Message from PF-3194

RocketChat ID: iShjptMnWxa4imoj2

If you want things to be better, then you need to completely change your mindset. This goes for how you live your life, how you see yourself, and what you want for yourself. The things you have said are not what healthy people say or think. It doesn't mean you shouldn't have said it, it just means that we can see the problem and now it's time to move forward and fix it. This is something that you have to do, it's something inside you, I can't do it for you David. You need to know your worth no matter what society, your parents, or whoever says or thinks. You need to know that you deserve better, you need to change your mind to change your life.
And even if you really do believe that your life is "nothing" or you don't believe in yourself, just know that I believe in you. But even with that said, you're still going to have to be the one who puts the work in. I can help you do activism and meet new people, but I can't change your spirit, only you can. If we cannot save ourselves, then we are doomed to fail in our attempt to save our nation. We do have what it takes to save ourselves. Therefore, we do have the ability to save the nation.