Message from @John O -

Discord ID: 466338478112636928

2018-07-08 14:27:53 UTC  

@August Baldur - CO re: your futurism article, the answer is: taking this power for our own people should be our top—and I literally do mean TOP—priority.

2018-07-09 23:56:26 UTC  

Baldur I completely agree. The modern world was invented on the back of White Brilliance. Now the browns and Jews use it against us and never give a thought to gratitude. A way out of the conflict I described is for Whites to ensure that futuristic technology is monopolized by our race and restricted to it. I'm doubtful of this happening since the tech giants are almost all globalists and are happy to be "individuals" if they get a feudal class to rule over. But on the bright side if our movement is successful their tribal switch could be activated and guided by a value hierarchy.

2018-07-10 17:52:55 UTC  
2018-07-10 17:53:48 UTC  

isnt that already a crime lol

2018-07-10 17:54:08 UTC  

Calling now

2018-07-10 17:54:22 UTC  

Yes, but it will prevent stuff like the J20 rioters from getting off scot free

2018-07-10 17:54:34 UTC  


2018-07-10 17:56:20 UTC  

"who ever intimidates or threatens while under disguise" Watch that be used to set precedence for no anonymous twitter accounts because it's "intimidation"

2018-07-10 17:56:57 UTC  


2018-07-10 17:58:39 UTC  

Never give anyone power that can be wielded against you later.

2018-07-10 18:00:21 UTC  

Just called.

2018-07-10 18:03:32 UTC  

I called and some sleepy thug picked up the phone.
“Uh, hello? I’m here to leave a comment for my congresswoman.”
“...I’m sorry what?”
“Who yoo wit?”
“...oh. I’m with Senator Diane Feinstein.”
“Aight.” *connects me*

2018-07-10 18:03:43 UTC  

But I left a comment with a real person so it worked out haha

2018-07-10 18:10:07 UTC  


2018-07-10 18:30:52 UTC  

Not understanding how this bill changes anything. It says you can’t get away w a crime by wearing a mask, unless you get away and your disguise works. Tell me how I’m wrong

2018-07-10 18:40:19 UTC  

Stiffer punishment for committing the crime w mask?

2018-07-10 19:55:19 UTC  

It's important to remember that these things can easily be twisted and used against us too, even though we are nonviolent.

2018-07-10 20:14:45 UTC  

@WilderBeast the issue is that the crime you commit may be a misdemeanor or possibly even less, but when a mask is involved, it carries the weight of imprisonment. It's an enhancer. If you're familiar at all with gun crime, think of a mask as a gun. For instance, if you rob a store with a knife, you might go to jail for a few months, or prison for a year or two, but if you do the same thing with a gun instead, you see your sentence increase bigly

2018-07-10 20:19:03 UTC  

*I am not a lawyer

2018-07-10 20:21:37 UTC  

From reading the bill quickly, this is not an enhancement but a new charge.

2018-07-10 20:22:37 UTC  

See, I'm not a lawyer. That's what I meant, it's an additional charge that carries greater weight than the original charge, at times

2018-07-10 20:23:14 UTC  

Easiest to think of it as a separate crime in this case.

2018-07-10 21:02:58 UTC  

What would be best is what they have in AL.. pretty much make it illegal to wear a mask at a protest or whatever

2018-07-10 22:03:07 UTC  

I always view new laws like this as playing with fire. It might look and sound good on the surface, but it'll burn you just the same.

2018-07-10 22:03:26 UTC  

Particularly since we all know that the law is not applied equally.

2018-07-11 02:52:08 UTC  


2018-07-11 03:27:06 UTC  

Yeah. A “new” law can easily be utilized for the wrong purposes, depending on who is in charge and how the authorities are managed. We should push for less restrictions, overall.

2018-07-12 00:39:15 UTC  

still playing WoW, all i can say is wow

2018-07-12 00:45:06 UTC  


2018-07-12 16:55:18 UTC  

Can we flip this?

2018-07-12 17:43:05 UTC  

32%, Im not sure when the 4pol traffic will drop off. I've started a couple of other PTG threads. Someone should setup up a thread on T_D or some other sites. I dont have a plebbit account.

2018-07-12 18:18:14 UTC  

At 49%! From 25%

2018-07-12 18:43:59 UTC  


2018-07-12 19:58:24 UTC  

51/49, successful raid

2018-07-12 20:30:02 UTC  

At 54%

2018-07-12 21:08:39 UTC  

Hi all - as Matthias mentioned in the recent announcement, we could always use an extra hand from people willing to put some time into building a Wikipedia account to help with maintaining the IE page. Our Wikipedia page is one of the first things that come up on a Google search, and first impressions are always very important.

Currently I am fighting to get the "Neo-Nazi" descriptors off our page, so it won't appear as it currently does in the picture below:

I am making a lot of progress - but the more established accounts I have supporting my case, the easier it is to make things work out in our favor. Send me a DM if you are interested.

2018-07-13 01:46:13 UTC Let’s show him what the Saxon thinks of Trump

2018-07-13 04:22:25 UTC

2018-07-13 04:22:38 UTC  

We’re almost there

2018-07-13 05:11:44 UTC  

@Wotan Reborn <:teehee:381917632359563264>