Message from PF-173220

RocketChat ID: f7qL6DYLwJBoW3iTK

Q11: Schedule allows for weekly meetings.

Q12: Biggest threat to America is itself. America has no ideology. It is a bunch of divided factions and races fighting each other urged on by the Jewish media.

Q13: Keeps up with Styxinhammer. Used to watch Fuentes and Alex Jones when he was on YouTube. Watched Fuentes when it was free. Sam Hyde.

Q14: Label on beliefs. Christian National Socialist. He holds true to both of these things. Christianity he holds above all things. Has had first hand experience with the forces of Bolshevism and liberalism.

Q15: Has had conflict with priests and pastor friends about race. They think you can love everyone and sing kumbaya. Disagrees. We have a stake in this country.

Q16: Has read Mien Kampf and Codreanu. Codreanu showed home that you can hold fascist beliefs and not be a bad person.

Q17: Can bench 210. Can run a mile in under 10 min. 6ft 185ibs. No martial arts experience.

Q18: Ideal family structure is one man and one woman. Dating is just a revolving door of sexual partners. It is societally destructive as well as porn and homosexuality.

Q19: Admires Ted Kaczynski. He was able to verbalize his point of view and ideology very well. Doesn't like his methods. Likes his writings.

Q20: Despises the Margaret Sanger for founding planned parenthood.

Q21: Nationalists like to spurg out about things like the holocaust. These things don't help with attracting a large following. PF is not going to make media headlines for doing anything violent or stupid.

Q22: Wants to be a lead organizer in AZ. Wants to get married. Been with gf for a couple of years but has had personal struggles.