Message from PF-1919

RocketChat ID: eeMGkif3wMfbwGRhh

Interviewee: 640514
22/WA/Seattle (permres)
Date: 11/20/2021
Conductor: RandolphIL
Notes: JasonTX


Test: how long ago did you send in your application? roughly a week ago
Transport: yes
Pol. Ideo.: natsoc
Drugs: no
Rel: not practising. no issues working with those of other faiths.
Why join: wants to contribute to taking back our country. there is no other better organization out there. best, well put-together org out there.
Skills: can show up, fairly fit, cybersec, avid hiker
Manifesto: the best layout for taking back the country. does a good job of not muddying itself in some label. it's it's own unique thing. the only true Americans are those that decend from the Founder and are of Euro diaspora.

never interviewed with us b4

no crimes, no govt employ.

no ailments.

originally use to listen to talk radio when he was younger, then got on the internet and took an interest in history. talked to people in chatrooms, got into debate. was on /pol/. was conservative then libertarian. started identifying the 3rd position as the only way. never clinged to any particular influncer. primarily reads.

saw the org on /pol/ on 2018 or read an article about how PF is the successor to a now defunct organization. watched our demos. liked the phili demo, thought it was excellent.

civnat beleives that it doesn't matter what race someone is, what matter is their ideas to belong to a nation. at the end of the day people identify with their race. there absolutely is an ethnic component ot being an American. if you don't have shared history and heritage, you don't have a stake in this country.

on side has been here since the mid-1660s from PA, the other side came after the Rev-War. describes self as British-German-Danish.

No groups or activism in the past. a sibling and two frinds who share his views. wants to be out there doing something, spreading flyers and putting up stickers etc.

violence is justified in self defense. understands and agrees to the violence statement.

last physical conflict was 4 years ago. got into a fight with one of his siblings. interviewee got jabbed in the eye, then they stopped.

has "a lot" of free time. can attend weekly meetings.

the biggest threat to America right now is the media. it feeds the opposition it's few viewpoints. the media is controlled my israel and world jewry. they intend on poisoning people's minds.

gets his info from /pol/ and normal news sites such as CNN, FOX, MSNBC, zerhedge, countercurrents.

can't say his religion and politicas were ever in conflict.

mein kampf, mainly reads fiction, greek and roman history.

can do a few pullups, 30-40 pushups, can run a mile under 10min. 5'8", 160lbs. no mma.

ideal family consists of the nuclear fmaily, with the mother, father and grandparents with a bunch of kids. nowadays people are split p and not many wants kids. his upbringing was stable. homo, promiscuity, trans, pron etc are a distraction from what should be the norm which is having a family. many of the people succumbed to these vices could be saved if shown the truth.

admires Thomas Jefferson, his ideal of a aristocractic, well educated rural America. He was against the bank. Believed we had to expand. was a FOunding Father.

despises FDR, let the federal govt creep into everyone's lives.

the American Nationalist movement is comrpised of people that are limited to basic buzzwords such as "democracy", they don't understands their ancestor's ideals. to be a nationalist one must know their country's history and ideals rather than just using it as a label. PF following the original Founding Fathers and the independence movemtn.

have a fairly steady career.