Message from PF-173220

RocketChat ID: WazdxnrCCGanXLXMC

Q11: Works M-F 7-3:30pm and weekends he’s off. His schedule would allow for weekly meetings.

Q12: The biggest threat to America right now is the media actively being against White People, because peoples’ days are consumed by it and exposed to their animosity towards Whites. The media is run by a number of Jews. To him that is the number one threat, but you could go down a list of what they’re in charge of.

Q13: Listens to Keith Woods, Morgoth, in the past TRS. Full Haus once in a while. Mostly he’s on Twitter. Has a telegram. Follows Eric Striker, Mike, NJP, Keith Woods, Jack Fell, Geanie, and PF.

Q14: He is a National Socialist because that applies to all people and makes the most sense. It acknowledges that people are inexplicably linked to the land they come from. Most people feel on guard around people of other races, and that’s a natural phenomenon. If you examine that more, you’d come to the conclusion that you should build your society around feeling at home and safe. So that brings you to National Socialism.

Q15: Never felt politics and religions conflicted. He’s never been too religious. Religion has worked side by side with Europeans for the greater good and their existence. People believed in it to get the benefits from it.

Q16: Has read Gregory Hood, his book “Waking up Form the American Dream,” countercurrents has some good articles. Dissident mag as well. Morgoth’s blog is great. He came from somewhat of a liberal background and Morgoth was good at deconstructing liberal arguments. Helped him challenge his previous worldview.

Q17: He is physically fit. 5’9” 150lbs, so a little bit on the skinny side. He cycles, does 30 miles every weekend. Has good cardio, quit smoking a year ago.

Q18: Ideal family structure is father providing for family, mother staying at home with the kids. Nowadays there’s single parents and how men and women are interchangeable. Gay couples are adopting children, that’s repulsive. His upbringing was good, his parents are still together.

Q19: Admires Columbus because he took a big risk coming here, didn’t know what he was walking into. Through wit and will he was able to place his name in history and colonize America.

Q20: Despises Reagan because during that era his neutered any serious form of right wing ideas. He embodied idea of America being nothing more than an economic zone. He spearheaded a lot of the neoliberal ideas we live under today.

Q21: If someone wants to fight for White Americans and names the correct enemy that is enough for him. Thinks the fake one’s a Fox News are bad. Thinks movement has made a lot of progress. Watching the media and how they are forced to engage with the fact that we are living under an anti-white system. Five years ago that was unthinkable. PF is at the forefront of progress because we do irl demonstrations and putting out flyers, things like that. It gets people interested.

Q22: Would like to start a family and be active in PF or some kind of nationalist group.