Message from PF-173220

RocketChat ID: qXv7FK9EfRF6hqcnT

Q11: Has a little bit of free time, enough to participate in activism. Could make it to weekly meetings.

Q12: Foreign influence and apathy towards it are the biggest threat to America. Marxist ideologies are creeping in. It started in the 60’s, with the free love/hippie movement when people started to entertain those ideas. They got too liberal. People took things less seriously. Everything in our culture supports the idea of people not having to do anything because the government will take care of it.

Q13: Doesn’t lean on any media organizations for what’s going on. Sometimes watches political things but thinks it’s all bought and paid for, for the purposes of making money. Watches Fox News, but takes it with a grain of salt because they try to be careful about what they’re saying. It’s sort of just what happens. Media is bought and paid for. Thinks Marxist ideology has creeped up on it.

Q14: He is a Nationalist.

Q15: Never felt religion and politics conflicted.

Q16: Read the Prince by Machiavelli when he was younger, only had a little impact. Read a lot of 1984. A lot of it spoke to what he thinks will happen in the future.

Q17: His job is manual labor. He’s not athletic but won’t die if he runs a mile. Could be under 10 minutes if he started. 5’6” 165lbs. Little bit of Jiu Jitsu and kickboxing.

Q18: There’s confusion of the roles of men and women in family life. The man should provide and the women should take care of the family in home. This differs from what is seen today. His family was traditional. Promiscuity, porn, homosexuality, transsexuality have destroyed the family. Believes porn shouldn’t be banned because it would make it the ‘forbidden fruit.’ Thinks we need to be more open and honest about the negative effects of transsexuality. Gay marriage shouldn’t be legal. Civil unions are okay, but doesn’t like the government entertaining those things.

Q19: Admires pioneer spirit and courage of Columbus.

Q20: Despises Malcolm X because his kind of way of thinking, because it contributed to the hatred of his people. They’ve added an “ego” to people of color, made them cocky, thinking that their shit doesn’t stink.

Q21: Biggest flaw of nationalist movement is fear to acknowledge identity. Without acknowledging European identity you can’t be a nationalist. More people need to be honest and not afraid of repercussions. The manifesto hit every note about what he believes.

Q22: Hopes to be in a better job position in the future. Hopes vaccine mandates won’t force him to leave.