Message from PF-173220

RocketChat ID: KSjr4NpzAmRdJmubn

Interviewee- 796807
Conductor: Jon UT
Notetaker: Sam MN


Test Q: What do you expect will be asked in this interview.
He has an understanding of the requisites of PF. We’re looking for folks that love our country, America, and want to see it return to a national centric form of government. We want younger guys in good physical fitness who want to join the winning group. Thinks the questions will drive to that model.

-- Applicant Information --

Personal Transportation: Access to personal vehicle.

Permanent Resident: Yes. Has back burner plan to escape to Alaska if things go south.

Political Ideology: Right of center. There’s a divide among folks on the right. Knows that people drawn to PF lean towards a less democratic government (and it hasn’t been a good experiment). He is torn between libertarianism and the need for a strong central authority. Alexander Hamilton makes good argument for strong central authority. He leans towards a night watchman state but understands we have to implement what works. We have to govern for the country.

Drug Abuse: No drug abuse.

Religion: Believes in a higher power. No issues working with other religions.

Why Join: Mainly because there’s not many groups out there that are in any position of strength of have a chance of winning. Was involved in a few groups prior to Jan 6. Watched a lot of LARPers who up and vanished when things started to get dicy. ‘Gun Owners of America’ are cowards. PF maintains a tight vetting of membership, people who won’t leave us hanging at the last minute. Thinks that’s important. Some people categorize clean cut not fat man as feds, because there’s an assumption that right wing people are fat mobility scooter riding trump tards. That stereotype kills groups. Spent first six years of his adult life in fire department, watched the chaff come and go. Get an appreciation for who are winners or the strong. PF projects an image of strength, their members look like they can run a mile.

Skills: Comes from a tech sphere: electrical engineering, minor circuit building, radios. Operating analog and digital. Knows we’re fond of baofeng. Could encrypt our comms on digital. Works in cloud computing. He’s in good shape, capable and able bodied. Has a decent vehicle he could drive people in.

Read Manifesto: Wished it clarified some parts more than others. Thinks the biggest thing was the call to action. What is our path forward? Likes the idea of a hard reset. The takeaway is that the current system doesn’t work. Finds it refreshing that there’s a group who understands that petitioning the politicians doesn’t work.

-- In-depth Questions --

Q1: Never interviewed before.

Q2: Never been charged with any crimes. Worked for school district IT department. Has since left for the private sphere.

Q3: No restricting physical or mental ailments.

Q4: First things that got him going down this path was Devon Stack and “Blackpilled” channel on YouTube. Saw the divergence of the Q crowd who thought things were going to be okay. Seeing how things weren’t going to get better. Liberty wise things have never been worse. At the moment people have shown that liberty doesn’t matter. Vaccine matters are being pushed; gun laws are being more restrictive. We’re also selling out national interests to international groups. Our leaders are whoring our nation out. Capping us from competing in the national field. Seems like every day more and more jobs are being destroyed or their liberties are being destroyed.

Q5: Has seen PF from our original group in the Charlottesville days. Has been tangentially aware of us since then. The name keeps coming up these past couple years. Unsure of the very first time he saw us, maybe twitter or 4chan. His application to PF was a last-ditch hope. He sees no other groups that are even trying. Watching all the groups vanish after Jan 6 was really demoralizing to him. Now he finally has come to the point where he wants to help someone. Whatever group is actually pushing, that actually cares about our future and is active and making progress, he wants to help be successful.

Q6: Thinks civic nationalism is a good starting point for sure. It’s a return back to times when the state is operating under the best interests of its native population. Operating in its own self interest and taking action in the best interest of the native population. Thinks that it doesn’t matter where you move here from, there is a specific ethnic component to the founders. You can’t look at people are not see that they are necessarily different. Doesn’t think non-europeans can become Americans.

Q7: His family has been in America for 14 generations. They were dutch, came over to the founding of new ampsterdam. Members of his family have served in the revolutionary war. He is almost 100% dutch. Has a bit of French mixed in there too.
Q8: Was with TS4F (Texans Standing for Freedom). They didn’t do a lot of activism. During the 2020 riots they p