Message from PF-173220

RocketChat ID: fSoJ65oDe5XZK9mLw

Q9: When violence is brought upon himself then violence is justified. Doesn’t know about other situations. Wouldn’t engage in violence with taunting counterprotesters unless they attacked him or pointed a gun at him. Agrees and understands violence statement.

Q10: Last physical confrontation he was involved in was in 2015 or 2016 at a bar with friends. Behind the bar had a little fight club thing - one guy was being tough. He was drunk and fought with a guy.

Q11: Makes his own schedule. Afternoons open, 3-4 hours in the evening. Schedule allows for meetings on a weekly meetings.

Q12: Right now the biggest threat to America is top down authoritarianism or the crisis at the southern border. Root cause is a lack of transparency and accountability, not enough proper power placements. Needs to be more localized decision making. Thinks its ridiculous that Isreal receives so much money/benefits from US to do what they want with it. They house so many bad people because of their demographics – Jews are a protected class to Isreal. Doesn’t have a problem with the Jewish people in particular.

Q13: Gets information from alternative news sources, Gab and Youtube too. Has to screen things because Gab is a free speech platform. Watches paul joseph Watson, American reinaissance, NTD news (Epic Times), Russell Brand to get the opposing view without the crazy, Mark Dice.

Q14: Is a White Nationalist. Wants America to stay white and become more white. Noticing things over time, seeing the way different demographics behave.

Q15: Still working through politics vs religion. Hasn’t completely reconciled it. A lot of things in Christianity, at least the way they’ve been interpreted to him, are globalistic and universalist. Nobody is beyond salvation of Jesus. To him this isn’t a religious battle, it is a self-preservation battle – seeking to make the world a better place. Doesn’t have to be mutually exclusive. We have to take care of our own first.

Q16: Hasn’t done a lot of reading, doesn’t have the time. Reading some of the Gulag Archipelago and Jordan Peterson. Read 1984 by George Orwell. Bought books about jihad and the Strange Death of Europe.

Q17: Has no fitness routine, but reasonable physically fit. Can run a few miles readily, bike 50 miles in a day. Job is physical so he stays strong. Could run a mile in under ten minutes. 6’3” 190lbs.

Q18: Ideal family structure is for man to be head of household and breadwinner, industrious stay at home mothers homeschooling children. Doesn’t like how both parents work and kids stay with nannies or schools who teach Critical Race Theory. It’s either that or single parent households now. He had a step father who he did not accept. Believes porn, transsexuality, homosexuality, promiscuity are sinful and repulsive and evil. Doesn’t believe the government should enforce a particular morality, so this issues are more cultural.

Q19: Admires Thomas Jefferson.

Q20: Despises FDR, because he was the beginning of the socialist movement and selling us out, permanently creating slaves of the citizens in favor of corporations too big to fail.

Q21: In the nationalist movement, one side panders too much and pushes legal immigration. The other side are in line with what he thinks that go for shock value too much. PF represents its cause in a way that is steadfast without going fully off the other end with a message of hatred or pandering.

Q22: Wants to continue to own and run his own business, wants to marry and have children. Wants a facility and a few employees. Maybe in a meaningful role in this movement.