Message from PF-4346

RocketChat ID: wcnHuXRkkCA5FbdGt

Activists are to wear muted clothing with no identifiable logos for this action. No items for the dress code are to be worn. Make sure these clothes are something you would be comfortable running in. It is recommended that activists bring water and snacks as these are often long events.
Activists are to not engage with protestors, even when approached. If protestors become aggressive, activists are to disengage and leave area. Do you best to record any aggression if it accuses.
Recommended group size is 2-4 activists. Going alone is highly discouraged, as a lone activist can be easily ambushed, as leftists are hostile to cameras and taking videos pictures takes away from situational awareness. Every cameraman should have a watch.
Leftists tend to come in and out of a protest consistently throughout an event, so the watch should keep an eye on all directions. Document activities of those leaving and joining the event, as strange behaviors can be observed and give insight to their actions. One activity noticed that is peculiar is that anarchists walk up to and pull on doors on their way to a protest. Working theory is that anarchists do this to create a mental map of places they can hide or run to if police begin arresting demonstrators or violence occurs.
Primary things you should be documenting: How leftists arrive and their arrival group sizes; Overall numbers of the protesters, who seems to take charge often, which individuals are more prone to violence, and how police respond to protestors actions.
Leftist groups typically organize through “affinity groups” that specialize in specific actions. See if you can identify any affinity groups and their behaviors