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2020-12-03 05:04:41 UTC

They go "my wife is with her boyfriend rn" thats how smartcars sound

2020-12-03 05:04:42 UTC

It's got a whopping 64 kilobyte address space

2020-12-03 05:05:14 UTC


2020-12-03 05:05:21 UTC

But because I'm literally a genius I managed to give it 4 megabytes of ram

2020-12-03 05:05:29 UTC

Ok vana I like antique cars

2020-12-03 05:05:44 UTC


2020-12-03 05:05:56 UTC

I donโ€™t know much but they are pleasing to the eye

2020-12-03 05:06:01 UTC

Well technically 4.008 meg

2020-12-03 05:06:05 UTC

Yall ever experience intense euphoria without drugs

2020-12-03 05:06:17 UTC


2020-12-03 05:06:17 UTC

Hazel no one is listening my woman

2020-12-03 05:06:18 UTC

2020-12-03 05:06:21 UTC

Good times

2020-12-03 05:06:25 UTC

@PeachMew I'm used to it

2020-12-03 05:06:28 UTC

Itโ€™s so cute omg

2020-12-03 05:06:34 UTC

This is the life of a girl

2020-12-03 05:06:44 UTC

Nobody listens and I make them sandwiches

2020-12-03 05:06:48 UTC

It's fine

2020-12-03 05:06:53 UTC


2020-12-03 05:06:58 UTC

It looks like a toy truck omg

2020-12-03 05:07:03 UTC


2020-12-03 05:07:05 UTC


2020-12-03 05:07:07 UTC


2020-12-03 05:07:16 UTC

You ever feel intense euphoria without drugs or sex

2020-12-03 05:07:32 UTC

Idk why but I get Xmas vibes from that car LOL

2020-12-03 05:07:40 UTC


2020-12-03 05:07:55 UTC
2020-12-03 05:08:03 UTC

Put it on da track and it go choo choo

2020-12-03 05:08:05 UTC

When I finish a programming project

2020-12-03 05:08:06 UTC

Lol of course I do. But as for drugs, I only do weed and alcohol.

2020-12-03 05:08:11 UTC

I saww Hazel. What caused it?

2020-12-03 05:08:31 UTC

Finishung the project

2020-12-03 05:09:31 UTC

I get euphoria all the time

2020-12-03 05:09:41 UTC

Runners high i assume?

2020-12-03 05:10:12 UTC

Well Idk, I just like exercising as a whole

2020-12-03 05:10:41 UTC

Okay so

2020-12-03 05:10:44 UTC

When my body is sore it makes me feel accomplished tbh

2020-12-03 05:10:50 UTC

Ever just like get home and for no reason just feel amazing and you just lay back and let it flow through you

2020-12-03 05:10:55 UTC

Do any of you know the song "dancing in the moonlight"?

2020-12-03 05:11:01 UTC


2020-12-03 05:11:06 UTC

By King Harvest?

2020-12-03 05:11:10 UTC

If its the song im thinking,

2020-12-03 05:11:15 UTC

Id be shocked if anyone didnt

2020-12-03 05:11:22 UTC

I know a song

2020-12-03 05:11:24 UTC


2020-12-03 05:11:36 UTC

Dancing in the moonlight! Everybody

2020-12-03 05:11:40 UTC

I donโ€™t know the rest

2020-12-03 05:11:50 UTC

Itโ€™s a pop song

2020-12-03 05:11:51 UTC

So the most euphoric I've ever been is when I found the redux

2020-12-03 05:12:01 UTC

Whatโ€™s redux

2020-12-03 05:12:01 UTC

Dancing in the moonlight 2

2020-12-03 05:12:33 UTC

I usually get euphoria from music

2020-12-03 05:12:46 UTC

Then I workout

2020-12-03 05:13:12 UTC

I get that on days where everything goes right. Itโ€™s super rare. Or, on days where more good things outweigh the bad. They say a person requires 3 good things for every 1 bad thing, even if itโ€™s really insignificant. Ik itโ€™s a bit of a stretch but those good days are euphoric

