Michael Flynn

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guys, I am about to start the reading Of "Atlas Shrugged"

After that It will be "Mein kampf"

@Big Al the Exquisite Meme Man Still would like to read it, lol thanks for the heads up tho-
@Lawrence of Eurabia I shall

I agree with you, let us be real here. they could give less of a crap about blacks and gays, they just use them to enforce their agenda. I mean, LBJ said it himself "If we pass this bill, we will have the n*ggers vote for 200 years" and each act not only violated the constitution, but also the states powers. and with the gay wedding cake, it just shows their is a huge bias against Christians, did they go to a muslim bakery? they drove past 100+ bakeries just to go to this one specific Christian Bakery, and violated the first amendment of "freedom of religion" why did they make such a huge fuss when they could have gone to one of the other hundred bakeries they frove past? and Fags want gov't because they know what they are doing is wrong lol.

tbh would prefer Israel over Muslim nations

(((Trump's stance)))

fellas, what are your thoughts on Mcdonald VS Chicago?

Boys, get the IQ charts out

Slavery is their biggest tool and our greatest demise.

If the South won we wouldn't have much unity

@Bean of Texas I'm sorry, but the language thing is invalid. I'm pretty sure we would need a national language first.

@TraitorGG we should, before it is too late lol.

^ I have seen an argument about that and it is more of an emotional appeal claiming "It's unfair to our high hispanic population"

Precisely, granted the argument revolved around education and should we fund far more bilingual classes. But that was still the talking point. Honestly, instead of Spanish why not Latin? lol.

I hate it how we cater to an invasive population that hasn't truly benefited us.
"Guys look, MS-13 gangs! love the enrichment!"

"Hey stupid gringos! Viva el Mexico! Wait, no I don't wanna go back!"

On the topic of the left, I find it hilarious that they
1.) Support a religion that opposes equality, Homosexuality and females. A movement that believes there is no Gender, and a movement centered around gender equality.
2.) Want to give a single individual unlimited power

They see them as votes, and minorities cannot see that. I find that depressing

We need our propaganda, either takeover YouTube or something else in the least.

and people are foolish enough to listen and obey, as long as their concerns are met.

In all honestly our Common ground should be the Constitution

"If we pass this bill, we will have the N*ggers vote for 200 years"~ Multiple sources of what LBJ said before passing the bill

He was usually naked

He was one of our worse.

And now, after studying up on Abe. I feel as if he cucked big time with the 14th amendment

Sure Abe did some good, but the 14th allowed for states to abuse their power

I also love it how I used to believe everything Public schools would say. Then I actually started reading and realized how much propaganda is stated.

I was raised Liberally, and I remember the first actual redpill moment I had was when my social studies teacher she is voting Hillary because she would be the first female president, and I thought "Wait, that's not right." and I became awakened.

my mother was definitely Liberal. But as soon as I began studying and saw the other side, I gradually became far more Conservative. I live in New england. So I'm surrounded by lefties.

I used to be a CIVNAT, then I met James's YouTube channel

@David Darnell - MT True, I used to be more cucky would have been a far better way of articulating it. Any place with Different Cultures tend to lead to violence and chaos.

40 pushups in either 36-46 seconds, either way... Getting back in shape

>Implying being pro white is white supremacy

ahhh, the average Moderate Cuckservative. in its natural state

National socialism ruined fascism in certain regards.

Was I just roasted?

dropped harder than he was as an embryo

David Hogg already gave up his guns, look at his biceps

eradicate equality with the truth'

Conservatives (I am conservative but would fit more align with traditionalist) need to grow some balls, I feel like they forgot what it means to CONSERVE

Conservatives play defense far too much, they let the left steer America into something that isn't America. We need to start taking ground back.

ew, Anarchism


Did you join a party?



Eradicate commies

Anarchists follow a misleading and intellectually incorrect philosophy.

>Uses same exact quote I said

USSR's economy was trash compared to Nazi Germany's. Its living conditions were far lower too

>USSR beat them because they were being supplied with capitalist weapons and goods
>USSR lost 20 million to the Nazis, nazis on both fronts lost 5.6 million
>Hitler made a few mistakes but still was technologically superior

>Finns sided with the fash
>Italy's military was lead by incompetent leaders
>Italy still controlled most of Africa
>Soviet's at peak couldn't handle a few afghani's

Communism economically failed, Fascism was doing far greater than an commnist nation

Communism failed in 1991

Nazis were bombed by dozens of allied countries, USSR naturally collapsed


Eradicate commies

Eradicate commies, send them crying to their mommies

Well... Afghani rebels destroyed the commies...

>Admits race exists

>It-it isn't because of IQ
> Same amount of time, Europeans destroyed Blacks

Fascist action, we take matters first because we care.

>Involuntary child servitude (Commies)
> Maybe we don't want children to get molested and their mind warped? (Fascists)

Bigot reeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Conservatives need to get goin' lol

marxism anything= big gay


No one likes Anarchists

they have big gay

Oi vey goys

We are the only one's with unity

isn't Anarchy about individualism? how can we have unity with only individualism and nothing to align around?

>Anarchists with a leader

well, the fascist's are always open

Flanon is our temporary leader
American Nationalist is second in command

gee wiz

Fascism is beautiful, it is an art form, it is an inspiration, it is a beautiful philosophy

The end game of everyone is to take control, we are the only ones who understand control.

Conservatives and fascists share a decently similar world view

we both wish to have social order, and believe in tradition. do we not?

define 'us'?

and the average citizen is feeble minded, are they not?

they prefer pleasure over need

Mob rule by the weak is a truly dangerous thing. Even Alexander the great feared this.
Commies are disgusting

Conservatives, Fascists, Libertarians and all Right wingers must unite in a combined effort to destroy a common threat, the commies.

Join the Fascist party

Fascism is the only one who uses natural forces that are at play and takes it into accordance^

free shit until everyone doesn't make free shit

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