August Baldur - CO

Discord ID: 245469557689548800

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I changed my name to Caleb Kohl (my real name)

I wrote an article (3min read) I've been thinking about for over a year. If any of you have an interest in both nationalism and futurism, I'd love to hear your thoughts!

guys thank you very much! I really appreciate your encouragement. It makes me want to write more ๐Ÿ˜ƒ I've been subconsciously mulling over the ideas I wrote in that article for over a year. It all came together one night and I was very pleased with the result.

Baldur I completely agree. The modern world was invented on the back of White Brilliance. Now the browns and Jews use it against us and never give a thought to gratitude. A way out of the conflict I described is for Whites to ensure that futuristic technology is monopolized by our race and restricted to it. I'm doubtful of this happening since the tech giants are almost all globalists and are happy to be "individuals" if they get a feudal class to rule over. But on the bright side if our movement is successful their tribal switch could be activated and guided by a value hierarchy.

Good work Lex!

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