(DM) ND - John WA & Rex VT

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He’s not doing too good mentally. Should go visit him.

Rex VT @PF-8672

It’s the same shit with him always. I try to make plans with him and blows it off. Look man I know you mean good but like- guys don’t know him like i do and haven’t been dealing with the same thing from him for however long. It’s frustrating it’s not like i don’t have a life and literally 3 little boys of my own i need to worry about - I can’t be treating Mason like my kid. I can’t be there for bim

Rex VT @PF-8672

if he doesn’t talk to me or meet up when we have plans

Rex VT @PF-8672

i have been in touch with him

Rex VT @PF-8672

i can get on mumble sometime and go over everything- but it’s not like i don’t know he is having a hard time- but what do you say to the guy? In my mind it’s like just be normal just be not sad just stop being upset about something from high school- but clearly that’s his issue is that he can’t not be like that. It’s a tough subject, i just got off work, and i’ve been dealing with him for a while now and it’s nothing new. so i don’t mean to come off as angry but i’m pretty frustrated with the whole situation and it’s not new and it gets annoying having to hear the same shit about Mason that I know and he won’t fuckin talk to me so i can’t do anything


He didn’t give me much but I’ll try and get him on a call sometime and talk to him.

You’ve done what you can. Don’t worry about it any further.

Rex VT @PF-8672

i am worried about him. he’s my boy. like my main friend up here. i just got burned out on his emotional drama and more so- you can’t be friends and hang out with someone who will just disappear. Like- i’m trying to say i can’t engage with him because he doesn’t let me, doesn’t talk to me, doesn’t follow through on plans. he was supposed to come up on Sunday but he didn’t because he got sick. so not entirely like ignoring me like before but i kind of expected something to come up as why he wouldn’t end up making it

Rex VT @PF-8672

it’s a frustrating situation- i appreciate you brother - it’s just a lot and i’ve been dealing with it basically myself for so long. guys don’t get that i’ve tried and tried. Mason couldn’t get anything done when i had to take a month or two off when my youngest son was born. i prepped him for months to take the reins while i was unavailable. Nothing happened he didn’t even finish making the banner he said he was gonna do. This was a year ago almost but it’s just illustrative of things.

Rex VT @PF-8672

it would actually be helpful for me to be able to talk about all this with you some time on mumble. because like i said it’s been just me basically dealing with him and it’s driven me mad a few times.

He sent me a Snapchat he was looking pretty sick

Yeah sure I’ll hit you up after work

I’ve only talked to him a little bit

I’m extremely busy working 60 hour work weeks, plus school, plus org stuff. It’s rough. So replying to people on Snapchat for funnies and casual talk is very seldom.

Rex VT @PF-8672

Thanks man for reaching out. I appreciate it. I’ve been under a lot too - it’s been hard for me. Been talking to Mason he is gonna interview tonight i guess.

Oh wow okay

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