(DM) Marcus NC & ND - Christopher AL

RocketChat ID: WpSPQJipFf6xfZsb5qf3bg4JchCW4YxpRC

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Missing attachment: MEETING INTERMEDIATES 121021.pdf

Read and review the new protocols for meeting intermediates. DO NOT SHARE. If you have any questions you can direct them to me or Samuel VA

Are you scheduled to meet with an intermediate in the near future?

Marcus NC @PF-983334

Yes, two guys soon

How soon?

Marcus NC @PF-983334

First one is this Sunday at 5:30PM

Let’s have a meeting tomorrow about it. Say..3:00 CST

Marcus NC @PF-983334

Can we make for 4:00 CST ?


Marcus NC @PF-983334

Excellent, thank you

Marcus NC @PF-983334

Hello, I'll be good for a while - just lmk when we can do it :thumbsup: thank you

Marcus NC @PF-983334

You can message me a time and I'll be good for it thanks

Sorry I missed this. Got caught up. Are you available?

Marcus NC @PF-983334

I'm good now if you are

Marcus NC @PF-983334

Thomas sent me a few messages - I'm good tomorrow too if you are

Marcus NC @PF-983334

If you set a time, I should be able to make it, thanks.

Marcus NC @PF-983334

Hey Chris,

If you want to know about the interviewee. The other NC PF member couldn't make it, it was only me. We spent like a hour fifteen for the interview - most of it was him talking. He said he doesn't really have many people to talk about his beliefs with, so he had a lot to talk about. He said he used to be a basic bible belt libertarian and then got redpilled through his Telegram on mainly the Western Chauvinist and bitchute documentaries. He says he is a facist, but would vote for Trump in 2024 despite his many complaints about him. He still has a little bit to go in terms of ideology. His body language wasn't suspicious - looked excited to finally find a redpilled buddy. Though he did look behind him several times while we were sitting. I'll be sure to make sure he is doing activism, should be able to get at least 3 guys to do Asheville with him.


Marcus NC @PF-983334

Yeah, just messaged Thomas - I forgot the flipping the pockets and checking under the jacket. Probably going to do it again, should at least have another guy with me

From now on yes. Press your guys the be reliable. Especially concerning interviews

Marcus NC @PF-983334

For sure, I'm going to make sure there is always at least a second guy with me

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