Message from PF-173220

RocketChat ID: CGFqXkJrYj4nQNMhX

Hello, you are being contacted because you have been deemed an appropriate representative to participate in the Evaluation Process for an Intermediate who has been interviewed. The Interview record and instructions for meeting the Intermediate will follow this message.

If you are capable of meeting the Intermediate within exactly two weeks, and do not choose to protest this assignment immediately, the responsibility for this Intermediate is transferred to you. Message the Intermediate on the Interview Server immediately. Do not contact them or discuss vetting details on any platforms or apps other than the Interview Server. If you do not have access to the Interview Server, please contact leadership to attain access.

If you cannot complete this assignment and comply strictly with the guidelines in the following Meeting Intermediates document, let me know immediately.

*Please message Jason NY when you have met with the interviewee.