2020-12-03 05:13:44 UTC

I get

2020-12-03 05:14:11 UTC

When things always go right that worries me, so I get to working out and doing chores to find something bad to fix

2020-12-03 05:14:16 UTC

I get it**

2020-12-03 05:15:15 UTC

Hmm maybe I workout a lot

2020-12-03 05:15:34 UTC

But sometimes something *really* insignificant, like waking up an hour after usual, is enough to throw off rhythm and expect the rest of the day to be bad. So those perfect days are a blessing lmao

2020-12-03 05:16:33 UTC

I just donโ€™t like perfect days

2020-12-03 05:17:57 UTC


2020-12-03 05:17:58 UTC

I dont usually get perfect days. My sense or experience with euphoria isnt actually good so super happy days can be worrisome.

2020-12-03 05:18:22 UTC

If I donโ€™t do anything for a day then I feel like thatโ€™s a day of my life wasted

2020-12-03 05:18:41 UTC

Well yeah thatโ€™s usually how it is

2020-12-03 05:19:00 UTC

Iโ€™d argue most people hope to be productive in their day

2020-12-03 05:19:32 UTC

Not Democrats

2020-12-03 05:19:45 UTC

๐Ÿ˜‚ kidding

2020-12-03 05:19:50 UTC


2020-12-03 05:19:56 UTC

Generally speaking though

2020-12-03 05:21:06 UTC

Yeah maybe so

2020-12-03 05:21:19 UTC

But sometimes you need days where you don't do anything, just to relax and reset

2020-12-03 05:22:01 UTC

What is โ€œrelaxโ€ and โ€œresetโ€, I donโ€™t understand

2020-12-03 05:23:10 UTC

Like days where youโ€™re not super active or busy

2020-12-03 05:23:12 UTC


2020-12-03 05:23:16 UTC

I know

2020-12-03 05:23:27 UTC

We all need mental health days where we just relax and destress.

2020-12-03 05:23:42 UTC

Yeah I get that

2020-12-03 05:24:12 UTC

It's that whole idea that people are more productive if they get proper breaks

2020-12-03 05:24:15 UTC

I relax after I work

2020-12-03 05:24:32 UTC

I mean you're on discord a lot so that's a form of just relaxing too lol

2020-12-03 05:24:41 UTC


2020-12-03 05:24:48 UTC

Like I get that but also I still feel unproductive afterwards, so mentally it doesnโ€™t solve much. Like it relaxes the mind but then I get anxious that Iโ€™m wasting time

2020-12-03 05:24:51 UTC

I'm talking more about people that have to work long hours, then they go home and have to deal with the kids and cook dinner, etc

2020-12-03 05:24:56 UTC

And not have enough time to themselves

2020-12-03 05:25:07 UTC

Ah I canโ€™t wait to have a full time job

2020-12-03 05:25:20 UTC

Oh the joys of being human ๐Ÿ˜‚

2020-12-03 05:25:34 UTC

Yes ๐Ÿ˜”

2020-12-03 05:25:50 UTC

Who tf...

2020-12-03 05:25:54 UTC

Sexy Mexy

2020-12-03 05:25:54 UTC

What do you guys think of libertarians?

2020-12-03 05:25:55 UTC

We can literally have thoughts about our thoughts

2020-12-03 05:26:06 UTC

Yeah itโ€™s interesting

2020-12-03 05:26:08 UTC


2020-12-03 05:26:12 UTC

Idk we need them to sort our books for us

2020-12-03 05:26:26 UTC

Libraries are still amazing places

2020-12-03 05:28:13 UTC

PeachMew is about to go in

2020-12-03 05:28:18 UTC

Omg my sister and I were talking about this, but do you ever get so philosophical that your mind is like working up a staircase; you go so far into your mind that you canโ€™t conceptualize full ideas. Or like you finally start to touch a concept that is so far-reaching but then you forget how you got there and where you are and then you just completely forget what you were thinking about?

2020-12-03 05:28:20 UTC

Lol yes

2020-12-03 05:28:41 UTC

Lol... yes

2020-12-03 05:28:54 UTC

I love talking about this stuff

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