opiates for a week or two after a major injury and/or surgery is fine

2018-12-20 00:06:38 UTC

They had me on oxy full time though

2018-12-20 00:06:52 UTC

But after that you should be doing PT to deal with the pain

2018-12-20 00:06:55 UTC

I cannot recall but they wanted me on something stronger full time

2018-12-20 00:07:19 UTC

stronger than oxy? Fuck me you'd have been out of your gourd.

2018-12-20 00:09:50 UTC

No I remember now. Oxy was the initial push to be my base pill. Which ironically was what they gave me post op in the USMC so to have that for pain management is overkill

2018-12-20 00:09:57 UTC

I ended up on vicodin for a year.

2018-12-20 00:10:04 UTC

Fuck that shit

2018-12-20 00:10:40 UTC

Niggas wanting to kill my kidneys

2018-12-20 00:10:49 UTC

Soda gonna do that for em haha

2018-12-20 00:11:16 UTC

This was in 14 prior to the opiate reform in the VA

2018-12-20 00:11:30 UTC

Now they fight just to issue vicodin

2018-12-20 00:11:36 UTC

The VA just needs to be gutted and replaced

2018-12-20 00:11:42 UTC

So reverse of the original problem

2018-12-20 00:11:47 UTC

Such a shitty fucking system

2018-12-20 00:11:49 UTC

Too giving to too stingy

2018-12-20 00:12:12 UTC

I finally got upgraded to 20% for a fucked hip and knee

2018-12-20 00:13:07 UTC

It was knee-ded

2018-12-20 00:13:24 UTC


2018-12-20 00:13:29 UTC

After three rounds of PT I can live relatively pain free unless I gain too much weight.

Anyways yeah. The FDA will hopefully get behind blockers that circumvent the need for current traditional medicine.

2018-12-20 00:13:55 UTC

Thus allowing for restructuring. Then we can hope for aids and herpes cure lmao

2018-12-20 00:14:17 UTC

Like I said, some big brain niggas figured out how that one gene mutation works that blocks all pain, and replicated it in tests.

2018-12-20 00:14:24 UTC

Now they just gotta get to human trials

2018-12-20 00:14:38 UTC

200iq niggas

2018-12-20 01:51:53 UTC

The VA fucking sucks, at least I've never had to deal with anything on the medical side.

2018-12-21 18:05:30 UTC

https://twitter.com/WeWuzBoomers/status/1076174471533391872?s=19 Congress should pass a "stop the boomers from making shitty memes" act

2018-12-22 01:13:43 UTC


2018-12-22 02:01:16 UTC


2018-12-22 02:05:57 UTC

what kind of infrastructure? like minecart tracks? Resource farms? The Mod's buildings?

2018-12-22 02:29:01 UTC

I think the town's main redstone grids would be a great place to start. Everyone can still survive without them, but it makes things a bit less convenient for everyone.

2018-12-22 05:06:11 UTC

Or the 4x4 water source and the carrot farms

2018-12-22 07:06:17 UTC

server redstone infrastructure is a joke btw, it's a hodgepodge mess slapped together to suit needs as they came, not proactively built for player expansion.

2018-12-22 07:06:59 UTC

Even the admins don't know all of the redstone circuits

2018-12-22 07:09:00 UTC

The primary redstone relay nodes are notoriously soft targets I hear.

2018-12-22 07:11:25 UTC

Why are you people like this?


2018-12-22 07:11:30 UTC

Absolutely. Nobody watches them, the players who built them are probably on another server, and if someone griefed them basically nobody could rebuild the relays and circuits.

