(DM) Marcus NC & ND - Carter MO
RocketChat ID: 2iZYexddp2NmxsHcjqf3bg4JchCW4YxpRC
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Do you know which one?
Oh nice find
Heck yeah, should be able to follow your schematics then I'm pretty sure
Yes correct, same size.
Nice man, you are a hero
Took some digging. It was originally a different company who owned it but Lamar bought it
Yes no problem I want to see every single one of these covered in the country
:sunglasses: :thumbsup:

If you got any thoughts about this one, please let me know - maybe we could do a banner on top of the big tower
Can you get to that platform?
And how visible is this from a road?
Yeah, we should be able to. It is visible from the road aswell
Take a few cans of white Turbo, cleanse all of the pillars then use large stencils to put multiple of our slogans across each one, or break one banner size slogan across each one individually making a sentence. Put the website on the bottom row where the blue is multiple times in a row. Get men up to that patform and drop a normal sized banner from it, don't use any slack. THEN have each man stand on top of each pillar in full uniform doing the PF salute or having their arms crossed and get multiple photos of men there and have a few stand at the top of the water tower platform above the banner also doing the same stance. Insane propaganda potential.
Also try and fuck up that "stay weird" slogan.
Damn I wish our network had something like that to work with, awesome spot for propaganda.
Have men stand on the top of the two pillars to the far right, rest of the men in front of the tower, two of them at the top on the platform. Get a photo of everyone from a distance
If the road faces the same way as the picture you can take a piece of PVC pipe and attack the banner to that with zip ties and then rope it so it faces the correct direction
Let me show you an example
Excellent, the Carolina boys are going to love this
Our favorite thing is stencling btw
Every weekend we stencil
Hoho nice. You guys just use the cardboard carving stencils?
No we have about 30 coroplast stencils
Phew nice. I heard those are great. We are going to make a set of those. Thanks for your help - I definitely want us to follow in your footsteps here.
Anything you need help with please ask.
Yours will be the same size, make sure you find a nice flat area because spray painting took 3 hours alone
Too bad your not our next door neighbor lol
Yeah haha, that would it make too easy
Dang man, I think I missed that meeting you set up. My b, I'll set an alarm for the next one :ok_hand:
We never had one due to Thanksgiving
I've got a meeting at the same time as our tonight, it should be a very fast one though. I'd like to fill you in the rest of the details.
Yes sir, I'm on standby. I'm actually making a word document that's like a checklist- once it's done I'll forward to you :thumbsup:
I can talk.
Let's do it
Hello Carter, I think I forgot the time for the our meeting. Is now a good time?
Aight, if we can't do tonight - I'll get some time with you after the event. :ok_hand: :thumbsup:
im available
Aight sweet, I'll be on mumble if you are still good

Hello Carter, congratulations on the kid - and good luck with the bus. Wanted to let you know I'm still compiling the notes I got, been crazy since the event.
Thank you friend. Yes the bus is dead and gone, very sad so see her leave the house only to be obliterated. Vengeance will come in due time.
Yes good, don't take too long since the billboards have a timer on them. The last thing you want is it to disappear which could be the only one in your state.
Good point, I'll get a move on it.
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