Bean of Texas

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@dirt kevin glenn gould playing bach โค โค โค โค

excellent taste

Lugansky is my new favorite Rachmaninoff performer

he's unbelievable

i used to be able to play the third movement of rachmaninoff's 2nd pretty well. that was the peak of my piano skills sadly

btw the conductor in that performance is himself a world class concert pianist, one of the finest living pianists, Mikhail Pletnev. what a gem to be freely available on youtube!!

that guy is one of the organizers of the caravan. earlier i tweeted my support for hanging traitors like him

we need to switch back to public hangings instead of this lethal injection shit

part of the punishment should be the humiliation

just farting some, nm

nah i missed it

blindingly white pill fellas

looks like heโ€™s really trying to get them to change their policy about theft of american intellectual property

germany castrated itself after ww2. it appears to be a nation of mostly utter cucks

as far as i can tell, the german people have lost the will for self-preservation

they're basically a zombie society waiting to be conquered and subjugated

cultural marxism is the imposition of the classic marxist framework (oppressor class vs oppressed class) along racial, ethnic, and cultural lines

it entails a functionally religious conviction that the current order is fundamentally unjust, that the evil oppressor class is to blame, and that the path to "justice" is a holy war against the traditional order

for example: do you want to preserve traditional white culture? can't have that! muh white supremacy! gotta tear down your statues and put up statues of niggers or raised fists or some shit. gotta flood your lands with hordes of uncivilized nonwhites and discourage whites from having kids. gotta throw out your classic literature -- muh white supremacy! -- fuck shakespeare, read black and brown authors or you're a bigot

i could go on but i think the point is clear.

this is largely sold to the masses as multiculturalism, i.e. the notion that all cultures are equal and whites should accept their culture being relegated in status from the dominant culture to one of many "equal" cultures

but the marxist vision is overthrow and murder of the oppressor class. not just "demotion" of white culture, but rather destruction

i never liked reading shakespeare. besides he intended for people to see his plays performed, not read them in a book

thanks for the redpill react. i think it genuinely is a major redpill that the cultural marxists running the leftist NGOs, along with their activists and organizers, these "people" don't want "equality." they want you and your people dead, and everything you ever achieved destroyed and forgotten. the famous sam hyde quote says it better than i ever could.

i think hunter means well, but sometimes he is insufferable

i like him in theory

i used to follow him on twitter. eventually couldn't take it anymore, had to unfollow. then he got banned

what's your twitter. i'll follow you

goes back to the 60s. frankfurt school marxists

they managed to rot our culture from the inside out

also due in large part to allowing women to vote. the gravity of that error cannot be understated

democracy is bad. read moldbug

he's not always right, of course. but he's WELL worth reading

more like April jewls

come on let's not clutter srs-politics with fighting now

agree to hate each other or something

a few days ago i watched a squirrel run in front of a moving car and get splatted instantly. that squirrel was less stupid than mike pompeo asking hillary clinton for advice

yep!! their second to last album kinda sucked but that one i linked (their most recent) is much better

love that band

this is breitbart's logo today. not a parody

lol apparently a former doorman at trump world tower is alleging that the dahnald fathered a child with one of the maids that worked there

not in the next few days, it sounds like

idk but my peenor is aroused

i vote for 3D retardation

we need to get rid of democracy, is what we need

and the whole current government structure. all the bureaucrats, civil servants, institutions, everything

t_d users have the collective IQ of a retarded oak tree

Russia would win because our military is pozzed af

until he builds the wall he is a faggot in my book

iโ€™m tired of dicking around and making excuses. wall or gtfo

Big Jew got Trump to do a complete 180 on Syria in less than 2 weeks

highly memeable

ty david, that is a fantastic piece

and her husband is a fucking ALPHA

no, it's pro-amnesty

fuck the kochs to hell

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