2018-12-22 07:11:41 UTC

Because we're maximum autism

2018-12-22 07:11:48 UTC

No shit

2018-12-22 07:12:24 UTC

a couple TNT blocks and some flint and steel would down the whole network

2018-12-22 07:24:08 UTC

I've heard of people using bows from max range to knock out vital redstone infrastructure

2018-12-22 07:25:43 UTC

I wasnt aware that bows could break blocks

2018-12-22 07:41:28 UTC

Some redstone lines are very exposed and it's been shown that it's possible

2018-12-22 07:44:57 UTC

Man, why are we talking about minecraft in politics

2018-12-22 16:13:59 UTC



2018-12-22 16:15:55 UTC

Just knock out the central redstone stations

2018-12-22 16:18:11 UTC

Nuke LA

2018-12-22 16:19:14 UTC

Demolition man

2018-12-22 16:19:38 UTC

Swamp awakens from his Florida tar pit coma and begins slaughter circa 2078

2018-12-22 16:21:44 UTC

>demolition man

2018-12-22 16:21:47 UTC

>not escape from LA

2018-12-22 16:21:48 UTC

one job

2018-12-22 16:21:58 UTC


2018-12-22 16:22:06 UTC

I thought it was escape from NYC

2018-12-22 16:22:10 UTC


2018-12-22 16:23:13 UTC

that's the first movie

2018-12-22 16:23:18 UTC

escape from LA is the sequel

2018-12-22 16:24:03 UTC

Ah fuck me

2018-12-22 16:24:07 UTC

I need to see it then

2018-12-22 16:24:15 UTC

I didn't know it existed REEEE

2018-12-22 16:24:27 UTC


2018-12-22 16:24:30 UTC

Me rn

2018-12-22 16:28:11 UTC

>not going with a miami vice reference

2018-12-22 16:28:13 UTC

What a faggot

2018-12-22 16:28:48 UTC

God damnit guys

2018-12-22 16:28:51 UTC

I am trying

2018-12-22 16:28:57 UTC

Be nice no bulli

2018-12-22 16:29:14 UTC


2018-12-22 16:30:21 UTC


2018-12-22 17:41:29 UTC

California is a cancer on this earth

2018-12-22 19:40:51 UTC

I live here and I want to move out

2018-12-22 20:27:48 UTC

You donโ€™t have to nuke LA, just blow up the lift pumps for the aqueduct over the grapevine

2018-12-22 20:28:02 UTC

And watch what happens when the region has no water

2018-12-22 20:32:33 UTC

Literally becomes the Mojave Wasteland within a month

2018-12-22 20:32:51 UTC

With slightly less fallout and mutated wildlife

2018-12-23 04:15:45 UTC

8/10. is good

2018-12-23 21:30:09 UTC


2018-12-24 03:03:24 UTC

rand paul shitposting on twitter cause he has nothing to do atm

2018-12-24 03:07:53 UTC


2018-12-24 03:21:46 UTC

Wtf I like Rand Paul now

2018-12-24 03:22:02 UTC

Though I'm not entirely sure why I disliked him in the first place

2018-12-24 04:37:53 UTC

Rand Paul is a fucking mad man apparently, 10/10 political shitposting

2018-12-24 04:38:36 UTC

If the people want a shitposter-in-chief I feel like we need to get Rand Paul in to the actual presidential campaign

2018-12-24 10:03:28 UTC

Absolute Madlad

2018-12-24 10:06:37 UTC

Question. What the fuck is going on in france with the yellow working vest?

2018-12-24 15:44:03 UTC

@rewfft France is 1776ing itself

2018-12-24 15:46:46 UTC

they do that every once in a while

2018-12-24 21:29:16 UTC


2018-12-24 23:12:52 UTC


2018-12-25 00:51:42 UTC

Merry Christmas niggers


2018-12-26 23:42:51 UTC

>โ€upheldโ€ culture

2018-12-26 23:58:07 UTC

Hello sir, would you like to fuck my wife?

2018-12-27 00:43:41 UTC

That is a horrible chart

2018-12-27 00:43:51 UTC

Whoever decided on that format should slit their wrists

2018-12-27 00:45:31 UTC

Eh, it looks like shit but it gets the point across

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