Message from PF-983334

RocketChat ID: NgmavrBBQXbyz7vNb

Conductor: Tyler SD
Notetaker: Jason NY


Test Q: How long ago did you send in your application? 3 days ago.

-- Applicant Information --

Personal Transportation: Yes

Permanent Resident: Yes

Political Ideology: Nationalist. Been following the "white nationalist or reactionary space" for a few years now. He became disillusioned with the government and politics. He is an Iraq veteran. Govt is hostile to his family and community.

Drug Abuse: No

Religion: Orthodox Christian, no issues w/ other religions

Why Join: Our recent demonstrations in Philadelphia and D.C. gave him the impression that there's a lot of energy in our movement. Has known about us for over a year but started looking into us more closely after philly. Listened to interviews with Thomas.

Skills: Tech skills which he used as a member of Identity Europa, software developer, software deployment, devops. Is active in the other organizations he's apart of (non-political.) Some medical experience but no up-to-date qualifications.

Read Manifesto: Yes. Read it first 6 months ago, then read it again once he saw news of our D.C. demo. He likes it. The parts about fraternity and rebuilding America stood out to him. "Cliff appearing as a horizon"

-- In-depth Questions --

Q1: Never interviewed before

Q2: Was in the U.S. marines for "just under a decade", served 2 tours in Iraq. Discharged 7 years ago. No other govt employment.

Q3: No restricting ailments.

Q4: He became interested in politics during his time in the military. He was not particularly political until 2016 when he became involved in alt-right / trump politics. He attended Unite the Right. In late 2017 he joined Identity Europa, he feels that Patrick Casey and other IE leadership drove the organization into the ground. He was demoralized after cville and wasn't interested in joining any groups until he found us.

Q5: He found our organization in 2020 but did not look closely at it. Our Philadelphia demonstration piqued his interest further, and our recent D.C. demonstration pushed him over the edge to joining. He felt that we were organized and safe enough to join despite his hesitations since Charlottesville.

Q6: Opposed to Civic Nationalism. CivNats refuse to consider identitarian issues as valid and it affects their worldview, their worldview is invalid because they don't consider race. Migratory foreigners cannot become American regardless of conditioning. There is an ethnic component to being an American because the founding fathers intended for America to be a state for Europeans. It is evident in the writing of the founders that they were not civnats.

Q7: Family has been in America for at least 4 generations. They came from Ireland and arrived in NYC for work in the early 1800s. Not certain how long his mother's side has been in America but he estimated 3-4 generations, they come from Sweden. Describes self ethnically as "White American".

Q8: He was a member of Identity Europa where he went by "Phillip Smith" or "Phil SC". He attended Richard Spencer's speech at Auburn university in spring of 2017. He went to a free speech rally in July of 2017 where civnats and alt-right had a dispute. He met Patrick Casey for the first time at the free speech rally, Casey asked him to consider joining IE. In August he attended the Unite the Right rally in 2017. Shortly after UTR he joined IE. He did a couple of banner drops in D.C. and attended a demonstration at the South African embassy in D.C. with IE. Has never been doxxed.

Q9: The use of violence is justified in defense of life. Also justified in defense of your home in limited circumstances. Anything beyond that is only justified when "civil order has completely broken down." Under normal circumstances, violence is only justified when defending from a serious attack. We are not currently in a situation that would require violence. Understands and agrees to violence statement.

Q10: Has not been involved in a physical confrontation since high school. He was shot at in the military, though.

Q11: Works full time. Has some family commitments but he is generally flexible. Estimates he is free about 20 hours per week. Schedule would allow for weekly meetings provided it is not during work hours.

Q12: The biggest threat to America right now is "the general apathy of people" and a culture that pushes people towards apathy. Entertainment encourages apathy.

Q13: Mostly gets his information from news outlets similar to RT, sometimes listens to TRS podcasts. On telegram he follows Eric Striker, Mike Peinovich, Russia Today, Glen Greenwald.