Message from PF-8472

RocketChat ID: RemBCEyxNFTEq2ASk

The scale has still not moved from 223 for me. I'm confused more than anything, but just to make sure it's not a problem with the scale itself I'm gonna buy a new one tomorrow. I've tried weighing myself even at different times of the day, in the morning when I wake up and in the evenings and it's the same each time.

As far as other progress goes, since I started the stronglifts 5x5 program on Oct 30th:
Squats: 55lbs at start to 115lbs now
Bench: 50lbs at start to 75lbs now
Barbell row: 70lbs at start to 95lbs now
Deadlift: 105lbs at start to 155lbs now
Overhead Press: 50lbs at start to 60lbs now. This one has less progress because I forgot to set it to increase by 5lbs each time in the app like I did with the rest, and I didn't realize until last week that I was doing the same weight each time. I'll probably add 10lbs the next two times to catch it up to the rest.