Message from PF-1919

RocketChat ID: ydYfJTcrbyJGpB7oX

Interviewee: 251979
27/PA/Williamsport (permres)
Date: 11/27/21
Conductor: RandolphIL
Notes: JasonTX


Test: what do you expect will be asked in the interview? doesn't know. what he expects to do with us.
Transport: yes
Pol. Ideo.: national socialist
Drugs: no
Rel: agnostic, no issues working wiht those of different faiths
Why join: hates the state of things and hates just bitching on the internet
Skills: physically fit, emergency medicine, hiking
Manifesto: met us at the NJP meeting and read the fundamentals before he read the manifesto. supports getting people out there in the public space. is blanking out. Recalls meeting "Sacred Honor".

never interviewed with us b4

no crimes. Army Reserve (not in anymore)

no ailments.

grew up poor and constantly seeing the worst of his small area, and as a kid you get angry at it. In High School went from Communist to Libertarian, to Conservative. Found TRS and it really clicked with him, which brought him to "national socialist". Out of high school he was hyperfocus on foreign affairs, which led him to libertarianism in 2017/18. Started giving up on politics and went to traditionalist then TRS. In the military, we talked to a half-korean dude who told him to notice who sits with who, how everyone segregates. White guys and Asians would stick together till the end but all the Blacks and Mexicans wanted to dip out. This was regarding talks about a possible war with Korea. Was always nice to a black soldier and was treated like shit by him, everyone called him retarded for helping the black. Black turned out to be a meth dealer.

first time learning about us was the march in Phili. didn't have a real connction with the internet so he didn't know where to find us. met our guys at NJP, thinks we have the right idea. PF is something he's always wanted to see.

civnat is that anyone can be an American. only White Euros can be American. We built this nation. Remembers hearing stories about the Irish who fough in the Revolutionary War. George Washington, etc. Doesn't know how long his family has been here.At least four gen on his mother's side. Ancestors are from Ireland. Is ethnically Irish, Irish-American.

Joined the TRS pool parties but not activism. One likeminded friend. We wants to get into organizing to do something. Has seen the marches, flyerings/stickerings etc. Would love to do activism.

violence is justified in self-defense, to defend your family and home. Understands and agrees to the non-violence statement.

last confrontation was when he was training in the military.

off work around 3pm-4pm. has ~6 hrs a day. can attend meetings.

biggest threat is that we are being invaded by illegals and the destruction of industry. brownwashing of our nation. jews stand to gain from this. destroy white solidarity.

listens to TRS.

still labels self as national socialist, because of economics and that this country needs to get back to building the nation and state should be one. In 2008, in his senior year of high school, his teacher made his class watch a video about how people cant find a job. He found out he wasn't just competing with his class but with everyone else destroyed by the system in the job market. this government/state is to blame for not building up the industry in the nation. after listening to TRS he bought books to read about NS.

religion and politics are not at odds.

books: jewish power by jj goldberg, Hitler's revolution by Richar Tedor, Poilu by Maatthis(?), Dealing with China by JP Morgan ex CEO.

lifts about every other day. 200lbs bench, ~400 Dl. 5ft 9in 200lbs can run a mile under 10 min.

ideal is mother, father, kids. was raised by a single mother who had to work three jobs to support him, his brother and disabled sister. trans, gay, porn, promiscuity are not good. first saw a tranny in the military. when he was younger the metrosexual stuff was being promoted to kids, now it's outright gay stuff. knew a guy that was porn addicted. you're either a porn addict or a recovering porn addicted these days. always there to poison you mind. with porn sites people should have to sign up with their own names. gays need therapy.

admires Terrible Terry Allen because he was the budget Patton. Unlike Eisenhower, he was willing to be with his men at all times.
despises Sigmund Freud.

the nationalist movement is fractured and a lot people are black pilled, also unwarranted fear when it comes to meet and organize IRL like the FBI is waiting outside in the bushes to get you. build eachother up as a collective.

wants a nice house and a family.