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that's the next logical move for a coward
I was going to say before that they might try and murder some people now
yeah that's why on second thought I was like "nah, they don't have the balls"
you never know though ,these people are literally insane and unhinged af
from my understanding at the Berkeley rally they basically were
people on the forum were saying they were going full Nazi with chants and shit and the trump people didn't seem to mind and still stood shoulder to shoulder with them
antifa's entire existence is based on attacking Nazis, or those they perceive as Nazis, though. that's why I wonder if they'll just start murdering people, because what other recourse do they have? quitting entirely I guess. but it's definitely now an established fact that they can't win a real fight against the right no matter what
they had their big day burning down milo event
then the spencer sucker punch
but it was all undone in 2 fateful seconds
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eh, I dunno, I think the soros thing is overblown
supposedly he funds them or whatever, but these antifa exist independent of soros
their ideology just seems to be attack nazis
to prevent another holocaust I guess
oh, yeah, they should be declared terrorist organizations and banned for sure
from what I can tell they are trying to prevent a holocaust, right
like, if someone would've stopped hitler in time, bad racism things wouldn't have happened
yeah they only understand their ideology in an echo chamber, where it's them vs right which just equals evil period
if asked to elaborate they will just have to attack you
and anyone with right wing views who opposes it in any show ever is portrayed as cartoonishly evil
unceasing brainwashing from the day people are born
that's why they won't even look at right wing ideology, I guess, because they think doing so is itself like an immoral act
if they're not proven wrong, they will just show them acting evil for no reason
"those views are correct, technically, but only an evil person would hold them"
why did azz leave?
good piece on democracy zeiger
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apparently azz quit??
I think he lets the forum and stuff like that get to him too much
looks like he was trying to set up an IRL fight with commenters who pissed him off yesterday
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was that posted? I didn't see it
if not i'll make a post tomorrow
that's a funny kike
i think he took what you said the wrong way
as in "quit bothering us about it" rather than "don't waste your energy"
but yeah seems to be the forum issue mainly
if you look, it's only really one guy mildly arguing with him, but he seems to turn that into the whole world is against me every time
we kept trying to tell him to quit getting sucked into that shit
wow I was hoping this Assange thing was fake news
azz did the same thing right before he came on board to ds, which was a huge red flag
he wrote an article attacking sven and radio Aryan, deleted it, wrote another article saying he quit the movement because similar drama shit as this time, then deleted that, all in the manner of like 24 hours
that's why his name is azzmador "returns" on here
like weev said, nothing you can do about it really
he even tried to arrange an IRL fight in his texas book club thread and killed the entire thread <a href=""></a>
<URIObject type="Picture.1" uri="" url_thumbnail="">To view this shared photo, go to: <a href=""></a><FileSize v="53300" /><OriginalName v="aryanuprising.JPG" /><meta type="photo" originalName="aryanuprising.JPG" /></URIObject>
>flagging a staff article
Yeah the War Room is best show
don't know how I overlooked it for so long
you listen to the war room yet andre?
check it out, they were talking you up quite a bit on most recent show
best podcast out there
they're pumped about your promotion of WHITE SHARIA lol
top of radio section now
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this is the epigraph i'm using for part 9 of my series. I found it in Al Goldstein'd autobiography lol
“I am probably the epitome of everything the Nazis hated: the Jew pornographer who besmirches the pure morals of the white Aryan world. Hitler would have thought of me as the Devil incarnate.”
ah, lol
yeah idk
he has to learn to not let this forum get to him like this
<URIObject type="Picture.1" uri="" url_thumbnail="">To view this shared photo, go to: <a href=""></a><FileSize v="140706" /><OriginalName v="azz.JPG" /><meta type="photo" originalName="azz.JPG" /></URIObject>
he spends entirely too much time on there
I was gonna say that
but he'll never be able to resist on his own articles
I guess unless yeah if you block him lol
yeah I saw that a little while ago and was going to ask what it even means
but then figured there's probably not any kind of logical answer
some kind of last minute flip flop, that's supposed to help rather than just confuse people and look desperate?
yeah hopefully it makes more sense in that regard
I guess
even then though
I mean, she going to lose anyway right?
i'm tempted to go to this Pikeville thing just because why not
I quit my current job today and don't start my other one until may 1st
not a terribly long drive
I think I should definitely go
sounds like it will be a good time
yeah start the union may 1st
pipefitter's apprenticeship
alright, it's official then
that whole thing turned into a black pill
Israel refusing to give the guy up, now watch the u.s. cuck
we let fucking pollard go eventually
yeah outlook not so good
so do we know any stormers who are going to Pikeville?
couldn't get any irl friends to go so i'm on my own
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I was 90% sure antifa would never have the balls to show up to this, now i'm 99.99%
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look at the responses
Trump: here is my video sucking Jew dick
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