Message from PF-3194

RocketChat ID: zeiK7BZkRXLQnXekR

Everyone comes to go this organization needing to improve in some aspect, or is looking for some sort of escape, or they’re seeking help. Everyone quits something when they walk in the door. For me it was pornography and other substances. Porn was the worst. Multiple porn usage a day. I overcame that struggle to better myself for this nation. Everyone needs self improvement. To throw away your duty you’ll never “fix yourself”. Like I said, meetup and do some flyers with Clarke. He’s a wonderful guy and I think you’ll enjoy him. We’re a family here. We’re not strangers. You know what we all did last weekend? We had thanksgiving dinner together, food cooked by our women all of it from scratch in a pretty Airbnb up north we all threw down on. Some of the guys I’ve met here are now my best friends, my best friend actually got me to join. I get it. It’s unknown it’s intimidating, something new, but like I said, you’re going to be fine. Now man up and do your duty. For your nation and people.