Message from @Deadbeat Radio

Discord ID: 663110924378308618

2020-01-03 22:34:15 UTC  

I'll but them from you

2020-01-03 22:34:17 UTC  


2020-01-03 22:41:53 UTC  

Eeew fuck, a dead horse? Does anybody around your area know about it?

2020-01-04 02:25:54 UTC  

@Trash Squid im keeping the skull for a shrine to the dirt gods of the forest

2020-01-04 02:53:35 UTC  
2020-01-04 02:55:01 UTC  


2020-01-04 02:58:08 UTC  

yeah, you're boutta enter real spooky hours dawg

2020-01-04 02:58:57 UTC  

Fuck it

2020-01-04 02:59:05 UTC  

dirt shaman

2020-01-04 02:59:25 UTC  

just burn some sage or some shit like a hippy, should do the trick

2020-01-04 03:00:02 UTC  


2020-01-04 08:02:24 UTC  

Fuck I wanted to make it a mask

2020-01-04 19:59:38 UTC

2020-01-04 19:59:49 UTC

2020-01-04 20:00:00 UTC

2020-01-04 20:00:17 UTC

2020-01-04 20:00:41 UTC  

North florida woods sending some luv

2020-01-04 20:02:46 UTC  

Holy fuck

2020-01-04 20:05:25 UTC  

Noce harvest

2020-01-04 20:05:39 UTC  

*foraging time*

2020-01-04 20:06:04 UTC  

@/K/aptainBlastin what kind of mushrooms are thise?

2020-01-04 20:10:15 UTC  

amanita persicina

2020-01-04 20:11:05 UTC  

a variant of the amanita muscaria, the fly agaric. the mushroom our Christmas lore and shaman lore comes from.

2020-01-04 20:12:33 UTC  

@Deadbeat Radio they are hallucinogenic/ deliriant. they are poisonous but not deadly if they are not processed correctly. the better you process the better they are for medicine. if you boil them thoroughly they are safe and non hallucinogenic so they become a good food source

2020-01-04 20:13:52 UTC  

@Deadbeat Radio its the original Soma drug

2020-01-04 20:14:30 UTC  

@Deadbeat Radio also the mushrooms the Viking berserkers used

2020-01-04 20:16:14 UTC

2020-01-04 20:16:36 UTC  

@/K/aptainBlastin do I've heard. Interesting that they grow in Florida.

2020-01-04 20:16:48 UTC  

@/K/aptainBlastin are you a wizard?

2020-01-04 20:17:04 UTC  

im at the very southern most point of their range.

2020-01-04 20:17:10 UTC  

no i am not a wizard

2020-01-04 20:17:26 UTC  

@/K/aptainBlastin? Are they in georgia then?

2020-01-04 20:17:43 UTC  

[Need to know more intensifies]

2020-01-04 20:18:16 UTC  

yes they are

2020-01-04 20:19:41 UTC  

they are found in thick pine forest where oaks grow occasionally. the area needs to have a pine needle mulch covering the ground and it helps if the area holds water for one day after a good rain

2020-01-04 20:20:22 UTC  

youll want to look when it starts getting cold in nov/dec/jan 1-3 days after a good rain

2020-01-04 20:20:35 UTC  

they like to grow next to foot trails and dirt roads

2020-01-04 20:21:24 UTC  

they grow along the edge of major highways too, i see them driving on i10 all the time

2020-01-04 20:22:06 UTC  

I'll keep a lookout. Truth be told I was interested in this stuff along time ago. I have found american genseng once before here in the mountains. The south is full of medicinal plants. Also I'm near alot of cow pastures.... so take that for what you will

2020-01-04 20:22:10 UTC  

when driving along back highways where pines grow up to the road, keep your eyes pinned at the edge of the pine

2020-01-04 20:22:40 UTC  

mana is a blessing